Saturday, September 17, 2011


WoW!!! I have been working my tail off lately!! I did a wonderful show in Mentone, AL and another wonderful show in Athens, AL..Both went extremely well, and I got to enjoy the company of many, many friends that I hardly ever see otherwise!! It was so good to see all my friends and returning customers!! I appreciate the constant support of my art! Thank you!!

Next on the art show schedule is NORCROSS ART FEST!! This is an invitation only show on the outskirts of Atlanta. It is a specific kind of show, for WHIMSICAL ART. So, if you like happy, bright, colorful art--you don't want to miss it!! Come out, and support the artist!! It's OCT. 1st and 2nd. Hope to see you there!!!

Two weeks after it, we will be doing the KENTUCK ART SHOW!! It's in Tuscaloosa, Alabama and is sure to be the best show EVER!! I was on the wait list, and due to an artist cancellation, we got in. This is so HUGE for me!! I cannot wait!!!

Other than preparing for these two shows, nothing much is happening here. The little dog that had come here to live, ran away, and I have missed him terribly..but, really it is just WORK WORK WORK for Nature Boy and me!!! Speaking of which..I need to get busy!! Live Artfully!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011


WOW. I got busy yesterday! Then, I got busy today--but, all of these were done yesterday..That's about time to to work, work, work....Live Artfully!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Painted this tonight. I started out with an abstract, and thought it needed "more"...this was the final result! I am so excited for the shows that we have coming!  Welll...that is about it..Live Artfully!!

Friday, August 5, 2011


Well..we are into August, and I am moving along on getting ready for fall shows. I have painted 3 new paintings, and sold TWO of, I am one ahead!

Last night was rather exciting. My daughter and her boyfriend, went to Las Vegas, and got married in the Doo Wop Wedding Chapel. It was a wedding chapel decorated like a 1950's turquoise. It was so adorable. My daughter had a beautiful green dress with a black jacket, leopard print shoes, and she looked BEAUTIFUL! She married her best friend from high school. He's been a rock for her as she was growing up, and I cannot believe that he is now my SON-IN-LAW.  Nature Boy and I got to watch the entire ceremony on web cam...::::Smile::: Leave it to my child to have a cool wedding!! So..that's my excitement for this week..
Live Artfully!

Sunday, July 31, 2011


Ok..This is today's work--ALL day..repainted so many times that I felt like throwing it in the garbage. It was a still life, a dog (which Nature Boy said looked like a rabbit), then two different women. I was in the process of covering the last woman when this emerged. I like it ok. Geesh..I hate days like this...where nothing works!!

Other than that..I played with the dog. He is SO FUNNY. He'll go running after something or nothing, then I whistle and he runs back as fast as he can. Then he'd run after his imaginary friend, running as hard as his little short legs would take him, then I would whistle...this went on for a while...hahahah..He's so pooped out--that he's been sound asleep on the porch for HOURS.

Well..I think it's time for bed. Live Artfully!!