Monday, May 11, 2015


Well, we did the Gumtree Festival in Tupelo, MS this weekend..and Tupelo did not disappoint me!! First of all..I came home almost SIX pounds thinner!! WOOHOOOOOO!! I know that it will take about 2 weeks for it to actually SHOW up as weight loss, but that is how the human body works. I walked so much!

Ok..It was HOT this weekend. I'm talking about 90-95 degrees hot..I wore black clothing both days (Granted, not the smartest thing to do), BUT..It did not bother me...AT ALL. I did not get tired, I did not SWEAT, I've lost almost 60 pounds, and WHAT A HUGE DIFFERENCE that makes. I was even able to help Nature Boy take the tent and work down without any discomfort!!! AMAZING DIFFERENCES!!

Anyway..back to the show. This is the FIRST time that I have went to a show, and prayed that I DID NOT SELL anything. After the almost sell out show in Troy, AL...and painting like crazy for two weeks...AND having another show in a week..I really wish that I had not sold anything..BUT, that was not the case...We started with 8 grid walls, and my normal 7 grey Pro-panel walls...and on Sunday morning, I had sold enough art to completely remove the grid walls, and have Nature Boy put them in the van...So, I think I sold way more than I was comfortable with losing, and must start in about an hour, and paint like a crazy person..

I am counting the money that I make differently this year..I am not saying I made XXX amount..I am taking the amount of money in my pocket when we leave the house, and at the end of the shows..I am taking that same amount out of the money before I count what we made. If I leave the house with $500, and then pay cash for our hotel room (-$200 plus)..and gas for the trip, and food for the road..etc..then saying to myself  "OH..I made XXX amount of money..then it doesn't give you a true amount of PROFIT....So..You must subtract expenses first..THEN count the money made. How much I make isn't important, only PROFIT is..I also am substracting the show cost off of that. This way..If I do not make close to a thousand in PROFIT, then I will know not to do the show again..

All in all..Gumtree was as good as ever..My only complaint was the heat..the rest of the show was great!! Thank you Tupelo and Gumtree for ANOTHER GREAT YEAR!! See you in 2016!!

Live Artfully!!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Monday, April 27, 2015


WOW!! What a weekend!! We arrived in Troy on Friday night, reunited with friends, and set up our tent..Set up was pretty uneventful..just nice and leisurely..Went to the hotel..which was a little ways down the road, because I forgot to make hotel reservations until 2 days before the art show! Turned out to be a blessing because it was FANTASTIC..the people at the hotel were AWESOME!! You can just rarely go wrong with Hampton Inns!! Anyway...

Saturday morning we hung our art..and waited for the show to start..and the BOTTOM FELL OUT..Goodness..It was a huge downpour..our tent got about a foot of water in it..the city workers had to come out (in the rain), and unclogged the drainage thingie..but, the rain left..the booth floor dried out, and all was right in our world!!

We went on to have a STELLAR show..Troyfest is truly one of my FAVORITE shows to do each year. The artist are simply treated like ROYALTY...There is so much friendliness, and love in this show. The people that put it on are the BEST!! It was a fantastic Saturday..and after the went very well..until almost the end, when ANOTHER HUGE thunderstorm got us..and this one threw us for a loop..Several tents were damaged..and the Troyfest staff worked hard out in the storm to help the artist. Chuck and I zipped up our tent, and at one point, I was holding the center and hanging onto the bars over my head so that it would not blow away..We were lucky..we had 2 pieces damaged..and they are repairable..but, it was bad..We finally made it out of the tent, and to our van. After that..I went back and got one of my friends...she had been in her tent through the whole storm..and we made it to the Awards dinner.

The Awards dinner was pork and chicken barbeque! It was delicious!! They had all kinds of good food..I only ate the meat..and stayed on my diet, I was happy!! Then the awards were announced! I won the prestigious JEAN LAKE FOLK ART AWARD, which came with $500!! What an amazing BLESSING!! I feel so unworthy..but, LOVED winning it!!

We went back to the hotel after the a great night's rest, and went back to Troyfest on Sunday. It was a BEAUTIFUL day!! Sunny, bright, hot..and I LOVED it. It was never TOO was perfect!!

I came as close as I have ever come to having a SOLD out show..I had about 10 paintings left at the end of Troyfest!! Just a bunch of amazing people!!

My uncle came from Pensacola, FL to see us..That was a joy!! He is recently retired..and he was so happy, relaxed..and such a part of my inner heart. I love that he came!!

We went home on Sunday after a lot of hugs. Generally, I saw a lot of wonderful friends and family, had a great show (despite the rain), and won an award, stayed on my diet..lost 5 more pounds...ALL IN ALL...A PERFECT WEEKEND.

Our next stop is the GUMTREE FESTIVAL in TUPELO, MS!! I must work like I have never worked before..having 10 paintings is NOT near enough!!

Live Artfully!!

Monday, March 30, 2015


Hello!! This weekend, I was at a small show in Prattville, AL...and even though it was cold most of the day, it was a fun time (after we FINALLY got a hotel that would cooperate with me)...We met a lot of nice people..made a bit of $$$, sold some art, and won 1st place in 2D!! Thank you Prattville..You were wonderful 4 years ago, and you were wonderful this year!! My aunt came from Montgomery, AL, and surprised me by bringing my aunt all the way from Pensacola, FL. They came bearing uncle sent me a TON of canvases!! In all shapes and sizes!! Now if I could just get him to buy me a thousand dollars worth of paint..hahaha. Anyway..other than it being chilly all turned out to be a good little show. I met a couple of people that I have known from online..that was cool! Next on the agenda is Alpharetta Streetfest in Alpharetta, GA.

Live Artfully!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


You know..Life is funny sometimes. You make get your hopes up..and along comes a freak ice storm, and you become frozen in the house for days..Good-bye PLANS...Good-bye hopes...Hello..cold, miserable ice..Well..That is exactly what happened on Thursday of last week..maybe Wednesday..Yes, I think it was Wednesday..ANYWAY--I had applied and been accepted into a small folky show in Alabama, called The Jerry Brown Festival..and it was going to be our first show of the season..(I KNOW I said I wasn't going to apply to any shows..but, a few weeks ago, I was visited by an Art Fairy Godmother..and so, scrambling, I was able to get a couple of shows in for spring)..Well..actually 7 shows in for spring..but, who is counting??

SO..Wednesday came and brought with it over an inch of hard ice on our street. I live wayyyyyy up on a, it's much worse up here. My husband figured that it would not thaw in time to drive to the show and set up on Friday, so, unfortunately (I thought at the time), I cancelled the show. I moped around a couple of hours..Then..THEN..THEN..I got news that I got ACCEPTED into one of the best shows in the COUNTRY!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! :::HAPPY DANCE:::::I will tell you all about it later..It's not a secret, but it is a long way off...

I was planning to make a small bit of money at Jerry know, a few hundred..I was not expecting much..It is a small show..but, I was looking forward to making money. That was not going to happen with us not going..I woke up on Saturday morning, and decided to hold my own online "art show"..and WOW!! Thank you Lord for all the people on my Facebook!! They REALLY came through for me. I ended up selling a total of 13 paintings!! Thank you ALL so much!!, those two things made for a GREAT WEEKEND...But, THERE IS MORE! (This "weekend" in this story runs from the freeze on Wednesday until yesterday). I was trying on clothes, playing an adult version of "dress up", and I pulled out the dress that I got married in. It has not fit since I bought it in 2002. Seriously..The last time I put it on..It would not even go over my shoulders..WELL..yesterday..(totally expecting another too tight outfit), I put it on..and IT FIT..IT didn't just fit..It fit BEAUTIFULLY. PERFECTLY. WONDERFULLY!!!! A perfect ending to a perfect weekend..the one that I got frozen into.

Live Artfully!!

Thursday, January 22, 2015


PANCAKES ROCK!! On Jan. 1, 2015..I couldn't even come close to buttoning this shirt up..There was a gap that just would not close..TODAY--22 days later-- HERE IT IS..BUTTONED...I had bought this denim duster on Ebay a couple of months ago, with the vision of hand-painting it, and wearing it to art shows...(which I have not applied to this year so far, but figure that I will do art shows one day)...and when I got it..It did not fit. I could have worn it open, but it still would have not "fit"..NOW..I can wear it open and it will hang properly. Ok..sorry to bore you all to death ..but, weight loss is serious business!! hahaha.

Live Artfully!!

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


Well..The new year has brought about a change within me...I am trying new things..some simple..some not so simple..Some have turned out awesome...some..Well..I still have a lot to learn..hahaha. This year, I have mastered pancakes..which I am now burnt out on, and may never eat another one as long as I live..I have made peanut butter bread..which Nature Boy loved, but me, not so much. I really cannot stand peanut butter..I have made cheesecakes..(Notice that that word is plural)...Still haven't mastered them. I ate one last night with a spoon, because it was soup...Then tonight I cooked  my first spaghetti squash..It was delicious! I topped it with grass-fed Irish butter, half of a chicken breast, pepperonis, and cheese. I loved the way it made "noodles"...I am going to keep trying to cook new things...I'm thinking maybe lasagna next...Who knows?? I'm really not a "foodie" type person...and do not want to become one...but, cooking is somewhat therapeutic.

On to other things...Nature Boy and I have started preparing for shows. The first one is in April, I think. I have been painting and have a few new pieces set back for inventory..Not showing any of them until they are shown to the public at shows. I will show you this one though..It was a commission for Christmas, and it was awesome fun to do!! Though I have to admit, I was a bit intimidated when the young man was listing all these animals that he wanted in this picture. Hahahha..But, as I started working on it..It came together. I should do more farm scenes!

Well...I'm off to paint..and paint..and paint some more!! Live Artfully..

Saturday, January 10, 2015


I have a new addiction!! Yes! Pancakes. I have been eating them every day, sometimes twice a day! I don't make them very pretty, but they sure do taste good!! A friend of mine, while teasing me about them..and my new love affair with them..Sent me this photo..I'll take the title of Pancake Queen!! hahahaha.

On the artistic front..I'm still working on pre-Christmas commissions...the ones that were not for Christmas gifts...I should be finishing all of those up this week, hopefully..and then it's time to PAINT!

Nature Boy and I are huddled in for the winter, trying to keep's been COLD..I don't seem to mind it as much this year. I love days like today where it is really cold, and the sunshine is shining bright.It's a glorious day!!

Well..I'm traveling today..going to visit a friend, and going out to lunch..So..
Live Artfully!!

Monday, January 5, 2015


Good Happy Morning!! It is a glorious BEAUTIFUL day at the Buckner household. It is so cold that I cannot feel my feet..but, I am way too lazy to go get socks...So..sitting here freezing..but, actually feeling GREAT about it!! Hahaha.

OK..I got this book..It's called something like 1001 Writing Prompts or something or another..It was a free Kindle book that I thought would be fun..because when I am working on my art journal, I never have anything to say..and when I sit down to write..I never have anything to write about. So..anyway..the first prompt was something along the lines of ..Pick your favorite childhood toy, and write about it..Where is now, what significance did it have to you?

ARE YOU SERIOUS? I just turned 50..cannot remember what I did yesterday, or what I am suppose to do tomorrow, and they want me to remember a toy from childhood. Ain't gonna happen!! But, I tried. I sat here, and I thought, and I thought..puffs of smoke started coming out of my ears, and I thought some more..Nothing. Not one single memory of one single toy. All I got was blank space..I know that I carried a tiger doll around for a few years, but this is what I have been told..not what I remember...after that..I don't think I become attached to material things. I have never been attached to material things, and I'm still not.

I think it comes from always having an abundance of everything. I had so much as a child. I was raised by my grandparents, and their children (my aunts and uncles) were all grown by the time that I came along, and well..they spoiled me rotten. I had anything I could want and more. The times that my grandmother gave my toys away to the church, I knew that more would come along soon. I always had the most presents under the Christmas tree, and all my aunts and uncles bought things for me throughout the year...yes, I was spoiled.

On top of that..when my grandfather died, and then my best friend died..somewhere along the way, I decided that material possessions are just "things". It's just "stuff"..and I would have gladly given everything I owned to have one or both of those people returned to me. But, I digress, the writing prompt was about a toy..and I have covered that today.

Live Artfully!!

Saturday, January 3, 2015

DAY 3 of 2015...

I don't have any new work to show you , so I will show you something from the beginning of time. Not the beginning of all time, just the beginning of my time as an artist. This piece was done using coffee..Instant coffee..and glue, paper, paint, etc....I think the year was 2008 or 2009. It makes me think of  this piece:

Caged Bird

A free bird leaps
on the back of the wind   
and floats downstream   
till the current ends
and dips his wing
in the orange sun rays
and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks
down his narrow cage
can seldom see through
his bars of rage
his wings are clipped and   
his feet are tied
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings   
with a fearful trill   
of things unknown   
but longed for still   
and his tune is heard   
on the distant hill   
for the caged bird   
sings of freedom.

The free bird thinks of another breeze
and the trade winds soft through the sighing trees
and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn
and he names the sky his own

But a caged bird stands on the grave of dreams   
his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream   
his wings are clipped and his feet are tied   
so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings   
with a fearful trill   
of things unknown   
but longed for still   
and his tune is heard   
on the distant hill   
for the caged bird   
sings of freedom.
Maya Angelou, “Caged Bird” from Shaker, Why Don't You Sing? Copyright © 1983 by Maya Angelou. Used by permission of Random House, Inc

It was a sad year. We lost a lot of  great people in 2014. I think Maya Angelou and Robin Williams bothered me the most. R.I.P. You two were great!

Anyway..I'm a big, fat failure this year! Now, don't take that wrong..I meant it in the "hahahah..I haven't kept one of my resolutions YET" way..not that I actually feel like a failure. I've never felt that I was a failure..BUT, I could work harder to at least do something on my 2015 RESOLUTION list!! Oh wait!!! I DID do a couple of them..(I just had to go reread them!). I have woke up early both days (not counting the first), I have walked on the treadmill, stayed on my diet plan, and consumed massive amounts of lemon water both days...AND..I did pray for my enemy and read a small bit of the BIBLE each day...Maybe, I'm doing MUCH better than I thought!! This might be the first year that I made REALISTIC goals!!! My goals usually include things like "I am going to scale Mt. Rushmore, I am going to paint 1000 paintings...etc, etc.."

I'm just rambling here...touching know. Now I am ready to write in my journal. It will be a written journal today..I bought a book on free-writing ideas..and am anxious to work through it. I would love to write a, maybe one day I will.

I've almost got all the Nov./Dec. commissions done, and shipped. I will be glad when they are through, and I can go back to painting what I want to for the year! I miss painting for ME..which is one of the major basis for me giving up art shows. You are constantly painting what you think will sell, and I just want some time to paint for ME...what I want. I need to branch out, and do some different things. One thing that I will be doing is 2 guitars and a banjo...I have total artistic freedom on them...I think they will be the first thing I work on when I am done with the commissions!

I'm completely out of things to say..
Live Artfully!!

Thursday, January 1, 2015


Well...2014 is over and done. I have to say that I am thankful to the good Lord above that it's over. It was not my best year. It also wasn't my worst year, and I have thousands of things to be grateful for in 2014.
We've had a couple of health scares (with Nature Boy) this year. Thankfully..they all turned out fine. We have had some horrible shows. Thankfully we had some FANTASTIC shows. I did not paint as much as I "should have"...Thankfully, I painted. A few good things happened in 2014--
1. The book that I was hired to illustrate became a published reality.
2. My daughter visited us this year. I hate that she lives so far away! I enjoyed the time we had though!
3. My life-long friend bought a house nearby. This is major, since he has lived in Los Angeles for most of our life. It is wonderful that he is once again part of my life, and I feel so blessed that he is!
4. I went home for a day. Doesn't seem like much, but we drove to Pensacola, FL...and I actually got to see almost EVERYONE from home that I dearly love within a short 24 hour period!
5. I revamped my clothes in 2014! By that..I mean I threw EVERYTHING OUT..and bought all new, artsy clothes!! I have felt GREAT about them!!
6. I TURNED 50!! THANKFULLY--I still feel like I'm in my late 30's, early 40's!!
7. I painted almost 300 ORIGINAL, ONE OF A KIND "Designs"....THANKFULLY.

I'm sure there is more. I am GRATEFUL for every day of 2014..but, like I said..I'm GRATEFUL that it's over.

So..onward I march...2015!! I have some things planned for this year.
1. I will find a way to get my new clothes line out there! I have been working on it for a year or so..and I really need to step it up, and get it out there!
2. Not so many shows. I am not going to be doing art shows to earn enough to do art shows. We have made this decision, and are looking at only doing 4-5 shows all year.
3. I have written, and in the process of illustrating a couple (Maybe MORE) children's books of my own. The first one is about "TOMMY AND TIMMY TURTLES ADVENTURES "....ALSO..I'll be illustrating one of Nature Boy's stories called "BIG DOG LITTLE DOG".!!
4. I will be making jewelry this year!! I may only make it for me and friends, but it is definitely something I want to do.
5. I will be making more ART DOLLS. The big, fancy kind.
6. I will be ART JOURNALING each day (Good Lord willing!).
7. I will be PAINTING A LOT. Hopefully, every day!!

There is more...but onto RESOLUTIONS!! (Sorry for the long, drawn out post!)
I always do's just ingrained into me to do this.. It's just something I DO...LOL.

1. To get up at 6am each morning. (I have already failed this one--I'll start tomorrow).
2. To walk on treadmill each morning for at least 10 minutes. (I have already failed this one--I'll start tomorrow).
3. To drink 30 ounces of lemon and/or apple cider vinegar water each morning BEFORE coffee.  (I have already failed this one--I'll start tomorrow).
4. To eat what is on my chosen diet plan, in an attempt to lose 100 pounds this year! (Stuck to this one..YAY ME!!)
5. To paint every day. At least one painting, if not more! (The day is still young..I might do this one today!)
6. To pray every day for my enemy, so that she will be happy and leave me the hell alone. (This goes for her friends and family that constantly harass me.)
7. To read the Bible every day.  (The day is still young..I might do this one today!) I don't have to read much, but I need to give a part of my day to the Good Lord above! I guess I want to work on my spiritual side.
8. To find an organization, and DONATE my art to help those that have less than I do. This will be my way of  "GIVING BACK".
9. To give at least 20 small pieces of art away to unsuspecting people, just to make them happier.
10. To write in my personal journal every day.

I guess that is enough. Do not want a list so long that I forgo all of them..hahaha..Oh yeah..NUMBER 11--TO PRATICE GRATITUDE in everything that I do..EVERY DAY.

I hope each of you have a wonderful, happy, fulfilling 2015. Know that I love you, and I care about you!! XXOO!

Live Artfully!


Friday, December 26, 2014


So..Christmas has come and gone! Nature Boy and I do not really "do" Christmas..we believe in the religious aspect of it, we like seeing the grandkids..but, we do not put up a tree, or decorations..mainly because's a lot of work..and I am too lazy to do it...But, THIS year..I was invited to one of my best friend's house on Christmas..and it was quite a surprise!!

We arrived, and I brought some food so that we could eat..and this man had went far beyond the call of friendship for us!! He had bought 3 stockings, and had taken the time to put our names on them in glitter..I thought that was the absolute sweetest thing that a person could do. At 50, I got a stocking with my name on it. It almost made me cry. For the rest of my days on this earth, I will treasure that stocking. A small gesture that really meant so much! He made one for himself, one for Chuck (Nature Boy), and one for me. THEN ...he filled them with TOYS!! I don't mean adult toys..I mean little kid toys!! It was fabulous! I got a stuffed monkey, a watercolor palette, a "tricky" worm (which we did not figure out), a huge plastic butcher knife..(which we all had fun pretending we were something off of Friday the 13th, or something)..a slinky, 2 metal diecast cars (one was a VW van!!), and some HUGE dollar sign pink glasses...It was so great!!

Then he started passing out gifts..He bought me modeling clay, and a puzzle, a book, a large bag of Stevia-In -Raw..REALLY cool things..THEN...THEN....

He bought me a TIARA!! My very own princess tiara!! Several weeks ago..he asked me about something..and I jokingly replied "Because I am a PRINCESS"...and he bought me a TIARA. It rocks. You might see me wearing out in public!!! hahahah.

There are 3 large presents left..He runs over and says..SANTA CAME TO SEE THE BUCKNERS!! LOL..One was a 9 cup Cruisinart Food Processor, a mixer, and a blender!! I CRIED!!

I have been trying to eat right, and was wanting to try out recipes..and all the recipes needed one or more of these things....NOW, I have them!! I'm so excited!! I have always been a bare basics kind of cook, but NOW I may move up to chef's status!!

So dear friend (you know who you are) a HUGE THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to you. I love you, and you MADE this the best Christmas EVER. Thank you for having such a generous kind heart, and for being my friend for 30 something years!! May we have many, many more Christmas' together!!

Live Artfully!!

Monday, December 1, 2014


Well, this past weekend, I hit a huge mile marker. I TURNED 50 years old. I think I am in shock. celebrate this passage, I have decided to write a letter to my younger self. You know--the "if I knew then what I know now" letter....First, a friend of mine sent me photos of me at that age. I loved receiving them (via the internet)..I did not know that any photos existed of me at the age of 17 or 18...I've never allowed pictures of myself to be taken..but, I digress....Here it goes.

Dear Suzan,

First, I must say that I love you. I didn't always love you, and probably pretty much bordered on hating you, but things and feelings change...and I DO LOVE YOU.

You surprisingly do not look like Quasimodo--which is how you always saw yourself. You are not ugly. I'm surprised that you never realized this. I know a lot of people told you that you were cute, pretty, beautiful, etc..but, in your youthful ignorance, you refused to believe them. YOU SHOULD HAVE. You would have spared yourself many, many tormented moments in your life. You should have spent more time believing in yourself, and your inner beauty, than the years of self-hatred that you felt.

Something else, YOU WERE GOOD ENOUGH. I know that you went through many, many years thinking you were not good enough..But, you WERE. Those good men you dumped because you didn't think you were good enough, you were. You were good enough for ALL of them. Anyone of them would have been blessed to have you, and to have the chance to love you, and be loved by you. The bad men that did you wrong, the ones that you thought you were "good enough" for..THEY were not good ENOUGH FOR YOU. You wasted many years on the losers out there...but, luckily you learned. You did better every time that you choose a boyfriend, after every relationship you did better. They prepared you for the real love from a real man in your life, and everything turns out wonderful.

I have to give you credit. You always stood your ground...and you were as resilient as a rubber ball. You lived your life on YOUR TERMS, and no one else's. This says a lot. You didn't succumb to pressure to be something that you weren't to make someone else happy. You did not always take the easy path, you did not always live by society's rules, but you did it YOUR WAY. For that, I am PROUD of you.

I know that you went through a lot of abuse at the hand's of your "father". You survived. You lived through it. It made you stronger. You didn't become a victim..for that I am PROUD of you. So many let abuse take their life from them. You fought it, and the feelings that it gave you. You overcame what was dished out to you, and realized it was your father that had problems, and not you. Same for the "mother" realized that she deserted you--and you basically owed her nothing. You left both of these parental figures in the dust, where they should have been left. Good for you!!

You were very fortunate. God continuously sent you the MOST AMAZING people to love you. Throughout your life, your friends became your backbone, your heart, and they kept you standing when you could not stand alone. I hope that you gave back to them, and loved them as much as they loved you. I know from experience that your friends are the major reason that you are who you are today.

You did some things wrong. ONE--you should have followed your dreams early on. When your family told you that ART would not make you a living, you should have told them to jump off the nearest pier into the deepest water, and you should have made ART. You should have followed every dream you had, and not listened to "family". They were WRONG. You were meant to be an artist, and you knew that for as long as you could form a complete thought...I'm PROUD of you for showing them that they were wrong. Good girl!!

Another thing that you did wrong, and I am not going to preach at you, but you most likely should have left the alcohol, and marijuana alone. They made you feel better for a few moments, but trust me..they created more problems than they were worth. You are lucky that it never went into the harder drugs..the ones that can steal your soul from you.

You did the best that you could with the cards that were dealt to you. You raised your child , maybe not in the perfect "June Cleaver" way, but you did the best that you could at the time. She grew up to be a wonderful human being. She turned out kind, strong, compassionate, smart, and able to stand on her own two feet through anything. She ends up making you very proud to be her mother. You will grow up to feel guilty about the time that you hit her with a broom though..(LOL).

All in all..even though your road was a hard was all worth it. It brought you to a really good place in life. You made it...and you WIN. I hope the rest of "our" journey is as productive and exciting as it has all been. I DO LOVE YOU,  Suzan

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


You can order my art on pillows, clocks, laptop covers, greeting cards, iphone covers, etc...

Sunday, November 9, 2014


Happy SUNDAY!! Today, I have spent most of the day preparing images for uploading to Society 6. You can now get my art as prints, or on pillows, clocks, phone cases..etc!! I have only started to upload, and only got as far as a couple of months into, you will see some oldies, but goodies!!! Just send me a note if there are any that you want up before Christmas.

I do have some friends that have ordered pillows from Society 6 -- and they are HAPPY with the quality of the material, and with the art reproduction..and anything that you are not happy with, you may send back for a refund!!


I hope you enjoy this!! They make great presents!!

Live Artfully!!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


Thank you to the Planet Weekly for using my artwork for the cover of this week's issue!!! You can get a copy of this in Northport or Tuscaloosa this week!

We are ready for a big show at Kentuck this week!!

Live Artfully!!

Monday, October 13, 2014


Well..after months of being afraid to put paint on someone's guitar, I FINALLY did it yesterday. I have stared at this instrument for months..and so scared that I would mess it up, and not have the knowledge to fix it...BUT--I have to deliver this piece back to it's owners in a week at the KENTUCK ART, I did it. I was going for a vintage-y, organic fit with the owner (who is a friend of mine), and I think that I achieved that. The top picture is before I added the little red bird on top of the neck..but, all in all ...I am happy with it. Hope you all like it...I have to go back to work now...busy, busy..preparing for the show.

Live Artfully!!