Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Well--our first half of the show season is winding down, and the weather is playing heck on my mental state. I have a tendency to hibernate in cold weather..thus justifying why the paintings have been few and far between...It has been a busy, busy half a year for us, and I can't believe that time is flying like it is! We have two more shows coming up..One in Mentone, Alabama...and the other is WHOFEST in Chattanooga. I wanted to do WhoFest, but was having to back out from lack of inventory, but since I left our last show due to our tent being vandalized..I had sufficient time to add to the inventory that I already had..and so...Chattanooga here we come!!

Besides those two shows, we will be doing ART ON MAIN in Madison, Alabama (weather permitting) on June 2nd from 4-8 pm. Hope you can come out to one of these events.

The other night we went to Mentone for a spaghetti dinner to help the tornado victims. It was fun, as we met up with some friends, and hung out while we ate. It was put on at the Wildflower Cafe in Mentone, and if you ever get a chance to eat's WONDERFUL. The absolute best food EVER! I am so happy that we can just jump in the van, and go whereever we want to..It's one of the benefits of being OLDER...and being semi-retired.

Well..that's about it..boring stuff.LOL. LIVE ARTFULLY!!

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Good Morning!! I have been working, working, working...and have a few paintings done for the show in Florence, AL this weekend! Maybe my booth won't look like an empty hole..LOL.We are at the end of the first half of my season--Last year, we sold throughout the summer..this year, I am taking 3 months off (except for one show) to paint for the fall shows...I am excited about being able to have time to work on painting, blogging, and business!

This weekend we will be doing the ARTS ALIVE FESTIVAL in Florence, AL. Next weekend we will be Mentone again for a show. Then we are done. I have some big shows coming up in the fall. I want to have fresh stuff.

Nothing much else is going on here..Sorry..I'm a bore..hahahha.
Live Artfully!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011


WOW! where is time going?? On April 27th, Alabama was hit with a gazillion tornadoes...we were very fortunate and blessed. The areas all around us are damaged and so sad...It has broke my heart to know what the people of Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, and others are going through. I pray for the areas nightly. Yesterday, we did an art show in Valleyhead, AL. There was massive destruction within 5 miles of us. It was a gathering of artist and we donated to help the victims of the storms. I wish that I could have given a million dollars more. The show was on a beautiful sheep farm called Sweet Seasons. It was very beautiful and peaceful, and a lot of my artist friends were there. We had a great day. 

This is what we saw all day...gorgeous green hills and wonderful sheep. The owner, Paulette Manning is an amazing woman..and she put on an excellent show!! Thank you Paulette! I can't wait until next year!!!

Going back a bit..the day after the storms hit, we went down to Troy, AL for a show. It was also a great show, and the highlight of that show was that my uncle came up from Pensacola, FL, and spent the weekend with us. My friend, visionary folk artist Brenda Davis was there also, and we had a blast! Brenda is a wonderful person, so if you ever get to meet her, tell her I said Hi!

HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! Today is Mother's Day. Kimberly (my daughter) sent me Godiva Chocolates...and called. I miss her so much! (I'm sure she doesn't miss me, as badly as I miss her!)..and Nature Boy took me to it was a wonderful day!! Hope all the mother's out there had a good one.

I am rambling..tired now..time for bed. LIVE ARTFULLY!!

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Do you hear it??? The clock is ticking, ticking, loud that I can only think of Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart"'s beating in my ears. I have painted 3 paintings this week so far--I have also sold 3 the clock ticking gets louder...we have to leave Friday morning to go to Troy, Alabama for a two day show..I have two large shows the two weeks following...I am down to 47 paintings....ARGGGHHHHHH !!! THE PRESSURE!!! I will be painting in the hotel room again, I'm sure...LOL..WHOOOHOOO..gotta love stress!! I fortunately work well under stress...

This past weekend we went and showed at the Mentone Earth Day. Other than a wonderful stained glass artist, I think  that I was the only artist out there. It was so good to see all of my Mentone friends after a long winter away from them. They are some of the nicest people that I have ever met, and I look forward to seeing them again soon!!

I got sick after the show in Pensacola..after 10 days of antibiotics, I think it must be Spring allergies..and I probably need some Benedryl or something. I am tired, with a scratchy throat..and am slightly itchy..I, like so many of my friends, must have a LOVE/HATE relationship with SPRING. I love the newly blossoming trees and flowers, and the birds building their nest, and all the animal babies that seem to come out of nowhere...I HATE the pollen..LOL

Anyway..back to the grindstone! LIVE ARTFULLY!!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Hello!! Yesterday was my baby's 24th birthday! I can't believe that she is that old, and has already done so much with her life!! I am very proud of you, and all that you are! I love you!!!

Well, ever since returning from Pensacola, FL..I have been in a pickle. First, I got sick..but, not really sick..but, my throat became painful, making swallowing hard...and my bronchial tubes became irritated. I think it was a combination of Florida pollen, and from an artist that set up across from us, that spray painted on his hanging paintings for two days. All I breathed for two days was spray paint. The man was asking $$$$ in the thousands..and I think he really cheapened himself by constantly adding spray paint to his work throughout the whole show.  Come on..BE PROFESSIONAL. If you wanted to work..then work on something that wasn't hanging in your booth for sale...geesh!!

Anyway, I went to the doctor for my throat, and she put me on antibiotics, and they have actually made me feel worse than I did before I went. The days of me not painting were ticking away, and hit the double digits. THEN..I began to feel like I was never going to paint again. This is a death sentence for a productive artist!! I am sure that Nature Boy has wanted to duct tape my mouth shut, because I have been whining that I would NEVER PAINT AGAIN..woooo is me....PITY PARTY ATTACK...Today..I painted a cow. I hated I painted it again. I ended up with the painting above. I still am not 100%..and I know the ONLY thing that is going to cure me is a good show. I came home from Prattville, AL, feeling all good and happy.(WONDERFUL PEOPLE there!)..Then went to Pensacola, and got my rear end kicked...and then had a horrible weekend last weekend...I NEED A GOOD SHOW!!!! So, this upcoming weekend, we are headed to the city of GUNTERSVILLE,AL. We will be doing the ART ON THE LAKE show. The weather is suppose to be pleasant, and maybe I can get my "artistic groove" back. It's such an emotional roller coaster...this life as an are marked by people's reaction to your work. If they react with's like they might as well take a knife, and give you a frontal least that's how I FEEL!

Ok..I will not subject you to any more of my whining..I can hide from Nature Boy and his duct tape, but if you ALL decide that I need it..I probably couldn't hide..hehehehe.
Live Artfully!!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Good Morning~!~ I don't have any pictures of this weekend...Sorry..The first picture is of the Nature Trail that is on the campus of the University of West Florida, where the art show was held. The show was fun, and I got to see a lot of my old friends!!

I had dinner on Thursday with my friend Kyle, and his new wife, Tammy. I have been friends with her on Facebook, and am so happy that I got to spend some time getting to know her. Kyle cooked the most amazing dinner!!! I think I need to hire him to give Nature Boy some cooking lessons!! It was great being over there, and seeing the kids, and John!

 My kindergarden through 5th grade best friend  (Melissa) came to see me!! OMG!! I love her!! She is a person whose light just shines through. You can see such joy and happiness emitting from her.We've known each other for ohhh..about 40 years now..maybe 41..It's so cool to think that she would come and see me!! Honestly..I think she looks the same as when we played Barbies together at the age of 6! 

My second grade teacher came to visit me. She is my adoptive ("heart" adoptive, not literally) mother. A great woman named Shirley. She had me in the first class that she ever taught..and later, she taught my daughter at the same school. Then, she retired. We probably drove her to that. I kept in touch with her all those years. The school was directly across the street from the house that I grew up in, and I did many, many bulletin boards for her throughout the years. Several of them were still being used when my daughter went there!!

My friends Theresa, Mitch and Anne (Theresa's mother) came also. This couple are some of the most amazing that I have ever met.  I met them when I was around 23, I was a new single mother, and had been a seriously abusive relationship for over a year. I had just gotten rid of my husband, had a tiny baby, and I met these two kids (they were around 18-20 years old at the time)..They were sent straight from God to me. They kinda took me under their wing, and did so many nice things for me. Including ..bringing me a truckload of wood to burn in my fireplace for winter..I am so happy that they are still happily married (25 years!), and STILL two of the nicest people that I have ever met. I remember Theresa telling me that my aura was yellow..and that I was afraid..LOL..Don't know why that has stuck in my head all these years....Theresa's mother came too!! It was so good for my heart to see them all again!! I love you guys!!

I stayed a few nights with my friend Linda, who has the best dog (and the worse cat) EVER!! It was so good to spend time with Linda. She has been a wonderful friend, and true confidant for years! I love her so much!! I have laughed with her --longer and harder--than with anyone that I have ever met. She was wonderful. I miss her so much now, and realize that I have missed her since I have been here. She needs to come live with me. Her dog's name was Zoie..and Nature Boy loved Zoie!! I think I can now convince him to let me get a small inside dog. Linda's cat was beautiful, but scary..LOL..every time that I walked hissed, and looked scary. I was seriously afraid it was going to eat my face...hahahaha.

My friend Sheri came by..and it was great to see her, and meet her daughter. She is the girl that I knew from high school in Pensacola, FL..but she was actually raised right down the street from where I live now!!! Her daughter reminds me of my own!! So Cool!

My elementary school teacher and her husband came by...I have also kept in touch with them through the years!!

Family came..and that was neat. For them to see me as an artist..not as the bratty child that I was most of my life!! Haahahah..

One of my buddies had a food vendor trailer at the show too! It was great seeing Jaimie, and meeting his wife and two kids!! Also, wonderful people. I tell you--I have been SO BLESSED with good friends my WHOLE LIFE. I thank God first for my daughter and husband, but then I thank him for all the people that he has brought into my life!!!!

Anyway--I got carried away...I forget that I am "Blogging" and not keeping a detailed LIFE forgive me if I rambled...

The show was pleasant, not the amount of buyers that I would have liked, but the care of the artist was outstanding!! The people in charge of the show went above and beyond to make sure that we were fed, and taken care of. They held an award dinner for us, and I won a Judge's Award! I got a beautiful white ribbon. Throughout the show--they brought a cart around with coffee, and donuts, fruit and chips for us. Thank you UWF Festival on the Green Organizers!!

One of the nights that we stayed in a hotel..
This is what we saw in a river/swamp area below us...LOL..Nature Boy was so excited!!! The hotel was high up, and I don't think that this alligator could have gotten in the parking lot..I thought it was extremely cool to see this AT OUR HOTEL though!!! LOL..
Live Artfully!!!!

Monday, March 28, 2011


Well..we did our first show of the season!! It was the Fountain City Arts Festival in Prattville, AL. We got up on Friday and drove down there..and thank God that we did, because it took us over 4 hours just to set up. But,let me start at the beginning..I got up Friday morning at 3am..put coffee on, and jumped on my new ellipitical excercise machine, and did about 2 minutes really fast. I was so proud of myself (until later that night-hahaha)..then life went on as normal until 9 am when we headed out. We drove down there, swung into our hotel, and paid for our room, then went to WHATABURGER!! OMG. I SO love, love, love Whataburger hamburgers, and we don't have one where we live, so that was REALLY the only reason that I chose this show, was that there was a Whataburger nearby...hahaha. We get there, set up ...and finally get everything done (by now it's about 7:30 PM)--and we go back to hotel room..and then..that really fast 2 minutes on the hydraulic restistance excercise machine hits me..I could barely move..hahahha. I hurt from my head to my ate a banana and took some Aleve, and off to sleep we went..

We got back to the art show around 7 am. People started looking, and buying..I met Brenda Davis--a VERY prolific folk artist, and generally good person to laugh and talk with..and then the customers started coming..I made some sells..and my aunt came to visit me (she lives in Montgomery--which was about 15 minutes away)..and it's all going well...then at 2:15, the art show people come by, and say we are closing up early, and bad weather is on the way. We start to pack up, and these sirens start blaring. The "run to the shelter" kind of sirens..blaring continously..the sky is black and churning, and some lady is saying she sees a tornado..hahha.. Well..I looked. I didn't see a tornado, I had Nature Boy look..he didn't see a tornado..but, I am assuming since they are blasting us with these World War 2 sirens, then someone MUST have seen are shoving things into the van...(I seriously am praying that I did not destroy half of my inventory..sigh), and shoving and shoving..and the weather gets worse, the wind is whipping..we are all frantic...We finally get the last of everything picked up..we get in the van..we shut the doors..we take a deep breath..and.....THE SUN COMES OUT. It is a beautiful day. No wind, no rain..hahahaha. But..we did well..and met a new friend, and saw a couple of old ones, and met some that we will forever all in all-it was a good show.

So, we head home..we get to the interstate, and the exit is blocked by police. We pull into a store and find out that there is a 5 fatality car wreck and they have blocked off a section of the interstate. We head back to town and had dinner, then came back by..still we had to detour, so for 40 miles we drove 35-45 miles an hour with 600 cars behind us, and a million ahead of us...We get through that..and all goes smoothly..until we are on the last leg of our trip..we are on this section of road that is always the darkest, bumpiest road that I have ever been on, it's a state highway..and I hate it at night under the best of conditions..well, they had these concrete barrier walls up, and we had to drive on one lane under the worse thunderstorm that I have ever been on. I couldn't see, but there was nowhere to stop I just kept praying and praying, and after about 30 miles of this, we finally got to our exit. Then 40 minutes later, we were home safely! I have never been so happy to be home in my life!! Goodness!!

So..HERE WE home..We are Pensacola, FL bound this week!! I am very excited to be going "home", and to be doing a show there! I am not frantic about getting ready for it..I am not having to paint continously..and I am already packed. I have to pick up a few things today, and we will be ready to go!

Well..that is about all..a "not boring" weekend...and an exciting one coming up..then back home to get ready for the next show!
Live Artfully!!

Friday, March 25, 2011


Well..the day has come!! Tomorrow morning at 6AM, we will set up for the first art show of the season. We will be in Prattville, Alabama (on the outskirts of Montgomery, and about an hour outside of Birmingham) for the Fountain City Arts Festival!!! I am more than excited!! It has been a short, uneventful winter..and I am ready for some artsy people and events!! I need the people and the fuels my blood!!

We will be coming home from that show and then the next weekend, I will be going "HOME" to do a show in Pensacola, FL. Everyone is asking me if I am excited, and going to the beach. I AM VERY EXCITED to do a show in my home town, and see all of my old friends and some of my family..but, I am NOT going to the beach.

 I was raised on the beach..and went frequently in my youth, but I really haven't been out there since I was about 20..I find it B-O-R-I-N-G. I mean seriously boring (as BORING as always painting with Van Dyke Brown Boring--hahaha)!! Same old, same old...NOW,  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE swimming in the ocean...but, I don't feel that going into the ocean is safe any longer. Put me on a boat, a jet-ski, anything..and I am right there..but, going to the beach..walking or sticking my toe in the's a waste of my precious time and energy. Also, IF I went out to the beach, I'd be out there for 20 minutes, and I would be dark as night..and that is not good for your skin. I am one half Greek, and I tan is always funny to me that people go and go out to the beach, and they are still as pale and sick looking as if they had stayed inside all winter, on the couch, under a blanket. (NOT that there is ANYTHING wrong with hibernation--I support hibernation in any way that I can--hahah)SO..I will not be going to the beach..I WILL be finding exciting things to do, and seeing everyone that I can!! ALSO, my daughter and her wonderful boyfriend are coming up from Orlando, and so they will be in town too..I am WAY excited about that!!!!

This week has been a long one..First my computer fried itself..(Nature Boy's hands were on it when it fried..not laying blame, just saying..hahah)..After going 4 days without a computer, we went out and we bought the COOLEST one!!! It has a huge screen, and the screen holds everything. It has all the components in the monitor..So ALL we have is this huge flat screen, a wireless keyboard, and a wireless mouse..and it also has Windows7 on it (which I LOVE!!)..It's awesome! A little pricey, but with all the art and working on it that we do, I think it's way worth it. I have also decided to put a computer in the studio, and twice this week, we have went to look at them..and I just can't decide..I went today to look at laptops..but, I don't know if that is what I want, because I really can't see taking it around with me..the guy tried to sell me an IPAD..but I feel like that's not what I want either..I am leaning to another one of the big flat screens/wireless like we just bought, but is having TWO of them really necessary?? So, I put it off..two days in a row...and will decide when I get back..or maybe look around in Florida while I am there..

We also had the opportunity to buy an ellipitical (spelling???) excercise machine for a VERY low price..and I am now totally pysched about that! I was afraid at first--because I simply do not like movement UNDER my feet..(it has always freaked me out)..but, after Nature Boy jumped on it, and was dancing around on it..I was ok to get on it. It's going to be a good thing!! I got up this morning at 3..made my cup of coffee..and while the coffee was brewing, I got on the machine and "ran" on it until the coffee was done..LOL..I am happy that Nature Boy is joining me in the "get healthy" thing--I don't want to hit 50 in a FEW (4) years, and be hindered by heart health problems..if that happens, I might as well stop making art, and go sit my lazy rear on the beach.hahhaha. My next purchase is going to be a tread climber (have to save a bit for that), and a set of weights...

About the art--Well, I am a bit dissapointed in myself..I REALLY wanted a hundred pieces to start this season off, and I fell about 10 short. But..on the positive side..I have many, many more LARGE pieces than I have ever had in the past. I actually did OVER 100, since our last show in early December, but they kept selling and selling (NOT COMPLAINING!!--Thank you GOD!), I am actually leaving out with my goal a little short...I would have made it, but woke up about 3 days ago, and I was just TIRED of working..and I needed a break. I did work on a ton of backgrounds,if we have a good show this weekend, I can whip out more paintings for the Pensacola show.

That's about all..Wish me luck! Hugs to you all. Thank you for your continuous support!!
Live Artfully!!

Thursday, March 17, 2011


Whew..I almost had my butt kicked by this one..LOL. Sometimes abstract can be so hard!! I finally finished it with the lotus flowers..I kept knowing that something was missing, and couldn't figure out WHAT...Glad that ordeal is OVER..hahahah.

Nothing much going on here...cabin fever is setting in..come on March 26--I need a road trip!!
Live Artfully!!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Well..I took a day off..and then yesterday, I painted I am a slacker..LOL. The elephant is 12 x 24, and sold within minutes of posting..Thank you!! (You know who you are!).

Last night, I walked out on the porch, and stood a few moments..and when I turned around--saw that a house down the street was on fire (probably about 1/4 of mile down the road. I screamed "Oh My GOD!!" so loud that Nature Boy, who was putting a hanger on the back of a painting, literally TOSSED the painting...and came running. ( I didn't know he could move that fast!) LOL.  I called 9-1-1..(they had already been notified), but better safe than sorry. We stood out there and watched this HUGE fire for about an hour. They cut the electricity in our neighborhood, so there was no sense in going inside. We knew that no one lived in the we just stood out there and watched it. This morning, I got up and drove down there to see which house it was. I have to say that our volunteer fire department is WONDERFUL, because a large house burnt, and the two on either side of it (close together) did not look like they had any damage at all. Most of the houses on this road are far apart, but these 3 are really close..maybe a few feet  between them. (I am guessing that one person probably owns all 3???) I don't really know because I don't know the people on that end of the street. But anyway--no one lived in the big house--even though it was a nice house, least no one is homeless this morning, and it's not THAT tragic or anything. (Not being cold about it, but, you know...realistic about the situation).

Well, that was my little bit of excitement for the week. LOL. In one week and one day, we will be leaving for our first show this year. I am a nervous wreck..(always am)..but, at least I'll finally have something to blog about...hahahah.

I think today I might attempt something that has been ping-ponging around in my head for a while now. Nature Boy made me some 3 foot x 4 foot wood panels with cradled 2" sides..and I couldn't figure out what to paint that large. I think I am going to do a journal page painting..

Something like one of these (some old journal pages), except the entire thing will be hand-painted...and it'll be MEGA HUGE..Of course--I don't know if it'll work or not..or if I will get bored with it before I finish it..but, what the heck..anyway..
Live Artfully!!

Monday, March 14, 2011


Well..I certainly had a very productive weekend! I hope it went as well for all of you!! I painted yesterday from 10 am -- past midnight..I then played on the computer until 3am..then went to bed. I woke up 3 hours later..and here I sit..I am going back to soon as I finish this post.

I have been praying for Japan, and it's people. I have watched 20+ videos of the tsunami hitting them..and praying. It's so strange to see water doing damage of that magnitude. I have lived in Florida all of my life (until I met Nature Boy online about 10 years ago..), and I have seen what Mother Nature can do as far as damage. I have never seen damage like the Japan videos. The first ones that I saw..I sat there and saw water with a lot of was just washing over fields, and I said to myself..that doesn't look TOO bad..then, I realized that the "debris" was cars and houses, burning buildings, ships...and the depth of  water, and the severity of it all hit my brain. What shocked me the most was that 1. There were no people in the water, and 2. There were people standing on rooftops, and watching it all. Can you imagine..standing on a building, and watching all of that go on 15 feet below you.

Ok..I don't have anything else to say..I'm still exhausted from yesterday..Other than painting, the weekend was pretty uneventful..unless you count me cooking the BEST tasting ribs EVER yesterday as, I guess I'll close..hehehe.
Live Artfully!

Saturday, March 12, 2011


Hello!! It's 1:30 AM, and I am painting away.. this is all that I have done in the last few days--The fish is so cool. He's 12 inches x 48 inches...he was fun to do!! I am painting, painting, hopes that when we go to our first show down near Montgomery, AL that we can just take a couple of days off and go down to Florida, and have 3 days there before our second show. But, to pull this off--I have to have enough paintings to carry two full shows!! So, right now, I am the little engine that thinks she can. LOL..Ok..paint should be dry..more work to do..Cross  your fingers for me.
Live Artfully!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Whew..Sorry for the overload, but I had to delete the post that had several of these paintings because the blog messed I reloaded them (the ones at the bottom), and uploaded new ones...SO..that's it...
Live Artfully!