Monday, December 9, 2013


I am painting like crazy. Really no plan at the moment..just painting. I do not care what I paint. In a couple of weeks, I will get serious, and start a more structured group of work for shows, but I am just basically passing time. It has rained for days here, and it's cold..and I am wanting to hibernate. My life is (Thank God) extremely boring through the winter. It is my down time, my growth time, my rejuvenation time... Live Artfully!!

Saturday, November 9, 2013


Working, working...Goal..200 paintings before March...LOL. Live Artfully!!

Monday, November 4, 2013


Oh My!! I have become one of those lazy, worthless bloggers that never add anything to their blog..forgoing it and all it's glory for Facebook..(which I post to daily, almost) September the 26th--I have done a few shows. Had a great 3rd year at KENTUCK ART FESTIVAL in Northport, AL..The month of Oct. was a blur..and now..the season is over, and I am missing it..but, I definitely have a better plan for 2014!! I am painting now for it..and will paint hard and furious until my first show of the season which is in March, I believe. I hope to have a couple of hundred original paintings done by that time. Let's cross our fingers that I can pull it off. It will make my year so much easier, if I have some back inventory!!!

It's November..a month of thankful gratitude...I try every day to grateful for something, so I am not going to do it day by day just for the month of November..

Well..I will TRY to blog better in the near future..I am still a little brain-dead from the month of October, and really can't think right stay tuned..

Live Artfully!!

Thursday, September 26, 2013