The high school visit went wonderfully!! I gave a speech on Internet Marketing, and then on Collage to them. They asked questions, and I answered them. Then I gave them all a free domino pendant. They seemed very happy!!
The teacher wrote me and said that I had inspired them into their collage unit, so, I guess I did ok. I was really a nervous wreck--having never done anything like that before.
Sorry that I haven't been around. I have been in a mental collapse state of mind, and can't seem to function very well...COLD WEATHER does that to me. I can't stand it. I need to move to Tampa or Key West...or at least buy a winter home there...LOL.
I have been busy though. Setting up all the shows for this upcoming year, making decisions on which ones to try for, and finding a larger art market than the one that I was previously going to. The Artist Market (the one on Saturdays) was a nice enough place, but really the money wasn't there. It's like--"it was nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there", and at times it left me feeling uncomfortable, there was a lot of "family" drama going on, and who needs that? I am in Art to make a living, not walk around on eggshells, so that no one feels bad. I needed to find a large market with a lot of people (shoppers), and I did just that. Cross your fingers that I get in!!! I had to really sit, and focus on what shows I wanted to do this year also. I was thinking one a week!! (OMG--that is total insanity)..I always want to bite off a bit more than I can realistically chew, and I had to backtrack. I have to slow down, and FOCUS. I had to write my goals down, I think that I will start small on the shows, but I do have down to do some serious big ones in 2010. That will give me time to build a business, and build my stock up. Anyway..I am going back to creating, and probably with a vengence..LOL..I feel like my arms have been cut off..and feel SO out of the loop. NOT CREATING does that.
Live Artfully!
So glad you have some nice weather. I know how much you HATE the cold!!
It's been nice here for the past few days too. Can't wait to hear more about all the art shows.
Glad the school speech went well!!
Best of luck for this year.
Isn't the internet the hugest marketplace though? And there may be ways to... um, experience less drama since there's less direct contact? :D
♥ www.afiori.com ♥
I've been the same way lately...it must be the weird weather we Alabamians have had lately, huh? *shrug*
Maybe it will stay like it was today and we can both get to feeling better. Let's hope!!!
Peace & Love,
Can relate re biting off too much and not focusing! Lucky students...can you imagine being at school and having somebody come and talk to you about collage...it would have been heaven!
Good for you to bring inspiration to young students! I love your roses btw, even if they're from last spring. LOL! What kind are they? They're so frilly.
Best wishes on your future art shows. I have a strong feeling you're going to do very well.
Pretty pretty roses! I'm so glad the high school visit was a success! Sounds like everyone had a good time! The upcoming art shows sound very exciting and I am so happy for ya!! Can't wait to hear more about them. x0x
If you conveyed half as much enthusiasm in person as you do on your blog Suzan, I bet they were enthralled. What a fab thing to do! I love how you'Ve developed this business-persona - it totally rocks. You are such an inspiration!
Hugs, Rosie =)
OH and your DH is as yummy as his walking sticks - great painting!
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