Saturday, October 9, 2010


Hello!! I haven't posted in a while..haven't been in a good frame of mind. We did that show last weekend, and it was a complete flop--sold to two people...and actually spent more to do it, than anything. I am always so "down" after something like really messes with my head, and hurts my feelings. I guess that all artist have bad shows. So, I have been pouting all week, and only got 8 small paintings done for the Talk of the Town/ Beauty and the Beast Breast Cancer Awareness event (in Scottsboro, Alabama), and this one. This one is 16 x 32 and I love the way it turned out! Tomorrow it's off to the Chattanooga Market for "Cut-UP for LIFE", which is hairdressers cutting hair,and donating the money to help AIDS/HIV patients. I plan on getting this mop cut from my head first thing in the morning...hehehe.

I have lounged around and read books all week. I should have been painting for the COLORFEST FESTIVAL next week in Mentone, Alabama. It is a festival to celebrate the changing of the leaves, which are probably going to be amazingly beautiful!! I can't wait!! If you can't make it to Mentone next weekend---KENTUCK is also going on in Tuscaloosa, Alabama--I think it's just outside of there--Some of my FAVORITE artist are going to be there..Athlone Clarke, Michael Banks, Chris Beck (does AMAZING metal sculptures that look like clothing), Aaron Hequembourg, William Skrips (love, love, love his assemblage pieces!!), and Fleetwood Covington....I really wish that I was going..and that I had a million dollars, and a HUGE semi to fill, so that I could buy from all of these artist... Anyway..that's about it in my life. I hope you all are living Artfully!!! Hugs!!~~me~~


Martha from ilove2paint said...

Agh! Sorry about the show! But it's not your art, though it doesn't help to know, when things don't sell, right?
I wish I was there to visit the show too :o)

Sueann said...

Love your newest painting!! Sorry you show wasn't that's hoping the next ones are fantastic!

Kim Hambric said...

It does take a bit of time to heal. Healing time is not necessarily wasted time. Hope you have a good week!

Janet Ghio said...

I missed seeing posts from you lately! Who can figure out what the public wants--some shows I had in galleries sold out--others nada! Don't be discouraged. And when you don't feel like creating, just consider that you are rejuvenating--you can keep putting art out without taking a little time to fill up the well!!

Dogwood Paper Arts said...

Sorry you have a slow show. September and beginning of October always seem to be the shows that don't go so well. I quit going to a show in September because of sells...figured people were having to buy new school clothes and entries into school always cost so people don't seem to be spending on art as well as the rest of the year.

Sending you good wishes,

Giggles said...

Chin up Buttercup! You have amazing art. As a unique soul your art sets you apart, that doesn't mean your art isn't desirable, and beautiful. Money is held a little tighter these days, and some people are too darn mainstream! I love your art, finding you a real inspiration, you have a great style. Don't let this one art show damage your self-esteem! Even comedians have bad audiences at times! Carry on doing what you love! It will all work out when the time is right!

Anonymous said...

Suzan, perspective is key to making art, both in your work and in your head. Your work is not for everyone, but folks like me - and there are a LOT of folks like me - it is irresistable! Think of your unsuccessful show as a reprieve for your inventory. You don't have to paint like a wild woman this week. (I'll bet you do, anyway, though!)

Unknown said...

Someone said "every failure is a step toward success", or something like that. Hang in there and something good will happen soon.

risa said...

I am feeling the same "pain"/disappointment...just participated in my semi-annual open studio event and sales were nearly non-existent! Very discouraging! I am taking a few days too to lick my soup, spending time with my mom, enjoying the lovely fall weather...but soon, I'll be back in the studio!

Keep the faith...your work is awesome!

Dori Patrick said...

Bad shows are a bummer. It's totally okay to be in a little bitty funk after a bad show. But it sounds like you are moving on and moving up! Good for you! Love the painting in this post!

Sandy said...

If you didn't sell as much as you should, its because the people there just didn't 'get it'! Your painting are fantastic, and I am not an easy person to please!! I feel bad that you feel bad about the show. I guess once in awhile that has to happen. Be cheerful, bring the positive energy back (really does work) and 'go get'um girlfriend' at your next show!! Dazzle'um and delight'um and sell a bunch.
Remember, YOU and your work are AMAZING!

ShabbySheep said...

Sorry you're in a funk right now. It seems to stop creativity sometimes. I do love the painting you've posted.