Friday, December 26, 2014


So..Christmas has come and gone! Nature Boy and I do not really "do" Christmas..we believe in the religious aspect of it, we like seeing the grandkids..but, we do not put up a tree, or decorations..mainly because's a lot of work..and I am too lazy to do it...But, THIS year..I was invited to one of my best friend's house on Christmas..and it was quite a surprise!!

We arrived, and I brought some food so that we could eat..and this man had went far beyond the call of friendship for us!! He had bought 3 stockings, and had taken the time to put our names on them in glitter..I thought that was the absolute sweetest thing that a person could do. At 50, I got a stocking with my name on it. It almost made me cry. For the rest of my days on this earth, I will treasure that stocking. A small gesture that really meant so much! He made one for himself, one for Chuck (Nature Boy), and one for me. THEN ...he filled them with TOYS!! I don't mean adult toys..I mean little kid toys!! It was fabulous! I got a stuffed monkey, a watercolor palette, a "tricky" worm (which we did not figure out), a huge plastic butcher knife..(which we all had fun pretending we were something off of Friday the 13th, or something)..a slinky, 2 metal diecast cars (one was a VW van!!), and some HUGE dollar sign pink glasses...It was so great!!

Then he started passing out gifts..He bought me modeling clay, and a puzzle, a book, a large bag of Stevia-In -Raw..REALLY cool things..THEN...THEN....

He bought me a TIARA!! My very own princess tiara!! Several weeks ago..he asked me about something..and I jokingly replied "Because I am a PRINCESS"...and he bought me a TIARA. It rocks. You might see me wearing out in public!!! hahahah.

There are 3 large presents left..He runs over and says..SANTA CAME TO SEE THE BUCKNERS!! LOL..One was a 9 cup Cruisinart Food Processor, a mixer, and a blender!! I CRIED!!

I have been trying to eat right, and was wanting to try out recipes..and all the recipes needed one or more of these things....NOW, I have them!! I'm so excited!! I have always been a bare basics kind of cook, but NOW I may move up to chef's status!!

So dear friend (you know who you are) a HUGE THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to you. I love you, and you MADE this the best Christmas EVER. Thank you for having such a generous kind heart, and for being my friend for 30 something years!! May we have many, many more Christmas' together!!

Live Artfully!!


Sue Marrazzo Fine Art said...

What a NICE post!

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

What a wonderful friend!! So happy for you.

BlueRidgeLady said...

What a happy story, and such a thoughtful, and caring thing for your friend to do!! Loved it!

Janie Husband said...

Tears in my eyes.

Leanne E said...

So nice that he is near, and that you can all join together in friendship!! Blessings :)