Monday, January 5, 2015


Good Happy Morning!! It is a glorious BEAUTIFUL day at the Buckner household. It is so cold that I cannot feel my feet..but, I am way too lazy to go get socks...So..sitting here freezing..but, actually feeling GREAT about it!! Hahaha.

OK..I got this book..It's called something like 1001 Writing Prompts or something or another..It was a free Kindle book that I thought would be fun..because when I am working on my art journal, I never have anything to say..and when I sit down to write..I never have anything to write about. So..anyway..the first prompt was something along the lines of ..Pick your favorite childhood toy, and write about it..Where is now, what significance did it have to you?

ARE YOU SERIOUS? I just turned 50..cannot remember what I did yesterday, or what I am suppose to do tomorrow, and they want me to remember a toy from childhood. Ain't gonna happen!! But, I tried. I sat here, and I thought, and I thought..puffs of smoke started coming out of my ears, and I thought some more..Nothing. Not one single memory of one single toy. All I got was blank space..I know that I carried a tiger doll around for a few years, but this is what I have been told..not what I remember...after that..I don't think I become attached to material things. I have never been attached to material things, and I'm still not.

I think it comes from always having an abundance of everything. I had so much as a child. I was raised by my grandparents, and their children (my aunts and uncles) were all grown by the time that I came along, and well..they spoiled me rotten. I had anything I could want and more. The times that my grandmother gave my toys away to the church, I knew that more would come along soon. I always had the most presents under the Christmas tree, and all my aunts and uncles bought things for me throughout the year...yes, I was spoiled.

On top of that..when my grandfather died, and then my best friend died..somewhere along the way, I decided that material possessions are just "things". It's just "stuff"..and I would have gladly given everything I owned to have one or both of those people returned to me. But, I digress, the writing prompt was about a toy..and I have covered that today.

Live Artfully!!

1 comment:

Chrisy said...

Beautifully written Suzan...I give you an A!