Tuesday, March 10, 2015


You know..Life is funny sometimes. You make plans..you get your hopes up..and along comes a freak ice storm, and you become frozen in the house for days..Good-bye PLANS...Good-bye hopes...Hello..cold, miserable ice..Well..That is exactly what happened on Thursday of last week..maybe Wednesday..Yes, I think it was Wednesday..ANYWAY--I had applied and been accepted into a small folky show in Alabama, called The Jerry Brown Festival..and it was going to be our first show of the season..(I KNOW I said I wasn't going to apply to any shows..but, a few weeks ago, I was visited by an Art Fairy Godmother..and so, scrambling, I was able to get a couple of shows in for spring)..Well..actually 7 shows in for spring..but, who is counting??

SO..Wednesday came and brought with it over an inch of hard ice on our street. I live wayyyyyy up on a mountain..so, it's much worse up here. My husband figured that it would not thaw in time to drive to the show and set up on Friday, so, unfortunately (I thought at the time), I cancelled the show. I moped around a couple of hours..Then..THEN..THEN..I got news that I got ACCEPTED into one of the best shows in the COUNTRY!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! :::HAPPY DANCE:::::I will tell you all about it later..It's not a secret, but it is a long way off...

I was planning to make a small bit of money at Jerry Brown..you know, a few hundred..I was not expecting much..It is a small show..but, I was looking forward to making money. That was not going to happen with us not going..I woke up on Saturday morning, and decided to hold my own online "art show"..and WOW!! Thank you Lord for all the people on my Facebook!! They REALLY came through for me. I ended up selling a total of 13 paintings!! Thank you ALL so much!!

Ok..so, those two things made for a GREAT WEEKEND...But, THERE IS MORE! (This "weekend" in this story runs from the freeze on Wednesday until yesterday). I was trying on clothes, playing an adult version of "dress up", and I pulled out the dress that I got married in. It has not fit since I bought it in 2002. Seriously..The last time I put it on..It would not even go over my shoulders..WELL..yesterday..(totally expecting another too tight outfit), I put it on..and IT FIT..IT didn't just fit..It fit BEAUTIFULLY. PERFECTLY. WONDERFULLY!!!! A perfect ending to a perfect weekend..the one that I got frozen into.

Live Artfully!!


VickiA said...

THEN..THEN..I got news that I got ACCEPTED into one of the best shows in the COUNTRY!!! WOOOHOOOO!!! :::HAPPY DANCE:::::I will tell you all about it later..It's not a secret, but it is a long way off...
Now please let me know more so I can plan accordingly :)

Eclectic Works said...
