Saturday, June 20, 2015


WOW!! What a day! This painting took forever, but I am very happy with the results!! I'm always so happy when I finish something, especially something large..and I always need a nap afterwards..LOL..We are just sitting around here today, working..and piddling..and piddling and working..There are about 20 buzzards circling outside, and I am running back and forth from painting to watching them. There has to be a dead animal over where they are..I've never seen so many at one time.Fascinating birds!!

Yesterday, I cooked all day..I cooked chicken, potatoes, beans, pork steaks, beef liver, veggies and bread (which I threw away because it was DISGUSTING..LOL)..I'm good to go on the food front for the rest of the me more than plenty time to PAINT..

Not much else is going on..I'm painting..Nature Boy is photographing nature, and building us some raised garden boxes for an early fall crop of goodies...Can't wait for that!!

Life will be kind of boring until Sept., when I go back to doing shows...that is ok..I plan on working my tail off (literally) until then! Live Artfully!!

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