Sunday, February 22, 2009


The above picture is an old image that I either have, or have picked up somewhere. I have tried to paint it twice. I was going to use a paint-over technique that I read in Stampington. It was going to be fast and easy, and I would be able to have a cute painting...Well..the portrait (which surprised me, the way it came out) in my last post, and the moon man (work-in-progress) BOTH started out as this picture of two little girls. I lightened it in Photoshop, I tore around it, I glued it to my canvas...LOL..I didn't know what to say about the portrait in the last post. Technically, I used this technique..but, I ended up painting something different, and you see..the moon man doesn't look anything like what I started with either..LOL...I also tried this technique on the two blue men painting that I showed a week or so ago. I get frustrated that the painting isn't looking like I want it to, and take a brayer, and roll white paint over the entire thing, and's like POOF..I can paint. The other two paintings just flew out of me..this one is causing me distress..LOL...I see a blue naked lady under the watchful moon, but will not allow myself to paint a nude. (I personally don't like nudes). Sigh..the troubles of an artist..LOL...

Tonight, SHE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING and I went to see CORALINE in 3-D. The movie was good, and it was fun to spend time with SWKE..but, the seats in the theatre leaned back, and put me in a slouchy position, which drives me completely insane. It's one thing that I can't deal with. I want to sit straight up, shoulders against the back of the chair. I am the same way in a car. I want my seat, straight up, or I will be miserable. A tad bit of "too much information about my obsessiveness" for ya...LOL. On the other note, the movie was cool, and inspiring..I think I am going to make me some dragonflies, and attach them with string and clothespins around the studio--because I really liked them in the movie. SWKE was a joy! I miss her a lot!

Well, I am off to finish the painting, and make some clay something or another...I guess I will be up for a while, since I have already went to bed, and woke up (all before midnight)...

Live Artfully!


Chrisy said...

Well I never would have chosen the photo as being the basis for your painting! Like the textures very much. Haven't seen that movie but dragonflies are always appealing.

Barb Smith said...

I'd never have guessed that you started out with them as your basis. lol Now to see where you take your moon-man. lol

I can't wait to see Coraline...then I'll understand the dragonflies (which I love) connection.

Peace & Love,

Jazz said...

well, if she's blue she's not naked, eh?

Or something.

Terri Kahrs said...

It's just amazing how sometimes art just spontaneously evolves into a place that you never knew existed. You ALWAYS seem to work it out and come up with something fabulous!

Jodi Ohl said...

Interesting technique Suzan! I love hiding things in my background, but normally do it with paper and journaling. I might try using a photo for a new twist. :) Can't wait to see the finished piece!

Contessa Kris said...

Just stopping by to say hey. I most certainly did NOT tell anyone on my blog that you are a slow shipper. That would be a lie and I don't lie. ha I love your piece of art I bought! I just might be back for a new piece soon. I'm in love with this background you posted and wanted to click on it to see a close-up, thus looking into the mind of the great Suzan Buckner. But alas, it was not meant to be... clicked.

Contessa Kris said...

P.S. I enjoyed using 'thus' and 'alas'. I might need to do that more often. Gave me toe tingles. hehe Methinks too much Jane Austen lately? hmmm...

Lisa Bebi said...

wellllll, if you ever want some coaching on the "paintover" technique, just ask me!

generally, i don't put the main interest image on until i have completed all my fun doing a background. the last thing i do is the paintover part.
i really love the painting you just finished a couple of days ago.
lisa bebi

Constance said...

Wow- I got mesmerized with all your work! Holy moly- do you sleep??? Wonderful creativity!
I found you at 1000 Markets - I just joined a few days ago.
YOU helped inspire me for today and now it's time for BED! lolo
Keep it comin'!

Anonymous said...

I also see the naked woman...