Monday, March 23, 2009

GOOD MORNING!! ANOTHER PAINTING! AND Elizabeth Gilbert: A different way to think about creative genius!!

Well, this weekend absolutely flew by!! I can't believe that March is almost over, and April is right around the corner!! I have to get busy. I have a notebook of shows to apply for the year, and have to send in my forms and money. I am also trying to get into a weekly thingie, which should be very, very productive!! Cross your fingers!!

I have to go switch out my display at the retail store -- TALK OF THE TOWN -- today also. I am going to take some more paintings and things in. I want to keep the display fresh, and not keep trying to sell the same old things month after month...LOL..(I know it's only been 2 WEEKS). Also--if you love candles--you can order some of the owner's special ones--they smell FABULOUS!! He has designed the scents himself, and they are just MAGICAL!! They are called Heirloom .... total YUM!!

Petey woke me up at an ungodly hour this morning, and as my eyes FLEW open, and I realized that he was SOUND ASLEEP, I couldn't help but to laugh at him. He was howling like a his lol..We are a month away from having him 2 years now, wow--how times flies--and I can't help to think fondly of the changes that have occurred in him since that time. He went from being a scared, abused puppy that wouldn't even stick his nose in the front door to pratically living in the house. Now, he DEMANDS that we let him in, and gets pouty when we don't. He stays in every night, and has adopted a corner as his domain. The only downside to this--other than his DREAMING that he's a coyote, is HE SNORES. Good Gosh!! I mean like a freight train!! Luckily, he's like a man and if you tell him to hush, he rolls over and the snoring ceases..LOL.

Well, that's about it -- nothing new on the homefront..

Live Artfully!!

Also--if you have a minute--check this out!! (Hope this works--I have never put a video on here..and I am not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to videos..

Or here's the link--THIS IS WELL WORTH WATCHING!!


Sherry Goodloe said...

I love everything about your latest paint Suzan! Gotta go check out that link to the candles now . . . I LOVE a good smelling candle. My favorite combination is cinnamon and clove mixed. Ummmmmmmm, delicious.

Lara said...

Thank you for posting that video! I meant to watch it on TED last week and forgot. I loved it. When I was younger I would do creativity rituals in order to attract the "muses," and had forgotten.
With one of those delicious candles how can one not attract such energies!
Love your new work as always. Such a dream-like quality with your imagery.
xo Lara

Terri Kahrs said...

Your new pieces are so graphically awesome! Hugs!

Ingrid Dijkers said...

Outstanding video. Thanks for sharing. I truly enjoyed watching it.

My Vintage Studio said...

I found your blog this morning. Your artwork is beautiful! I hope you don't mind that I mentioned your blog on mine this morning. Sharon

Lorrie Grainger Abdo said...

Thanks for sharing the video and all of your artwork. Colors, colors, colors. That's why I come back. Just beautiful.

Lorrie Grainger Abdo

BT said...

Such a beautiful painting. Gorgeous.