Monday, March 2, 2009


Here's my latest, and last for a while..(or so I say..heheh)
Live Artfully!!


Unknown said...

Oh Suzan how really such a beautiful talent in so many things...I suspect in everything you do!!! I haven't seen one thing I didn't fall in love with..heheh!!!

House of Hullabaloo said...

I love them!!!!

Contessa Kris said...

Ohhh, I love the crowned one! So gorgeous!

Jazz said...

Love 'em... where do you get those heads.

Chrisy said...

I get quite excited every time I see that you've done a new post....waiting for the dolls! There's something so uplifting about them...thank you...

~*~Patty S said...

Big WOW on these fantastic creations! You've really got it going on = Love them!

Aimeslee Winans said...

Well now, Suzan, I came by here thinking I'd see journal pages, but it's dolls now. And very nice (if Goth) ones, too. Had to chuckle at the timeline, my DD grads then too, maybe I need one of those? Art on, girl, but please do a little journal page every once in a while, k? hope, hope... xoxo, Aimeslee

Tumble Fish Studio said...

Well, helloooooooo miss Suzan! I had a lot to read to catch up with you this morning. I am glad you took a blogging break conveniently while I was away so I didn't have so much to catch up on, but . . . You are a doll making queen! Holy moly! They are all different and beautiful and so fun to look at. It is so great to see you having so much fun with them and I know you are just going to keep growing as you do in all your work. I've missed you!