Wednesday, May 13, 2009


Good Morning!! I really don't know what happened to Monday, and Tuesday--but, I just woke up and realized it is Wednesday already. I was super worn down after Sunday Chattanooga Market. First of all--Petey (not the wonderdog today) dog, kept me awake all night Saturday. He was dreaming and snarling,biting and barking ALL NIGHT. I swear he's worse than a, I got about an hour of sleep, and got up, went to the Market (we are actually away from home for about 13 hours)..and came home, and went to bed. Monday, I was still tired. Yesterday, I moped around like I had lost my best friend, still tired, grumpy...blah, blah, blah...

Late last night, I finally did walk into the art room, and managed to do something. This block of wood was something that I had bought at that small art market that I use to do, and when I got it home, I couldn't stand it..but I liked it's basic shape. I had Nature Boy actually sand it, and I repainted on it. So, if you buy a piece of art (and I use this term loosely), in a moment of insanity--and you get it home--realize that it is crap...just sand it and paint over least then---you don't have to look at it..LOL.

The Market this weekend was HUGE. There was so many people there, it was unbelievable. I was very honored when a producer of a large Folk Art Festival came by my booth, and asked me to be in the festival. Sadly though, I had to say no to it, because I just don't have enough work left to do something that big, and with only two weeks till the festival--I didn't feel that I had enough time to do the work. I have been doing the Market for 3 weeks now, and did not expect to sale all that I have. I am down to a handfull of domino pendants, and HAVE to make more this week, but don't even know if I have time to do them. I am down to about 40 paintings left, and that includes about 20 of the small ones. I did send Nature Boy to Lowe's on Monday, to get me some different sizes of wood, and a sander, and he came home with a pile of wood blocks, and sanded them all for me. All I have to do is paint. It seems that I have been painting non-stop for weeks now. But, I am not complaining!! I am very HAPPY that stuff is flying out of our booth.

Well, that's about it--time to go to work!!!
Live Artfully!!


Jeanette Carlstrom said...

Love the polka dots.... probably since I am nuts about them. Have a nice rest of the week.

Jazz said...

Glad you're stuff is so popular. It's about time!

Terri Kahrs said...

What a feather in your cap to be asked to attend the Folk Festival! Am SO happy to hear that your work is flying out of your booth on "Tumblefish Wings"! Congrats on your well-deserved and hard earned success! Just remember to breathe every once in a while! LOL Hugs, Terri xoxoxo