Friday, May 15, 2009


Well..after some serious thinking, I think it's time for some changes here. I will opening my "other" blog strickly for art, and specifically for my newest venture of Folk Art. I will keep this one and keep it for Mixed Media, and Art Journaling---both of which I promise that I will get some done, plus FREEBIES and TUTORIALS.

This came to be because I am getting some serious Art offers, and I feel like I need a more professional image to present to the people that could further me along in the art adventure of my life. That, and I feel like I have lost a lot of you when I left mixed media and journaling behind (temporarily). When someone wants me for a show, or an exhibit, I feel it would be more beneficial to have a place to send them that focuses on my art, goals, and leaves out the Petey the Wonderdog adventures (especially the two-headed llama adventure..hehehe)....

Anyway--it'll basically stay the same HERE. Freebies and whatever comes to my mind. The good and the bad. I am just telling you about my "other" blog..(I'll let you know when it's ready) in case you want to visit that one too.

I appreciate all of you. You are all very dear to me, and I feel like I have neglected you. For that I am sorry. Things will get better around here. I promise.

Live Artfully!!


Terri Kahrs said...

Good for you, Susan! How nice that your folk art is being taken seriously and that you're being recognized for the great talent that you are! Will look forward to seeing your new blog! Have a super weekend! Terri xoxo

Seth said...

Change is good! So happy for you that you are building you career so effectively!

Sharon said...

You go girl!! I certainly understand. Make it "Buy" worthy. So you can make lots of $$$. I will still be here stalking your every move every day, and can't wait to check out your other site.

Jazz said...

Oh... this is gonna be good.

As for neglecting people - between the new blog and keeping yourself stocked for the market, i think there'll be some more neglecting goin' on. ;-)

But you know what? it's all good because you're finding your bliss. You are doing your thing and making a living at it. And that, Suzan dear, is absolutely fabulous.

Now, maybe you could send Petey to the post office ;-p

Luvya darling, keep knocking their socks off, You rool!