Monday, August 24, 2009


First--Some of the wonderful business cards I acquired at the show. I didn't get to see everyone, as I was partly busy in Paradise Gardens booth--but, I did get a few. (I will list all the sites at the end of the post.)

I didn't take any pictures at the show, so I borrowed from my new friend Tina, and artist Terrell Powell, from Austin, TX was nice enough to give me permission to his photos of the show.

This was one of my absolute favorite artist at the show. His name was William Skrips, an artist from New Jersey. You can see his website HERE. His work spoke to my soul, and I wanted every piece that he had. They were beyond wonderful! This man's work is completely awe-inspiring, breath-taking beautiful!
More of Mr.Skrips work--

These beautiful pieces are from Terrell Powell--the man nice enough to loan me his pictures.

This person's work was also one of my favorites..and has inspired me to try my hand at claywork. (Of course--this probably won't be in the near future, but maybe in a month or two).

Another of Terrell Powell's pieces.

This was the sign at the front door of the show.

This guy (I found out later) is actually from Chattanooga. He was the sweetest person to talk to. He does this awesome metal work, the "clothes" that you see hanging are actually made from rusted, painted metal. UNBELIEVABLE GREATNESS!! LOVED HIS WORK!! His name is Chris Beck, and you can see a few more of his pieces at WWW.CEBSTUFF.COM.
The man in yellow is called Mr. Imagination. He was super nice, and very interesting to talk to. He does the coolest faces with paint brushes, and much more!
I don't know who this artist is. He paints blue cats, and everyone was buying one--I think he has a wonderfully cute face..hehehe!
This man was SO COOL!! His name is Haint, and he does the most detailed, intricate work that I have ever seen in my life!! AMAZING.
This was part of our booth at the show. Half belonged to a woman named Tina (who was the other sweetie that allowed me to use her photos), and half was Paradise Gardens.
Some more of Paradise Gardens stuff..These are mostly Whitney Jones work, and you can see a bit of mine and Nature Boy's things at the edge of the photo.

Here's a very large Howard Finster piece. It was for sale in our booth.
The woman sitting in this picture is Whitney Jones. She owns and operates Paradise Gardens. This is such a rare shot. Whitney NEVER sits still! I have never seen any one person that goes and goes and goes like she does. She's so wonderful!! HI WHITNEY!!:::WAVING::::Thank you for allowing me to go to this show, and be a part of it!!!HUGS!!!!

This was one of the artist' trucks. She calls herself The Chicken Lady. Her truck was Cool!!
and here's Whitney's trailer. She painted it herself!!
Ok..this has taken me most of the morning, so I am gonna stop now. I will list some of the artist, and their websites and more later. I need to get busy now.
Live Artfully!!Suzan


Jazz said...

That is amazing. Oh how I wish I could have been there. I'm drooling over my keyboard as it is.

bockel24 said...

Thanks for showing all those pics, I wish I could have been there - must have been great fun!

Terri Kahrs said...

WOW, WOW, WOW! Awesome pics! Thanks SO much for sharing all of the eye candy and the memories too! Love your booth! Hugs, Terri

PS The Blue Cat Guy looks a lot like Willie Nelson!!! xoxo

Mary said...

I really wish I had gone back on Sunday to look around again!!! There was just too much wonderfulness to take in!!

Great pictures Suzan - thanks for sharing them!!

Diva Kreszl said...

I love how it turned out...looks like it was intentional!

Mary S. Hunt said...

thank you for taking me to this artshow!
looks like everyone was having a fabulous time...hope sales went well!

Anonymous said...

This is so cool, I am glad it was broken, you created an amazing creation out of it. How creative and thoughtful you are! Love it!

Ocean Lotus said...

Wow that looks like an amazing show so much fun, the colors and work and really it all looked like such happy art and the cast of characters - interesting indeed thanks for sharing!!

Seth said...

Thanks for the tour. What a great show and great artwork!