Sunday, February 21, 2010


Have any of you ever used Wordpress for your website?? If so, PLEASE email me, leave a long comment, call me...pigeon carrier me...anything. I think it might be cheaper than my current I can have the domain changed for, then it won't be Wordpress, but Did that make sense???? LOL.

ALSO..for all you blogspot bloggers..and I love blogspot, so I am keeping my two blogs on here...have you used the "PAGES" feature yet?? IT's wonderful!!!

I am eliminating some of my sidebar clutter, and putting up pages..(See above top post)...Goodness, it's a lot of work to maintain your life online!! I am also thinking of a MARKETING BLOG for you all to use. So many artist will not give you the juice on HOW TO SELL YOUR ART..I Will...and I will do it for free. I don't know EVERYTHING..but, have learned a thing or two this past year..MANY things I KNOW to do, but don't, because I am basically lazy...LOL


pinkglitterfae said...

haven't used Wordpress, I started with blogger since it seemed easiest, and have found it pretty simple to play with. Never heard of the pages feature though...
Your marketing blog sounds cool! Wouldn't it be nice to have a spot where people share information? I'm sure your readers would add their own comments to help others. I know I would.
looks like you are having fun playing with your blog today :-)

that girl, Mayo said...

Mark has a wordpress site. if you wanna check it out! LOVE you!

Crissi Harvey said...

pages feature on blogspot ? now where do i find that? would be so much better to organise can you point me in the right direction suzan ..please :-)

Katie Jeanne Wood said...

I used WP on my website, Suzan. Not sure what information you're looking for, exactly. If you need help, give a holler.

Sueann said...

A big hearty thank you for sharing!! Sorry! I can't answer your other questions.