Thursday, July 1, 2010


This painting is 12 x 12 acrylic on wood. It was fun! I was just pretty much watching TV, and wasting paint..dripping it on and smearing it around...and it turned into a very cool abstract...WELL..YOU ALL KNOW...that I couldn't be happy with, I added more paint, and when I did, it totally messed up the "look"...So, I took a big brush, and just brushed over the whole thing...Then I had  a disaster!!LOL. So, I quickly grabbed my spray water bottle, and squirted about a gallon of water on this piece..and I liked it once again!! I added the number 4's, and then the crow..and I like this piece A LOT. I REALLY LIKE DESTROYING THINGS..hehehhe. Well..that's about it...nothing much is going on..Life continues for some of us.
Live Artfully.


Unknown said...

Wow!! What an awesome painting...I really enjoy my visits to your blog!!

sjmcdowell said...


This painting is so vibrant and would perk up any room!!
Hey how about my room?? Lol

Have a Great 4th. of July!!


Sueann said...

I like this piece a lot too!!!

Anonymous said... the crow on wood...Sometimes we have happy "accident." What kind of wood do you use?

Paula Guhin said...

Not wasting paint at all, and how thrifty of you! You are my kinda artist! Cheep cheep cheep. Good work, my dear.
Paula at

Sunny K. Lee said...

Suzan I love this painting! I could tell that you were really enjoying painting this one.