Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Hello!! Wow..I hope you all had a wonderful, happy, romantic Valentine's Day! It is February the 15th.  I can't believe that winter is ALMOST over. It's what I am living for. I think my change in eating habits has been a good thing, since this year has not been as rough on me as the years before. I seem to be in a semi-cheerful mood these days...Usually, through the winter--I stay under the covers..but, I have actually been quite productive this year!

Here's THREE new paintings--they are all 12 x 24 inches (I LOVE THIS SIZE)..and they are all acrylics on wood.

We have been spring cleaning. The serious, scrub-everything-with-Pine-Sol kind of cleaning. I love the smell of Pine-Sol. Makes me think of my grandmother...We are emptying drawers, closets, boxes, and basically PURGING. Well..I am purging--Nature Boy is going behind me, and saying "Do we need this, won't you use this,..." I am of the mind-set that if I haven't used it in a year...I don't need it. It's so much easier to just throw everything away, and start fresh. I think it cleans out your mind to do this also. It's all material bullsh*t , anyway. I am not materialistic AT ALL. I see no reason to keep "things". Anyway, I love this time of year, and cleaning during this time. Spring always brings a new beginning.

Nature Boy is cutting dead tree limbs, and working on the yard. He's got a vision of cutting this one tree down..it's only about 30 feet tall...hahah. I think he better call a professional..we wouldn't want him flattened by a tree..not to mention that it's within 15 feet of my studio..and I would be mad if it landed in the middle of that. Of course, I would probably just push it aside, and keep working..hahah.

Well..that's about it...back to work..
Live Artfully!!


Artsnark said...

love these pieces!

Ayala Art said...

yummy paintings as always!

aprilmariecole.blogspot.com said...

Incredible artwork...
Thank you for sharing.
Your blending is wonderful.