Friday, March 25, 2011


Well..the day has come!! Tomorrow morning at 6AM, we will set up for the first art show of the season. We will be in Prattville, Alabama (on the outskirts of Montgomery, and about an hour outside of Birmingham) for the Fountain City Arts Festival!!! I am more than excited!! It has been a short, uneventful winter..and I am ready for some artsy people and events!! I need the people and the fuels my blood!!

We will be coming home from that show and then the next weekend, I will be going "HOME" to do a show in Pensacola, FL. Everyone is asking me if I am excited, and going to the beach. I AM VERY EXCITED to do a show in my home town, and see all of my old friends and some of my family..but, I am NOT going to the beach.

 I was raised on the beach..and went frequently in my youth, but I really haven't been out there since I was about 20..I find it B-O-R-I-N-G. I mean seriously boring (as BORING as always painting with Van Dyke Brown Boring--hahaha)!! Same old, same old...NOW,  I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE swimming in the ocean...but, I don't feel that going into the ocean is safe any longer. Put me on a boat, a jet-ski, anything..and I am right there..but, going to the beach..walking or sticking my toe in the's a waste of my precious time and energy. Also, IF I went out to the beach, I'd be out there for 20 minutes, and I would be dark as night..and that is not good for your skin. I am one half Greek, and I tan is always funny to me that people go and go out to the beach, and they are still as pale and sick looking as if they had stayed inside all winter, on the couch, under a blanket. (NOT that there is ANYTHING wrong with hibernation--I support hibernation in any way that I can--hahah)SO..I will not be going to the beach..I WILL be finding exciting things to do, and seeing everyone that I can!! ALSO, my daughter and her wonderful boyfriend are coming up from Orlando, and so they will be in town too..I am WAY excited about that!!!!

This week has been a long one..First my computer fried itself..(Nature Boy's hands were on it when it fried..not laying blame, just saying..hahah)..After going 4 days without a computer, we went out and we bought the COOLEST one!!! It has a huge screen, and the screen holds everything. It has all the components in the monitor..So ALL we have is this huge flat screen, a wireless keyboard, and a wireless mouse..and it also has Windows7 on it (which I LOVE!!)..It's awesome! A little pricey, but with all the art and working on it that we do, I think it's way worth it. I have also decided to put a computer in the studio, and twice this week, we have went to look at them..and I just can't decide..I went today to look at laptops..but, I don't know if that is what I want, because I really can't see taking it around with me..the guy tried to sell me an IPAD..but I feel like that's not what I want either..I am leaning to another one of the big flat screens/wireless like we just bought, but is having TWO of them really necessary?? So, I put it off..two days in a row...and will decide when I get back..or maybe look around in Florida while I am there..

We also had the opportunity to buy an ellipitical (spelling???) excercise machine for a VERY low price..and I am now totally pysched about that! I was afraid at first--because I simply do not like movement UNDER my feet..(it has always freaked me out)..but, after Nature Boy jumped on it, and was dancing around on it..I was ok to get on it. It's going to be a good thing!! I got up this morning at 3..made my cup of coffee..and while the coffee was brewing, I got on the machine and "ran" on it until the coffee was done..LOL..I am happy that Nature Boy is joining me in the "get healthy" thing--I don't want to hit 50 in a FEW (4) years, and be hindered by heart health problems..if that happens, I might as well stop making art, and go sit my lazy rear on the beach.hahhaha. My next purchase is going to be a tread climber (have to save a bit for that), and a set of weights...

About the art--Well, I am a bit dissapointed in myself..I REALLY wanted a hundred pieces to start this season off, and I fell about 10 short. But..on the positive side..I have many, many more LARGE pieces than I have ever had in the past. I actually did OVER 100, since our last show in early December, but they kept selling and selling (NOT COMPLAINING!!--Thank you GOD!), I am actually leaving out with my goal a little short...I would have made it, but woke up about 3 days ago, and I was just TIRED of working..and I needed a break. I did work on a ton of backgrounds,if we have a good show this weekend, I can whip out more paintings for the Pensacola show.

That's about all..Wish me luck! Hugs to you all. Thank you for your continuous support!!
Live Artfully!!


Johoanna Robson said...

What a lovely blog you have. Whoever did the layout is an absolute genius. I can relate about the beach. It's so boring. Good luck with your art shows. I wish here in Australia that we had all the wonderful art and craft shows that you have in the US. We seem so backward here in that sense.

Janet Ghio said...

Hope you sell lots of paintings! I love the latest dog with his tongue out and the bird.

Patrice said...

I wish I could go to your show!

Ayala Art said...

You did great... still like 90 ahead of me hahahaha ;o) said...

These paintings are great! Your hard work will pay off :]
Always enjoy your site. Thank you for sharing all that is you.

Lee Weber said...

Best of luck at the sale! I marvel at how much art you turn out- and each piece is so colorful!

I have a treadmill, collecting dust- but I just bought the Turbofire videos- no weights needed, because I can't just pick up and go to the gym with a 5 and 7 y.o. Good luck!

Jodi Ohl said...

Suzan, I hope you start off and continue the art fair season with lots of sales and having a ton of fun-it definitely is in your blood. You can tell by the way you write! About the computer in the studio, I say go for the laptop.I was on the fence about a year and half ago and I am VERY happy I made the decision to buy it. I know use it exclusively, being wireless, I have no excuse not to create in the studio, but at the same time, if I am traveling-I don't feel as out of touch, can still work on my files, pictures, get my email--just has made life easier. Like you said, we do so much of our work both online and the studio, it's worth the investment. Anyway, have a great weekend and enjoy your week next week, sounds like you have LOTS of artsy and family goodness going on :) Jodi

Unknown said...

Oh I love your paintings! They are so cool! 90 paintings since December is pretty darn amazing. I wish you both well in the show.