Sunday, December 2, 2012


Well..Show season is over, and it had it's good and bad points. Five shows in 6 weeks. The first 3 shows went great, but I was not prepared (not enough work) for the last two, so they were a bit of a disappointment...but, it was my own fault.

We had a great time at Bluff Park in Birmingham, and a greater time at Kentuck in Tuscaloosa...Then on to Memphis, Pensacola, and then Covington, Louisiana.

So, we have been home a few weeks. Some strange things have happened...(boring, but still strange)...First, I have lost all of my urge to create. I haven't painted in over a month...I think I "should" be painting, but I am just burnt out. all will have to be patient with me. I am sure it will return. Right now, I am working on the children's book, getting that finished, then I HAVE to paint a couple more things that people have already ordered..then, I am going to clear this brain..and go to work for next year.

I was thinking about blogging today. I MISS IT! The coming on here daily, and thinking of substantial things to "say", or type..then hopping around to other blogs, and reading what is going on,,it seems that social media such as FACEBOOK, and TWITTER..has made us just readily put out there what we are thinking or doing at any given time of the day or night. Without the substance that we USE to take time and write about things. So..I am thinking of a BLOGGING REVITALIZATION!!! Get people back to blogs, and away from FB...hahha.

Well..that is all for today...just touching base again. I am going to TRY and start posting again daily...Live Artfully!!


Janet Ghio said...

glad to see you back-always love visiting your blog. Takes a while to fuel back up after all those shows!

Sueann said...

Congrats on a good show year!! You don't have to blog daily...don't be so hard on yourself!!!!!
Relax and enjoy the holiday season!!
Hugging you

Ardith Goodwin said...

Sounds like taking the time to recharge your creative energy is well deserved and needed. When I was really ill, I didn't paint for almost a year. I could have, but I had simply lost my motivation for it. Thankfully, it did return and looking back on it I realize I had to simply give my spirit a rest for a bit. Looking forward to reading about your adventures HERE, :)

Leanne E said...

I love to see what you are up to :) Still keep hoping that my paintings will show up too...

tammy said...

i think it is a normal part of the creative "cycle" to have a fallow season....actually i think it is an essential part of the cycle...i didn't always know this, but now that i believe it i can relax a bit more about the whole process....enjoy your time away from paint...your creative spirit will still find an outlet....