Thursday, January 7, 2016


Good Morning!! This is my daughter, Kimberly, and her dog Lucy..I want to tell you about her.

If you are seriously injured,  bleeding, in a car wreck..SHE WILL TRY HER BEST TO SAVE YOUR LIFE. She will not ask you what you believe in, who you are involved with sexually or romantically, nor will she care about the color of your skin, or even if you are a terrorist or not. If she is not at her "JOB", and you need her help..she will STILL TRY and SAVE your life. She will not ask you if you can pay her, and she won't ask what she will get in return for saving you. She will just do what she has been trained to do, without question, without expectation...without promises. She is an ICU TRAUMA NURSE. She works 2 separate jobs ..almost 80 hours a a nurse. She basically goes home, goes to work, stands on her feet for hours at the time. She doesn't care if her knees and back hurt, if she has a headache, or if she doesn't want to be there. She takes care of her patients..with very little regard to herself.

I remember the first time that I took her into a hospital. She was 3 years old, and her great-grandfather (who raised me, and helped raise her) was dying. I held her little hand, and a nurse stopped me in the hallway, and said that I couldn't have a child up there. I told the nurse that she wanted to say good-bye to her grandfather, and pretty much no one was going to stop that. She looked at the nurse, and said "It will be OK..I'm not scared." She was THREE YEARS OLD. I had explained about the tubes, and what it may look like..and she walked in..climbed up on the rail of his bed...and kissed him for the last time. She did not cry..she was not afraid..

That kind of exemplified her life. She is head strong, and has been since she was very, very little. You could not tell her a thing. If she chose not to listen..she didn't.  She would push my buttons until I was a screaming crazy woman, and just laugh at me. She has basically done what she wanted to, when she wanted to, and nothing could stop her.

Some of her accomplishments --
At 13, she did a History Fair Project..she worked relentlessly for months on it. It went all the way to National Level..Where she took 1ST PLACE IN THE NATION. The project stayed at the SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION for over a year on display. It now resides in the State Building in Florida, on permanent display.

At 12 or 13, She competed in an art contest..won a THOUSAND dollars, and bought her first computer BY HERSELF.

She was accepted into an INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE high school. (I think there are only around 74 in the whole United States).

She paid for her own car, and car insurance since she was 16 years old.

She went to 2 or 3 years to college at University of Alabama Huntsville, before switching to a nursing program.

She worked almost the whole time she was in school. Nothing was ever easy for her..and sometimes she wanted to give up..but she didn't.

Her life growing up was not easy. I was a single mother, and I worked almost every day. Kimberly stayed with my grandmother and my aunts a lot. I was poor, always tired, and I tried to be a good mom, but sometimes I just failed on that point. In spite of her childhood, she grew up to be a smart, funny, sweet, caring human. She is a great example of what kind of adult to be. She works HARD, has never asked anyone for anything, has had NOTHING handed to her. She doesn't care about "things"..and would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it. She would get out of bed at 3am, and BE THERE if you needed her.

She has tattoos. I do not mean one or two little butterflies on her ankle. I mean she is basically covered from her shoulders to her toes in tats. I cried, I screamed, I threw fits..then I accepted them, and grew to love them. She has Einstein's head in a jar on her thigh..and a library of books behind him, (this represents her love of Science and Reading.) She has flamingos on one of her legs because she is a Florida baby. She has an arm completely done in all things medical for her love of Medicine. These do not make her "less" of a person. She is not a thug, she isn't a bad is just her artistic expression of her life.

She is FUNNY...I do not mean hehehe funny..I mean she could make a living as a stand up comedian funny. She can make you laugh to the point that you are holding your stomach. She has a way with sarcasm and timing that is unrivaled. I can't even think of a cow without laughing out loud..because of ONE LOOK she gave me when we were driving one day, and we saw a cow. If she lets you know that side of her, it is magical.

Then there is LUCY..a wonderful, little PUG dog that belongs to my daughter Kimberly. Lucy has been through hell and back again with Kim. She is a fiery little personality, and they are matched better than most human couples. Lucy is Kim's heart. Her child, her fur-baby. OUT OF THE BLUE, something went wrong with Lucy, and she needs surgery SOON, or she will be crippled, and in pain for life.

My daughter just started a new job. She is a TRAVELING NURSE, and changes jobs every 13 weeks. If this had happened to Lucy a month or so ago, Kimberly would have had money to handle it without help. If this had happened then,  I would have had money to help her with it, or paid for it. But, I don't..I used all my money to pay the bills ahead so that we can survive this winter. (Because I wear that "starving artist" T-shirt proudly)..Winters are tight for us..but, I gave my daughter what I had. IF THIS COULD BE PUT OFF A MONTH, we could get the money up..but, it has to be NOW. SOON. IF THEY ARE GOING TO SAVE LUCY'S LEGS..TIME IS THE PROBLEM.

PLEASE..PLEASE..PLEASE..Click HERE to help Kimberly and Lucy. I am not asking for hundreds..FIVE or TEN dollars will help. If you can't help..then PLEASE SHARE THE LINK so maybe someone will. We have generated enough for the pre-OP MRI..and still need to cover the surgery. Any one of you that know me, knows I would help you all in any way I could...anytime with anything. I hope you'll do the same for my child. Thank you for reading this, and for getting to know Kimberly a bit.

Love, Suzan

Live Artfully!!

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