Tuesday, April 1, 2014


It's a glorious day!! Praise the Lord!! The sun is out, the sky is bright and sunshiny, and all is wonderful in my world! Four more days until I will be on the longest stretch of back to back shows that I have ever done! The first show is in Atlanta at FESTIVAL ON PONCE ART SHOW. So, if you are in Atlanta this weekend, please come by and buy some new art!! We have a lot of new and exciting pieces...guaranteed not to disappoint!!

Nature Boy and I have been working hard to get ready for this show season! We are excited to be doing some old favorites, and some new places this year!! I've got a lot of new things coming up..the children's book should be out soon, and I have a couple of secrets ...can't say anything..but, I will say they involve guitars and clothes....shhhh..we do not want to let the cat out of the bag..hehhee.

My daughter sent me a present yesterday....an awesome Galaxy Samsung Note...it's an AMAZING large phone, and I LOVE IT. It's super fast too..can't wait to use it!! She is going to be 27 years old in 12 days, and I am in awe of the person that she has become!! She is weight lifting, and has lost almost 100 pounds this past year!! That in itself is a major feat of accomplishment!! I am so proud of her!!

Well..that's about it...Keep my little secret, and Live Artfully!!

Friday, January 17, 2014


Have you ever had to write on a chalkboard that you would not do something? I remember once--a teacher drew a circle on the chalkboard, and told me to put my nose in the circle. I told her "NO". I was sent to the principles office, and my grandfather was called. I didn't get in trouble, because my grandfather stood up for me. hahahha. I was such a bad child..spoiled, and pretty much did what I wanted...and imagine that I am still spoiled, and I STILL do pretty much what I want to...hahah. Only now, it's my sweet husband that spoils me, and not my grandfather.

I have been painting. I am no longer showing ALL of my paintings..but, I will post one or two a week. When shows start, and they start selling, I will post them..but, I've been painting like crazy, and I post the pictures to Facebook, and they immediately sell..and I'm grateful, and I'm blessed, but I HAVE to get up inventory for shows...that is just the simple fact of the matter!

I won $12 on the Georgia Lottery Powerball this week!! I was so happy!! YES, I would have loved to win millions, but I will be happy that I won more than I spent! If I won millions--there are so many people ( I have a list already written up), that I would give money to, and help.

Well..that's about all..I am boring this week. Live Artfully!!

Thursday, January 9, 2014


Ok--The painting above is the first painting for 2014--then, I decided that I needed a week off from everything..to regroup, refresh and revive after the busy holidays. I feel like all I have done is ship paintings for the last 3 months!! I'm not complaining!! I am VERY blessed!! Thank you Lord!!

I am going with a cleaner look this year. I have revamped my website, and now my blog.

I have a big list of "things I want to accomplish" in 2014.
Among them are:

1. Buy a kiln, and learn how to work with clay.
2. Do 20-30 shows.

3. Produce bigger work than ever before (the painting above is 36 x 48 inches!)
4. Work in a more disciplined manner. Not so scattered all over the place.
5. Blog REGULARLY. I think I will make Thursday morning my normal blogging day. That way--it's the day before I leave out for shows, and everyone will know where to find me.

There are a few more things..but, I am keeping it simple, so I don't overwhelm myself.

I have added a new section to my website--Called Chuck's Nature Photography, so check it out HERE. This is what my husband loves to do...he walks daily in the woods, and takes the most beautiful pictures!! I have also added sections called AVAILABLE ART and AVAILABLE ART ON CARDBOARD. So if you are interested in any of them, just let me know!

Well, that's about it. Live Artfully!!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013


Good Morning!! I am starting my New Year's resolutions early! One of the resolutions is to get up, have coffee (because without it, life is not going to happen), and then start practicing---sketching, drawing, painting in something that makes me uncomfortable, etc. Painting in black, white, creams..etc..makes me totally uncomfortable. It is very hard for me..because you all know that I REALLY wanted to make something as simple as these baby shoes all hot pink with a turquoise background, and possibly a splash of bright yellow..hahah. I have the absolute hardest time with neutrals...I find them boring, and trite. I have a friend named Lisa Patencio, who paints almost strictly in blacks, whites and grays...and her work is amazing, NOT AT ALL BORING, and very beautiful. I think I want to be her when I grow up..hehehe.

Anyway..Feel free to join in with me, and take the first hour of your day to sketch and force yourself to do something different. Doing the same old stuff day after day after day is not what being an artist is about. So..step out, and do something different.

Live Artfully!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Well..I got a little obsessed yesterday, uploading probably 100 or more pictures onto this blog. My problem was that since I deleted my FLICKR account, I have had no place where all my images of my art were in one place. The other day, someone emailed me and asked why I didn't have a board on PINTEREST with my work on it..they were missing my art, or something..so, I figured that I would just upload a few images, and well...I ended up loading over 1000 images--I found paintings, paper mache' pieces, journal pages, etc that I had forgotten about long ago.

It seriously overwhelmed me ...the sheer volume of art that I have created in 5 years. In March, I will have been painting for five years. I am so very blessed to be able to paint, it is all I ever wanted to do...and it's been a great 5 years. I cannot imagine how much art (Good Lord willing) that I will create in the next 5, 10 or more years...it excites me..and fuels my heart and soul!

Live Artfully!!