Tuesday, February 10, 2009


Here's my lastest piece..and NATURE BOY found my 600 pound cash register!! Now, I can hear you asking how we lost a 600 pound cash register, so I will elaborate a bit. Two years ago come March, we shut down our brick and mortar antique store. This very nice couple had the biggest antique cash register on consignment in our shop. This thing was ENORMOUS, and it literally took 3 strong, strong men to bring it into the shop. Well, we were leaving, and I called the people and told them that they needed to come get their cash register. They said that they didn't want it, and I could have it, if I could move it...So, my husband and I are packing up, trying to figure out HOW we would get this monstrosity home with us. Finally--I had him back our trailer up to the back steps of the shop, and we took the ramp and put it on the top step, and we literally ROLLED this thing, end over end onto our trailer. We got it home, pulled the trailer into our storage shed out back, and left it there. One day, my husband got bored, and said he was going to take the old cash register apart for me. (I basically wanted the keys at the time)...so, he goes out there--and proceeds to start taking the cash register apart. It took him over a month..and it was WORK. The entire insides were cast iron, and a lot of it, he had to torch to get it apart....He started filling up buckets of parts...Time went on...He would put this bucket here, that bucket there, and more time went on...Fast forward almost 2 years LATER...here I am, making junk dolls, and I remember the cash register, and all it's wonderful metal numbers, and cogs, and keys...and I send NATURE BOY in search of my cash register parts...LOL..In the weeks past he has looked in our shed (a huge building at the bottom edge of our property), under the house, in our storage room in the house, in his brother's garage, in our garage...everywhere. He kept finding buckets of the large pieces, and finally the other day--he found the one bucket that I wanted. Now, I HAVE A WONDERFUL TON OF parts... (none of which I used on this piece above--lol)...but, it's so exciting to get a mess of metal now....and it amazes me how little it takes to amuse me.
Live Artfully!!


Chrisy said...

wow...some history there...and little nature boy is a wonderful work of art...so quirky...

Chrisy said...

wow...some history there...and little nature boy is a wonderful work of art...so quirky...

Barb Smith said...

Nature boy is so good to you, Suzan. I can just see Richie, my hubs, look at me and laugh if I asked him to disassemble a 600 lb cash register...then I could later hear the sound of the sledge hammer pinging on the cast iron parts. LOL
Love your little guy, btw. Too cute!
Peace & Love,

Artsnark said...

Fun piece!
Those cash registers are very cool - I had to restore 1 once & they are a b*&*ch to work with. But so glamorous when done.
Now I'll need to peek into your shop to see if you start destashing parts

Unknown said...

Love that you took time to share that bit of history...our daughter Lisa always had a think for cash registers (loved playing with them) so when we came upon a really old relic we bought it for her...she had it and used it for years...Your little man is so cute...btw have fun today with Mary...don't need to tell you she's one special lady!!! Bevie


You are going to have so much FUN with all of those lovely parts. I can't wait to see what you do with them!


Jazz said...

Thank you Nature Boy!

Oh and that doll... I dunno is it just me or, even though I love it, is it just a little creepy?

Lori said...

that man must really love you...what a guy!!!

Joy Logan said...

Quite unique dolls there...interesting heavy story,lol.

House of Hullabaloo said...

I love all of your altered creations!

Tumble Fish Studio said...

I meant to comment on this earlier and just didn't get it done. I loved reading the saga of the cash register. You are a good story teller but that is evident in your art too, not just your words. Everything you make is pieced together in one beautiful and interesting story Suzan. I love this piece and its story too.

As you know, I'm getting ready to leave for my dad's in a couple of days and have so much to do before that. I may not have much time or access to the net for awhile so know that I am missing you and your blog and thinking about you. I'll get all caught up when I get home.

Happy Valentine's Day my good friend!

DMG said...

This is a wonderful story, Suzan. My father-in-law had a small town grocery store with a huge iron cash register too. we've always regretted not figuring out a way to keep that old thing! I am totally loving all your art dolls, btw. You are phenomenally phenomenal, Woman!


DMG said...

Oh! I have a little something something for you on my blog and you don't even have to pass it on! Happy V Day,
