Tuesday, April 28, 2009


SOLD! Thank you!!

WOOOHOOOO!!!!! This is my latest painting. Yesterday, I decided that I wanted some wood to paint on, and so off to Home Depot, I went. I bought a 4 foot x 8 foot sheet of birch plywood (3/4"), and they cut it for me in 12"x12" panels. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! I LOVE PAINTING ON IT!!!! I may never paint on canvas again! The wood is so strong, and textural, and smooth all at the same time. I painted it on both sides and around the edges with a black gesso, and then just started painting. It's great, great, great!!!! LOVEEEE IT!!! We also went to the back, and dug through their scrap pile, and got a TON of little pieces (approx. 4 x 4) for FREE. My little paintings sold like hotcakes Saturday, so I need to do about 20 of them a week!

The Chattanooga Market has really gotten me excited about art again! The artist market that I was previously going to was NOTHING like this wonderful new place. I never made the kind of money that I made on Saturday, the people are nicer, and generally it's a better atmosphere! Also, it's harder to leave your booth, so I am not off wasting my money buying someone else's stuff.

On the blog-front--Nancy at CREATED BY HAND was wonderful and featured me on her blog!! Thank you so much Nancy!!! Hop over there, and check out her blog, she has some really good artist on there!!

Well..back to the art room. Got an outdoor sidewalk art sale on Friday night to get ready for..(and Saturday down on our town square, and back to the Art Market on Sunday)..

Live Artfully!!


Maria-Thérèse ~ www.afiori.com said...

heeheee this makes me smile so much!!! You know, I've never even tried painting on wood.

Sherry Goodloe said...

Love the colors you used on this piece Suzan! Nice . . . really nice. And glad to hear that you're doing so well at the shows you've participated in!!

Mary said...

love,love,love the painting!!!

Anonymous said...

oh my GOSH, girl! you are on fire! that is absolutely my favorite suzan painting yet! i'm so glad that you've been converted to wood. it's a beautiful thang. there just ain't no going back to canvas once you fall in love with wood.

so glad you are encouraged and recharged.

Anonymous said...


Jeanette Carlstrom said...

I love painting on wood as well (just started) and did my bird piece that you can find on my blog but I have a question???? what do you think is the best way to hang it? add something to the back? wire, nail, ???

Becky Bunn said...

Very fun. Glad your show went well

BT said...

This is fabulous and witty too. What a great idea, painting on wood.

La Donna Welter said...

I see why this piece sold! I love it!

Sacred Yoli said...

Oooh those lil pears are perfecto! I too love LOVE painting on wood! Bravo!

Joy Logan said...

Adorable pieces and your fair sounds like it went well for you and hubby!

charlie said...

Oh wow, I'm glad it went so well for you! I've recently started painting on wood a bit myself also because I can't afford to buy any more supplies... housemate had some wood laying around and I started painting on it :-p

Jazz said...

That painting is so cool. And it's great you're excited about art again!