Friday, November 13, 2009


Good Happy Morning!! I woke up thinking of my mornings as a child, spent with my grandparents. They raised me, and every morning of my young life, my grandfather would get up, and cook bacon, eggs, toast and grits for my grandmother and me. Every day! Can you imagine? I can barely get the coffee pot to cooperate most mornings, as I struggle to pry my eyes open. It was a sweet memory...just thought I would share. It's funny that now, I won't eat eggs, bacon(or any pork), or grits. Goodness--I bet I was 14 or 15 before I ate cereal...(which I DO eat now, but only the yucky high-fiber, cardboard with cinnamon type)....

I found some great pictures last night of Cirque Du Soleil, and sketched 3 of them out. They have inspired me, and I want to paint some of the characters, or at least use them as a basis for some paintings. I was going through my paper stash, and throwing things out. It amazes me that I have so much, and use to feel like I needed every tiny scrap, and now (a year later), I don't see any need for keeping it all around. I have to downsize. I have to clean the crap out of my life. I have always been a hoarder/purger. It is time to purge. To get rid of clutter, and to start fresh...I am afraid that the TV show--"HOARDERS"--is going to come and get me....and take me where they send bad hoarders...(I can't watch that show, it makes me ill--but, I did glimpse at it). If you have a problem holding onto things, and too many things--you may want to watch it...realize that mixed media collage art has made you a sick individual and do something about it....OR..HECK, HOARD some more...hahahha..Have a wonderful day and ...
Live Artfully!!


Jazz said...

great sketch.

And let's just say your style has changed immensely in the past year - from collaged journal pages to what you do now. Obviously the stash is much less useful to you now.

Outstanding Stranger said...

EEEEKKKKK.........Thats me a hoarder..And it is all in the name of altered art. Started me on the quest for every thrift shop for every game piece and do dad I could find..and I save every little piece of pretty paper (sorted in three boxes sm med and lg. pieces) now all three over flowing. I have been photographing my grandmothers album that was given to my brother when my natural father died. It took me along time and brought so many memories. I looked around my house at all my nic-naks and relised I have turned my house into my grandmother's. I have collected sillouetts (sp) and wallpockets of birds...and I looked at her house on the pc and saw some of the same stuff....made me feel warm and fuzzy. Sorta like you feel when you smell bacon in the morning...Love and Hugs, Diane

Sueann said...

Oh dear!! You mean I "have" to purge?? Ouch!! I have seen that hoarder show and it is disgusting! Have I gone that far? No! Not yet!
Have fun shoveling out your crap. I will hang on to mine a little while longer.

Mary said...

Yum, yum!! That is a sweet memory.
I love breakfast foods!!!!!

Leslie said...

Re: hoarding..or collecting as I prefer to call it. Been there, still there.

Artsnark said...

great expressions you've captured.

And it is amazing how many artists are hoarders - I think we see the potential in all those little bits & just don't have enough time to follow through said...

Having our kitchen redone, talk about stuff. Just had to have those light house glasses. I still can't part with them.

Sharon said...

Are you Okay? Sharon

Anonymous said...

Get well soon!



Diane said...

Hi Suzan, Beautiful work--I just found your blog--I'll be checking back, and I can totally relate to the hoarder thing. I've watched that show a couple of times, and it kind of scares me too :)