two tree paintings--each 9 x 12 inches, acrylics on wood.
I am now ready to start doing my 9 x 12's, 6 x 6's, and 8 x 10's...I will need at least ...oh I don't know....50 of each size should do me..LOL..I hope to be ready by April when the shows and the Chattanooga Market starts. These are MUCH brighter in person. I am not going to unprepared this year for shows.(Hopefully). If the pain in my shoulders will just stay at dull throb, I will be able to do it. I think I have been painting non-stop since the middle of February.
NOW..about my new blog..The marketing one, not the art one...It will definitely be a little different. The definition of marketing in Webster's is:
Pronunciation: \ˈmär-kə-tiŋ\
Function: noun
Date: 1561
1 a : the act or process of selling or purchasing in a
market b : the process or technique of promoting, selling, and distributing a product or service.
Three year ago, I told a person --"we need to learn how to market our's the only thing lacking. It's what we need." She then went off on a psycho binge of reading, obsessing, and reading more about marketing. I still to this day, don't know if she's marketed anything...LOL...I on the other hand chose a different path. I chose to MAKE ART, and SELL ART. So, I feel like a learned SOMETHING, and have done OK with it, and I want to share what I have learned.
So, basically I am going to tell you what I know. It may not be much, but it will be realistic. I can't teach you how to sell your art for hundreds of dollars, or how to get into galleries, how to get collectors that will pay you thousands. I can tell you how to set up for a show, how to talk to people, how to put yourself out there..because I have done it. I am not rich, nor famous, but having sold approximately 300 pieces of art (not including Nature Boy's stuff), and I feel that qualifies me for something...LOL....I have a WONDERFUL (secret) co-author, who is going to help with information about online stuff. Together, I hope we can show you how to sell your every day art. How to BELIEVE IN YOURSELF as an artist, and how to make a little money doing so.
I WON'T be 1.)competing with other "marketing" websites. 2.)PROMOTING other marketers or their books, cd's, dvd's, etc.3.) Making ANY money off of the site. I am not doing this to make money. I am doing this "to give back" a little to those whose have so wonderously followed my art, and made me happy every day! That, with some tutorials on art, is my way of saying Thank You!
Anyway...Some of you have been asking about THE DOG THAT ADOPTED ME..the beautiful wolf/dog that was a fixture around here for a month or so...well, he left. I woke up one morning, and he was gone. I drove around looking for him, asking everyone if they saw him...but, he just simply disappeared. I still don't think that he was full blooded maybe it's for the better. I do miss him terribly. Not as much as my beloved Petey the Wonderdog (who I STILL cry over), but it was nice having wolf-dog around. THEN..the other day....

These TWO babies showed up. DON'T TELL ANYONE...Nature Boy and I are running a secret over night DOGGIE HOSTEL..for strays..LOL..I was IN HEAVEN....Let me tell you!! I fell SO HARD in LOVE with this took about 3 minutes flat. OMG..they were SO WONDERFUL. They just showed up. I fed them, and they were starving, I got them some toys, and fluffed the big doggie bed...and NAMED THEM...(All in about the first 10 minutes of them showing up). I SWEAR..the MARRIOT wouldn't give such good service. I named them GIMP and NUB...just because it made me laugh when I said it. I loved on them (regardless of the SKUNK smell that they were obviously BATHED in..LOL LOL..)..they seemed happy. I had plans on bathing them the next day, and bringing them right on into the house to live, I made a vet appointment the following Wednesday (about a week away)..for them...I shut them in, (we have a "gate" on our large front porch)..I went to bed..and woke up the next morning---and THEY WERE GONE. Haven't seen hide or hair from them since....::::SIGH::::God, I want another Petey the Wonderdog. Please send me a house-broken beautiful animal who NEEDS a good set of humans.LOL...I won't actively go "get" a dog. I want one, that wants us, I will just wait...and PRAY.
Live Artfully (Sorry the post is SO LONG!)