Remember the painting above? I did it in Aug-09, and was quite ok with it...well, for my solo show Friday night, I redid the painting in 24 x 24 inches!!!! (see below.) It was quite a labor of work, painting that large! But..here it is..It amazes me, how much I've changed in such a short period of time...Speaking of which..do you ever go back and look at your blog/journal/notes from exactly a year ago from the day you are looking? It's quite amusing to do this..(at least to my nearly lost, bored mind..) I was looking back on last year's February 2nd, and it's strange that the entire year of 2009 has gone, it's already February, and it's 2010! Time sure does fly.

Please keep Marsha from Tumble Fish Studios in your prayers. She is going through a VERY hard time right now, and needs everyone's love and support.
I had this long, humorous post planned out. But, I am whooped, beaten, exhausted...so I am going to bed...
Live Artfully!
Congrats on your upcoming show...I hope you sell out!! Love the new painting!!
Oh, how beautiful! I love them both!! And how exciting about your show! Hugs, Silke
P.S. Once I've been blogging for a year, I think I'll enjoy going back to look at year-old posts...
While I liked the older version, I love the new one! Isn't it fun painting large!! I have a harder time painting small.
Susan wishing you great luck on your show!!
I'm rootin' for you Suzan! A solo gig is a very big deal.
Thanks for the heads up about Tumble Fish. I was out of the loop.
This new painting is ON IT! Go take a short nap.
Wow! You've given her an awesome makeover, Suzan! Good luck with the gallery show, and don't let the butterflies in your tummy get too out of control. Remember to breathe and, most of all, ENJOY! You've earned this wonderful honor! Hugs, Terri xoxo
You were my first blog I every read. I love your paintings. The bright colors you use are very up lifting. An if you look at the two pictures of the fishing lady,you will see how you have improved over the last year and have grown in your painting a lot. But, that is what I think, but who am I? Good Luck on your showing. You well do just great.
You were my first blog I every read. I love your paintings. The bright colors you use are very up lifting. An if you look at the two pictures of the fishing lady,you will see how you have improved over the last year and have grown in your painting a lot. But, that is what I think, but who am I? Good Luck on your showing. You well do just great.
woohoo congrats on your solo show suzan, so glad to see your still doing your thing (producing amazing Art)
hugs crissi xx
Yipee! Congrats on your show dear lady. So excited for you.
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