Monday, January 25, 2010


I thought that I would wake up, and just get out of my system things that I CANNOT STAND. Then we can proceed the rest of the day with happiness and light hearts....hehehe.
1. WOMEN, especially those over the 40 year mile marker that call themselves "girl". GET REAL.. it isn't making you look any younger, smarter, or cuter....Accept your old age, and get over it.
2. Colon cleansing commercials...PLEASE..if my colon needs cleansing, I will search you out. I don't need you interrupting NCIS, and fantasies of Mark Harmon with your crap. No pun intended.
3. Reality shows that are NO WHERE near my reality. I want to see "BORING Housewives of Jackson County" are other women coping with living in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by rednecks?? I do not want to watch a bunch of rich, spoiled women cat-fighting over who has the best dinner party..I am living amongst rednecks, ones that shoot innocent animals, and you are worried that your yacht and mansion don't match??? (This includes anything having to do with wifes, surviving,high school reunions, etc..can't you just make ONE reality show? It could be called Housewives of Orange County from High School that Survived...)
4. Online "marketing" people...HELLO!! I am not stupid enough to not know that since you couldn't sell your OWN product, you will sell "marketing". I am not paying you $1, or $1000 for you to tell me how to "market". There is nothing that you can share with me that I can't figure out for myself. So, PLEASE stop sending me emails, twitters, facebook, etc...I think you need to market your own stuff..before you tell me how to do it. (Oh..and saying the word "buzz" doesn't immediately, magically make a million people run to you..just so you know.)
5. People that hurt animals. Hell, you want to beat up something...come up here--I will set you up with some wonderful rednecks..You can even tie antlers to their heads and make them run in front of you, while you aimlessly shoot your gun at them.
4. Artist that act like their techniques and projects are top-secret, national security needed, ideas straight from the vaults of the National Mint. needs to be shared! I have emailed a man on FLICKr THREE TIMES. All I want to know is HOW you get images blown up to 3 feet tall, come on..spill the secrets!! There's nothing you can do that is SO wonderful, SO magnificent, that it needs to be kept secret. I bet Michelangelo would have shared with us the painting of the Sistine what's so special about your stuff that you cannot share???
5. Cashiers in retail establishments that talk on the phone while ringing up your order. It takes all I can do, not to tell them that the removal of that phone from in between their buttocks is going to hurt A LOT more than the insertion. HELLLLOOOOOO... ME SPENDING my money in your store is providing YOU with a JOB...GET OFF THE PHONE!!

Ok..five RANTS are enough...I basically need to turn off the TV, do ALL my shopping online, and stop looking at other artists' ..and my life would blissful..Have a great, happy, wonderful day!
Live Artfully


Stace said...

I hear you, sister! Especially about the reality tv. I live in Orange County, CA, and I can tell you that those women have absolutely NOTHING in common with the way I live.

Terri Kahrs said...

I'm totally on your wavelength! Some of my pet peeves: 1)Waitresses that call you "Hon", 2)Young mommies who push you out of the way with their oversized baby strollers, 3)People in express grocery lines who can't count and have w-a-y more than 10 items! Hugs, Terri xoxo

donna!ee said...

AMEN sister, rant on!!! :)

Mary said...

You so make me laugh!!
Love you!!

Jazz said...

Aw girl ;-) , thanks for that - you made my day

Sueann said...

I do get a kick out of art secrets too!! I mean seriously!! '
The only reality show that I watch is Project Runway!! I like the art and design aspects of it but not the drama!!!
Have a great day! Hugs

Cotton Picker said...

LOL, I am amused and I can't say that I disagree with you. :)

Ozstuff said...

Ah Suzan, you've made my day. I am shouting "Amen to that" as I read each rant. Your piece is PRICELESS. I plan to print it and hang it on the side of my computer tower. You are a legend!! I think I love you!! You have said it all for the rest of us - well, not quite all. I hope you have more rants for us in the future. Take a bow. I am sending you a standing ovation.

Cindy said...

oh yeah! You say it soooooo WELL!!!

Unknown said...

Right on sistah!! (PS, I've heard you have to take things to a copy store to have them printed in large sizes)

Leslie said...

It affirming to know someone else feels the same way I do... Do no harm to animals! Hunting season, especially here in the South, makes me sick.

julia said...

LOL -I could add a few to your list!
email me about the 3 foot tall picture thing. It's a program. I'll share :)

Anonymous said...

Took the words right out of my mouth! Top secret art techniques is my fav.
Rant on!!!

Anonymous said...

I hear you too...who wants to watch someone else's drama...and housewives??? they claim to be housewives? Maybe "the bachelor" could meet up with one of the "housewives" and start another whole show about their affair. I live in redneckville too. I think I missed the colon cleanse commercial...don't know how that happened?

H2oandFire said...

Yes, I love this! I've needed to rant for awhile now!

Are these reality people getting paid. At the rate this country is shows you what people will do. Some of these so called "housewives" are living on another planet. If they ever had to go out and earn a living.... I don't get why people find them so interesting.
This is my first blog and I'm afraid I will make an ass out of myself! But I'm loving it! thanks virtual world! Bill Gates, whomever?

Tyggereye said...

Love your rants! Totally agree. Can't believe that guy wont' share about the art signs