More SPECIFICALLY...What BILL does for me. hehehee..(teasing you..teasing you...)
BILL ROCKS MY WORLD. Bill and his life partner, Paul are great friends of mine and Nature Boy's. (more mine though..cause they love me best...heheheh) BILL HAS this TALENT...that would make any woman in her right mind SWOON..and makes me (who's not in her right mind)..just giggly with school-girl crush-like emotions for what he does...HE does it better than ANY man that I have ever met. It makes your knees all watery, and shaky...and makes you feel magical things...ANDDDDDDDDD..
HE DOES IT BETTER THAN MY GRANDMOTHER (God bless her soul). NOW, I KNOW you have your curiosity up...Ok...I will tell you..I know that the suspense is killing you. I know you are sitting on the edge of your chair, and wondering if Nature Boy is steaming with pent-up jealousy...heheheehe....
Not just anything. BILL BAKES homemade, FROM SCRATCH, mouth-watering, buttery POUND CAKES. Bill bakes these for ME. (See the heart in the middle..hehehe) This baby is 6 inches thick, and the size of a small car. See the crumbly goodness on the top. See it's perfection, and how it is just ready to be eaten off of the top before the rest of the cake. I tell you. If you aren't eaten up with jealousy...you should be. Thank you Bill! Chuck and I (especially me) loves you and Paul with all of our hearts!!!

Now that you all are jealous, and your mouths are watering...Here's pictures of mine and Chuck's first solo show...I want to thank EVERYONE at the Dalton, Georgia Creative Arts Guild for such a beautiful, fantastic reception last night. I appreciate each and every one of you! Thank You!

Live Artfully and eat pound cake!!
Drooling here...all over my keyboard over that pound cake! Argh! What a mess!
I am loving those paintings but the assemblages make my heart go pitty pat for sure. Loving the canes too!
Good for you on the show. And sold five? woohoo! Hope you sell out girl!!!
First, congratulations on your first solo gallery show. As always, I love all of your artwork.
Now to something even more spectacular . . . OMG! That POUND CAKE! I just want to take those thick flakes of buttery sugary goodness off the top and have them with my morning coffee! LOL
And I KNOW this is probably asking too much, but is there ANY way that your friend Bill would give up his recipe? I would promise not to give it to anyone else . . . for REALLIES!! I just KNOW that cake is *as the teens would say here* . . . THE BOMB!
And what a fun post!!! :D :D :D :D :D
I would LOVE to see your exhibition irl but alas, am very far away. Thanks for posting pictures!!
Oh my gosh!! Suzan, everything looks fantastic! Nature Boy's walking sticks and assemblages are wonderful! I gonna try to make a trip to see it all!!
Love seeing some of your larger work!
Well NAH NAH Miss Queen Mother Superior, i have more, much more, thus making me Saint Gotmorenu Patron Saint Of All With Male Friends Who Can Cook..I have a couple who both cook divinely...both...divinely I tell you! You have nothing! Nothing!...well maybe a crumb...
Talentwise tho ahem you may be the queen!
Congratulations Suzanne - it really looks great all hanging together, and I think this is the first time I have seen your hubby's walking sticks - everything is inspiring creative juices!
Congrats on such a wonderful gallery showing! The pictures of all the art are wonderful! What are the canes? Do you or your husband carve them or something. Everything is very interesting!
You're making me uber jealous with the cake.
I'm sooo happy for you!!! what a great achievement!
I am so excited for you!!!!! I cannot tell you how much I wanted to attend your opening. To be so near and not be able to share this evening with you was just unbelievable, but Friday night I had a prior committment. The installment looks wonderful here. I would really love to have one of your art dolls in my studio. Do you have any currently for sale? If so, you can email me at kathymccullen@aol.com.
Have you ever heard of High Country Arts in Blue Ridge, Georgia? I think your work would be perfect for this gallery. Check out this link
You are so lucky to be able to share your passion with Charles. Heartfelt congratulations to you both!
what a beautiful presentation of your show!! congratulations to you both!
now, on to the good stuff...
Where in the blue blazes of eternity can I get one of those fantastical pound cakes? OMG!! I love pound cake, and 16 inches thick...whoa!
lucky girl, you! yeah, I'm jealous...
AWESOME! I wish I could have seen your work in person. But... from the pics... I think you have an awesome talent. As for the pound cake... I AM very envious! It looks absolutely yummy!
Well done Suzan ! Your paintings and Charles' dolls look amazing ! And, yes, you're right...you have something I will never have: you have Bill. My friends' husbands have no clue about baking. That cake looks yummy....
Your work and Chuck's looks wonderful..I am so proud of you and Chuck too..LOL..
Yes I am jealous that cake looks wonderful..
Congratulations on the exhibition and on the pound cake!
Congratulations, great to see your beautiful work in one place.You must have been proud;o)
Congratulations... she types while drooling all over her keyboard at the look of that pound cake, risking electrocution at ever letter she types.
I have never been to a showing. I'm glad that you posted all those pictures. I love looking at your painting. I would come, but I'm around 3,000 miles from you. Congratulations to you and your hubby's showing. Hope you will sale out.
Love & Hugs
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