1.NCIS and CRIMINAL MINDS..I love both shows..but really, HOW MANY times a day do they need to come on??
2. ARTIST MARKETING WEBSITES. If I want to learn more about marketing than I already know.... I will buy a book for God's sake. It's easy..if you make a product worthy of selling..it sells. If you don't ...all the marketing in the world's not going to help you.
3. FACEBOOK FAN PAGES. I love you all--but Fan pages on Facebook are an overused pain in the buttocks. I get over 100 a day, and ignore them all. I am on Facebook to play games. I follow your blogs, your Flickr, and your status' on Facebook. Enough is enough. I stopped using my fan page as soon as I figured out what a huge buttock pain they are to others.
4. RERUNS OF THE NANNY. Another show that is on about 20 times a day. Why did she dress like a tramp the whole time?? I wouldn't have let her raise my child.
5. WHINERS AT THE MARKET. Damn, if you don't like something..find somewhere else to go. Don't whine to me just because I listen.
6. ALWAYS HAVING TO BE NICE ON MY BLOG. Sometimes I just want to be MEAN.
Oh..there is so much more........Just ranting..back to the studio to work out my angst. Maybe I can do more than paint a canvas half blue and half green.......
Live Artfully, and if you can't--just go to the beach.
2. ARTIST MARKETING WEBSITES. If I want to learn more about marketing than I already know.... I will buy a book for God's sake. It's easy..if you make a product worthy of selling..it sells. If you don't ...all the marketing in the world's not going to help you.
3. FACEBOOK FAN PAGES. I love you all--but Fan pages on Facebook are an overused pain in the buttocks. I get over 100 a day, and ignore them all. I am on Facebook to play games. I follow your blogs, your Flickr, and your status' on Facebook. Enough is enough. I stopped using my fan page as soon as I figured out what a huge buttock pain they are to others.
4. RERUNS OF THE NANNY. Another show that is on about 20 times a day. Why did she dress like a tramp the whole time?? I wouldn't have let her raise my child.
5. WHINERS AT THE MARKET. Damn, if you don't like something..find somewhere else to go. Don't whine to me just because I listen.
6. ALWAYS HAVING TO BE NICE ON MY BLOG. Sometimes I just want to be MEAN.
Oh..there is so much more........Just ranting..back to the studio to work out my angst. Maybe I can do more than paint a canvas half blue and half green.......
Live Artfully, and if you can't--just go to the beach.
Oh I DO LOVE this post!!!!!!!
LOL your so funny you have a great way of putting things
You Go Girl, Whinners and Gossips make me Crazy.......Crazier!
It's your blog, go ahead and be mean if you want to.
Suzan, I don't think you need to be "nice" all the time when blogging. However, going all the way over to "mean", might be too much. How about "cantankerous" once in a while? :) I'll bet you'll have fun doing it and your readers will have fun reading it. As for make-a-quality-product-and-it-will-sell, living in Michigan, I have to disagree. Of course, you can disagree that I make a quality product. :)
Glad to see you posting again.
You forgot Twittering! :) That's overkill in the 'what I'm doing right now' department!
Refreshing post.
LOL raising my glass of wine...here, here!
...and FB apps! grrrrrrrr! :-)
Oh yes, twitter. I got totally whined and crapped on by a fellow artist on twitter today. it's enough to make me want to rant myself. you go Suzan!
Bring it on!!! We want the FULL list!
love this piece. and i think you should just be real on your blog. that's one of the many things i like about you!
Go ahead!! Be mean!! I can take it! LOL!! Great post!
And I agree with you on the NCIS and Criminal Mind thingey! Enough already!!
i remember the comment i posted on FB about being having to be nice when you really wanted to be mean- i think it was the day i switched to the picture of me flipping the bird. its a real pity that anger isn't embraced in our society like it is in other societies- life is yin and yang that way- and I do want to " take people out" when they whine and whine on the etsy forums or their blogs about not having sales or other crap like that-
whoa! look you inspired a novella from me.
good work! keep it up sweetie!
Susan...being honest is not being mean. I got out of Facebook and have never twittered...not that anyone will miss me...ha! Add to that list of overdone TV...hospital or doctor shows! BTW, your art is fantastic!
Facebook for me was seeing others art and catching up with art pals,but its changing again...so I am back to visiting blogs. Your last quite a few entries are wonderful and you are very busy I see.
You go girl, I'm cracking up!!! Gonna go delete my fan page now...after I watch The Nanny...hehe
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