Friday, January 1, 2010


2010 we are. 2010. A new year, a new chance to make things fresh and new again. I didn't do art journaling much this year, didn't do much online, but all in was a great year. I had some wonderful opportunities, and basically worked my fingers to the bone to sell at the Chattanooga Market. Nature Boy became an artist this year!! That was exciting.

I have to get busy. The market starts again at the end of April. I want to do shows this year, and lots of them. I have to get some inventory built up, and I want to continue offering paintings and art online. I miss my online communities, and friendships, and can't believe 2009 is gone and done with, and so much time has pasted.

Some of the wonderful highlights in 2009...
1. Having the opportunity to sell every week at the wonderful Chattanooga Market. I met so many FANTASTIC people, whom I came to love as dear friends.
2. Meeting one of my online friends--Mary Freeman. Such a beautiful person--inside and out!
3. Being able to be part of the Slotin Folk Fest in Atlanta. (Such a mind-blowing experience!).
4. Watching from afar as SHE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING knocked out almost all of her time through nursing school. I cannot believe my daughter is going to be an RN..I am proud of her, though I don't think it's really sunk in yet. She will always scare me, if she has a needle in her hand..hehehe.
5.Nature Boy got news that his daughter will give birth to his 5 grandchild in April.
6.I was published for my first time.
7. I had many offers --some of them I took seriously, others (you know who you are)..I simply laughed in their face. (A MAJOR company, I am talking about here).
8. I sold a great deal of my art this year. That makes me happy.
9. We purchased a NICE vehicle..and gave my car to SHE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING. (I hope it last her for at least another year!)
10. Thanked God every day for the blessings in my life.

I guess the only real bad thing that happened this year was the passing away of Petey the Wonderdog. I still miss him everyday....but if that is all the bad that I had to deal with (not counting the flu that lasted 3 weeks)...I consider myself content, and blessed.

I don't know what I want yet out of the new year. I haven't really thought about "resolutions", or what I need to do. I will get it all straightened out in my crowded head soon. But, whatever it is--I hope you'll join me...and take the ride with me. I appreciate ALL of you so much!! Thank you!! Love, and Live Artfully! ~~Suzan~~


Barb Smith said...

It does sound like 2009 was a very good year, Suzan (with the exception of Petey, of course)...and I feel certain that 2010 will be even better. You can be sure that I will be along for the ride along with you. I can't wait to see what the year holds for us both!
Peace, Love & Art,

Mary said...

Thank you Suzan, meeting you was a highlight for me too!

May 2010 be a marvelous year for you!!


Contessa Kris said...

It sounds like you've had a lovely year! I look forward to seeing how your year progresses. Wishing you fabulous success in 2010!

Sueann said...

What a wonderful year 2009 was for you. It was great for me too!
I am looking forward to 2010!!! I just know it is going to be fabulous!

Sharon said...

Hi Suzan, I like it very much. She is definately thinking about him, or just keeping an eye on him. Great piece of work. Sharon

Jodi Ohl said...

Wow! What a wonderful lists of accomplishments and highlights! From what I know of you Suzan, you will achieve great things in 2010!! You're driven, passionate, giving, determined, and positive about all that you do. All the best for a wonderful New Year ahead!

Unknown said...

Hey! Is it April yet? Miss seeing you guys at the Market.

Kathy said...

Happy New Year sweet friend.