Monday, April 12, 2010


 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMBERLY GRACE!!!! I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU for being such a wonderful child!!

Whew...LONGGG week! I have been restless, not sleeping, indecisive...(SORRY DAVID!)..LOL..David is the owner of the art gallery that shows my paintings, and he runs the Saturday Art Till Dark thingie on Saturdays. The week before last I called him, and said we were coming--could NOT get to sleep, and emailed him to tell him we weren't coming...The next Saturday, I called him and said we weren't coming, and then called him to tell him that I WAS coming. I told him also that I would do a show this upcoming weekend, and told him if I called him to tell that I wasn't coming to just hang up on me. LOL. My mind has never been this scattered. I think it's all the healthy changes I am making in my's got my hibernating winter body in a whirlwind.

I have started taking vitamins, and eating better, and am slowly giving up my life long substance---sugar. It's a slow, hard process since I have basically lived on it for years. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee sweets. I have an abnormal love of sweets.I am a sugar junkie. I have a problem...LOL.

Anyway--I have been watching the DR. OZ SHOW , and it's really pushing me to improve my living habits. I love, love, love this show. He is so damn adorable (so it certainly doesn't hurt my eyes..hehehe). I already do many of the things..but, I can do more by giving up sugar. I have already given up 90% of white things (rice, potatoes,etc)..and I already eat enough fiber, and use salt substitute, and I don't eat anything fried..etc..blah, blah..blah...he does really cool experiments, and always blows things's quite look it up if you are at home in the afternoon. It comes on here (Central time) at 3, so it should be around there somewhere. I thank God every day that I am super healthy...but, I want to be MORE SO..

Sunday, Nature Boy and I went to the Chattanooga Market Pre-Season meeting, and saw all of our old friends from last year. It was cool..after this long, cold winter to see everyone, and sit outside and get fresh air. We are extremely excited about the Market starting up, and are working to make some new things to test people's response on...

anyway..Live Artfully!


Sueann said...

Happy Birthday to Kimberly! And as for changing your mind....well you are a woman and an changing your mind is a given. Comes with the territory.
I love your new paintings by the way. Very cool and colorful!!
SueAnn said...

Good for U, I now use Sea Salt, heard it is better. Giving up sugar, wow. said...

Good for U, I now use Sea Salt, heard it is better. Giving up sugar, wow.

Nancy Meyer said...

Wonderful about the sugar-less life! I feel so much better when I'm sugar-free. If I remember correctly, it tool me a while to get my system "righted" after getting rid of it. Depression has decreased, weight gone down.
And I love the Doggie.

Mary said...

I understand the sugar thing! I am better if I stay away from it altogether. It takes a bit to get it out of your system but once you do it you will feel better. That goes for white stuff for me too. The more sugar and white carbs I eat the more I want!!

Wish Kimberly a happy birthday for me!

Judy C said...

You have been busy. I have begun to watch eating here in Knoxville. Thanks for the heads up about Dr. Oz. And my granddaughter is 5 tomorrow. A real living doll. I always enjoy your blogs. Glad you are healthy.

Judy C said...

Hello Susan. You and I are on similar tracks with the healthy eating. I started a few weeks ago and have lost 12 pounds. And I hope your daughter had a good birthday.

Janie Husband said...

amazing how you produce all thia art so wonderful...i love them...

Jazz said...

I'm trying to cut out sweets and soft drinks right now. It's hell, it is....