Monday, June 21, 2010


Hello!! Well..One of the large square ones was done on Saturday. They are all 15 x 15. The other four, I did tonight. I love doing abstracts!! They are just so liberating, especially when you go into them with an "I don't care" attitude, and they turn out decent!! The long ones are 10 x 20. All are acrylic on canvas. I was on a roll the "zone".

I had had enough sitting at home, and Saturday night decided to go the Sunday market...I really wish I had just stayed at home. It was HOT! I had canceled for two weeks, and then decided to go. Luckily they had a spot for me. I am at a weird point with art. I can't find my bearings this year...or maybe I just expect too much.....who knows?
Live Artfully!


Sueann said...

Love these paintings!! They are gorgeous...exciting...colorful!!!
PS Know what you mean about losing your bearings. You have been pretty busy...maybe just a wee break to recharge>??!!

MagicMarkingsArt said...

love your bright use of color - the reds and turquoise make me happy!

Sharon said...

Your paintings are so great. But I still have one of your original Journal pages, and a paint collage on a canvas board called Fly, that I love to look at in my studio. You do such great work. The mojo will return, and it could lead you into a totally new adventure. Hang in there.

Jazz said...

Whoa! These are different. I particularly like the top one.

As for finding your bearings, I suppose the best is just to work through it and do what you like. You'll get there eventually.

Mary said...

oh these are so cool!!

number 4 and 5 are my favs!!

I hate summer!!!!!

Kathy said...

I like these new ones

Lynda said...

You'll get your bearings fact, it looks like you already got them back. Those abstracts are amazing! Don't you just love being in the zone? Its the best feeling :)

ArtPropelled said...

Love these abstracts! Good luck finding your bearings. Autumn will probably do the trick. I always find myself in Autumn :-)