Sunday, August 1, 2010


I lost my creative-ness...It died on me today. I am struggling like a babbling idiot to paint...Sigh...I honestly feel like my brain is drained. ...Oh well...The top one is a new take on an old subject--and the bottom one..well...I just don't know...Live Artfully!!


Sueann said...

You have been pushing yourself and producing so may need a break!!?? Take a nice long bubble a book...sit out in the sun....give your creative side a bit of a breather.
Your paintings are wonderful by the way

Dale Parker said...

I like the tree. Don't give up on it yet; I think it has promise. When I hit a wall with my painting I just have to put it away for a while and work on something else. Good luck with it.

Unknown said...

Maybe after painting so many in so many days your brain is just saying it needs a bit of a break.Then your creativeness will be back up to par and probably more so!

Jazz said...

Give your brain 24 hours break. Just play. Forget about painting. Your brain will resurrect.

Shawna said...

I feel the exact same way today. I've been struggling to make anything. Ah well, it'll come back.

JoMo said...

These look gorgeous!
When my creativeness is low I like to do something kind for myself, a little silly treat of some sort. That often brings me back to the creative me. Hope your muse returns with gusto.

Erin Butson said...

I love this post because I totally get it. One day it's there andthe next it's not... I love your work and your style. e