Monday, September 6, 2010


This is our booth (one of two that we had this weekend) on the morning of the second day. We consolidated things as well as we could to make it look very full!

We are home today after a WONDERFUL, FANTASTIC weekend at the Mentone, AL Labor Day Art Show at the Mentone Inn. Thank you to all the great people that came out to support the artist! The weather was truly a gift from God. It was magically PERFECT!! The people were friendly, welcoming and loved art!! This was absolutely the BEST show that we have done so far! I met some of the coolest people!

We sold a ton of stuff...possibly, most of ALL that I painted the entire of month of August. I have another show this next weekend, and I am going to have to pull a rabbit out of the hat to have enough to fill the booth. Fortunately--I LOVE the CHALLENGE of pulling rabbits out of a hats!!! I am so pumped and excited!! Hopefully, tomorrow morning we can go find a new white tent for shows, and get some prints made, and etc..etc..then I can come home, and PAINT MY REAR END OFF! WHOOOHOOOO!!!

There were some great artist at the show. Athlone Clarke, and his wife Alyce (both had separate booths and  awesome art!), our friend Michael Wimmer (a magical assemblage artist!), and Pamela Willis Watters (some of the prettiest, brightest pastel paintings that I have seen!!--check out her website!) were just a few of them. Sadly, I didn't get to move out of the booth much, and get to know anyone else...I did run over and buy a wood carving piece from an artist named Jim. He does this incredible stuff, and we had bought a piece of his back in July. I bought a large carved Indian head..and I dearly love it. (I'll show a picture as soon as we unpack).

Thank you to all my friends and collectors that came out! I loved seeing you all again!! It made the weekend extra special.

This morning, Nature Boy and I got up and went down to First Monday Trade Day on the town square. The first thing that happened was I LOST NATURE BOY! Worried me sick! He had to go back to the van to put some books in there--and I said "I will be right here on this corner"..and all he HEARD was "blah, blah, blah..."LOL...(those of you with husbands, surely understand this!), we got the time I found him, I was too tired to home we went..and I immediately went back to bed...I feel like I could sleep for a week!



Terri said...

Congratulations! I have no doubt you are up for the challenge!


Janet Ghio said...

Congratulations on your show! Wish I could have seen all your artwork. I am intrigued by something I see in your booth--looks like people cutouts of some kind?

Sueann said...

Glad the show went well for you Suzan!! That is great! Your booth looked fabulous!!
Good luck on pulling that rabbit out of your hat! Ha!

Terri Stegmiller said...

Congrats on a great show. I am wondering if I can ask a question. I've been contemplating doing a booth at some local art fairs and I'm in the process of researching how to do a booth set up. I'm wondering how you hung your paintings. What is holding them to the "walls". Thanks!

carollyn50 said...

Suzan, I came home and immediately hung my new (3 pieces) art in my home office. I love them! I especially like my cow pictures. I look forward to seeing you in Fort Payne on Sept 18th. Can't wait to see your new art work and am looking forward to it.

Prizler Photography said...

WHEN are you coming to So. California????????
I'll give you a place to stay!

Megan Hoover said...

Your works continue to amaze me...any advice for doing your first show? I haven't had the courage to try yet -- but I'm working on it.