Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I had to borrow one of Nature Boy's flower photos for a picture this morning...hope he doesn't mind!! Sitting here drinking coffee, playing on Facebook, and procrastinating going into the DUNGEON of DIRT..aka..the studio. I HAVE TO CLEAN IT TODAY!! I cannot work any longer in that mess...that, and I have to make Nature Boy some clay faces for his art people, and I don't have a clue where the mold never ends...

We have 2 more full days to finish up before we set up on Friday for the Mentone Alabama Labor Day Art Show. I can't wait!

I am almost through my 3rd week of my changed eating habits. No sugars, no fats. All grains, fruit and veggies, no red meat. I have lost what I feel like is a lot of weight so far. I no longer have back pain when standing, I feel more energetic and "light" on my feet. I thought that giving up sugar would kill me, but it hasn't. Funny thing is that I am having NO cravings whatsoever!! I made a decision, committed my mind to it, and am executing it. I hope to never go back to my old habits. Next week, I start the excercise part of it all..and am actually looking forward to it. That is basically what I have been doing. Painting and eating well. That's it...boring ...LOL..(not really).

Yesterday, I called an old best friend. One, that I had not treated so nicely when we last saw each other. (I have not always been the wonderfully nice human, that you all know and love..hahahaha) I had emailed her, but she didn't immediately respond, so I called her. The first thing that I did  was apologize from the bottom of my heart for the way that I had spoken to her. I explained it was a bad time in life, and not all things were right with the world...we ended up talking and laughing for THREE HOURS straight. When we got done, a part of my soul felt refurbished, and complete again.

I have re-connected with almost all of my old friends from my past. Thank God for the computer. I have found them all through here. Well..there's a couple that are well.....better off  left alone...let's say...heheheh.

We have a busy schedule coming up! For those that care:
Sept.10--FUNKY FRIDAYS (5-8pm) at REFLECTIVES, 220 Old Hwy.431. In Hampton Cove--for those of you in the Huntsville, AL area
Sept 11--ART ON THE SQUARE in Athens, Alabama
Sept.18--Ft.Payne Alabama Boom Days. We will be set up at Anne Hamilton's house.

Well..time to work!Live Artfully and Eat Healthy!!!


Mary said...

clearing the air between friends probably feels just about as good as eating right! :)

oh I need to cut out the sugar. I begin then give in. I know if I will stick with it for several days the cravings will flee. And I know if will take care of a lot of the aches and pains.

good for you Suzan for keeping with it.

I have had my grandson for five days, ready to be in my onw home!!!! said...


Sueann said...

Good luck on clearing out and cleaning your studio. That is what I have been doing. My last project really wreaked havoc!! I can finally walk in my studio so I feel I have accomplished a great task!! Ha!
Good luck on your upcoming shows. I am sure you will sell out. Your work is awesome!

Mollye said...

Hi Susan, I am intrigued about your "healthy eating" plan. Is it the South Beach Diet? I'm taking a drug Prednisone which is causing the pounds to pile on with a fierceness. Good luck with the food changes. Mollye

Traci said...

Hey Suzan - Traci here.....I am the tassel lady that, along with my Mom, had the booth next to you at Monteagle. Good luck this weekend at Mentone. You will do great - your paintings are so unique and fantastic! I have a show in Woodstock or I would love to come and visit. You know I love me some Mentone! I started my baby steps, but started. I am now a follower so that I can stalk you everyday. Hopefully, I will see you soon :)

Unknown said...

Just wanted to offer up congrats on cleaning out the body and cleaning out residual ick from past actions - a new life is on the horizon!

If you need some reading and some support for your new way of eating you might want to check out He's an MD who treats patients through goo nutritional choices. You might something interesting in there.

I can't wait to see what crazy new art you come up with with all this 'cleaning out' that's happening!!!