Tuesday, January 11, 2011


Day 2 of being completely snowed in, and I am going CRAZY!!! But, I have been painting, and eating, and sleeping, and painting some more...Now, the temperature is dropping, and it's icing over..and I may never get to leave my house...sigh..Oh well..I shall just keep painting, and painting, and painting.

This is a really fun series that I am doing. I drew and painted one yellow lady last week with roses in her hair, and I really liked everything about her proportion, and the way she came out..so, I took some thick tar paper (the kind you roof your house with) and I cut her outline out. I have just been painting her over and over and over...and am having fun doing it. I am hoping to have the same face in about 9-12 different ways for the show in Birmingham on the 5th of February.  I think I am going to make stencils (for lack of  a better word) out of some more of my favorite pieces, and start using them. All I am doing is drawing the outline ..then freely painting the pieces..

Nature Boy has been out playing in the snow..yesterday, he built a snowman. It was hilarious! He took a pair of blue jeans and a jacket and filled them with snow...then, he put a head and a cowboy hat on it..this morning..the poor thing was just a pile of wet clothes...I don't know why it met such a rapid demise--as it's getting colder, and not warming a bit...sigh...

Thank Goodness that we made our monthly COSTCO trip before this snow hit. I am comforted in knowing that I have 60 packets of hot chocolate..over a hundred packets of Organic Oatmeal..and basically enough crackers, meat, veggies and cans of soup to last until June or so..hahahah! I LOVE COSTCO!

Well..off to paint some more! Live Artfully!!


Janet Ghio said...

It's wonderful to see how many different looks you can get with the same face!

Marcia Bauerle said...

This is such a great idea! Love your variety of colors and feelings. Stay warm. It's 10 degrees here in Nebraska, and that's the high for the day!

Jazz said...

Thank you for taking all our snow. It's nice having so little up here this year.