Saturday, February 5, 2011


Hello!! Well..we didn't get to go to the art show in Birmingham. We were waiting out the weather..which wasn't bad at our house, nor was it bad in Birmingham..but, all the roads between here and there got slaughtered on Thursday night, so I imagine that there were still some dangerous spots along the way. But, we set out to go anyway.  We packed the van..and then got in..and the battery went dead. We waited a little while..tried again..and still no battery. Our neighbor was at work..and the nearest store that sold batteries was about 20 miles. So, we saw it as a sign...NOT to go. Sometimes you HAVE to listen at what the universe is telling you. It just was not meant to be. On a positive note..1. I have a start on my inventory, which is always LOW..(not complaining--thanking God), at least..I have a starting point!! and 2. Today was our 9th wedding anniversary. (Thank you God again!) Nine years married to my best friend, still the funniest man that I have ever met. I loves my "Nature Boy"...He is absolutely the best husband that a woman could have. I mean this from the bottom of my heart. 3. We took a nap after not being able to go to the show, went out to the van, and it cranked RIGHT up. It's a Toyota it isn't a shabby vehicle..and it's never gave us a bit of trouble..(knock on wood), so..I honestly think that someone was telling us not to go.

We basically just hung out today, and I collaged and painted this. It was going to be so different, but I got it to this point, and I love here it is. A 12 x 12 acrylic/mixed media on wood.

Tomorrow is here..and I guess I need some sleep..considering it's almost time for the sun to come up.

Live Artfully!


azviatx said...

All in one day? Ok, I'm impressed!
Something like this would take me a week, at least. My nogging just doesn't process that quickly. Tis a
lovely work. I think you're correct in believing the universe didn't want you & hubby-man out-n-about in inclement weather. Art show later, nap now! Stay safe, warm and snuggly. Tina/redopal

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...


And... get a battery charger! :D

Mary said...

I am so sorry you did not get to go...but sometimes as you said there is a reason.

Happy Anniversary to you both!

another fabulous painting!!

Janet Ghio said...

Happy anniversary! I love your complex painting--all those things in it! Wonderful. said...

Wonderful artwork!
Thank you for sharing... what a delight!

Giggles said...

Good for you listening to your intuition! I agree with you, there are always signs the universe is throwing our way! Important to heed them.

I have had several batteries go in the cold. Hit and miss when they start, and then one day, usually a cold day they don't start at all. You may want to get the juice on your battery checked and have it replaced before you get stranded. At least it's not a huge car expense! Good luck...and Happy Anniversary! Great painting a little different style!

Hugs Giggles

Barbara Hagerty said...

This is so much fun! It's going to take awhile to see everything you've put into this, and even then I'm not sure I'll have seen it all!