Sunday, February 15, 2009


I MADE IT!!! One year ago today, I was recuperating from the flu. I KNOW this because I wrote it in my journal. So, I have been cold, and flu free (one stomach upset thingie, but we aren't counting that)...for ONE WHOLE YEAR...WOHOOOHOOO!! Thank you makers of Airborne and Lysol!!! LOL..It's been a wonderful mucus-free year!! (knocking on wood, crossing fingers, doing happy dancing)..(OK--I AGREE with you--I NEED TO GET A LIFE..LOL)
Live Artfully (and flu-free)


Artsnark said...

Congrats! A life with out flu is a freakin miracle this season! seems almost everyone has been hit with extra nasty bugs this year

Maria-Thérèse ~ said...

If I *dare* say it, this winter has been really good for me health-wise, so far, knock on wood etc. Probably has to do with the fact that I quit working as a teachers, all those students sneezing and coughing on me at all times since they didn't want to stay home and lose students' allowance. Or they liked my classes. Or not.

Art by Darla Kay said...

A huge plus for journaling! It's things like this that we sometimes take for granted and a journal reminds us of both good and bad that we've endured! Congrats on a healthy year and many more to you!

Jeanette Carlstrom said...

I had the major flu as well in February last year and boy was I sick...I should celebrate with you. One year flu free...knock, knock

Barb Smith said...

You crack me up...but hey, every day should be a celebration of some sort so I'm glad you had your flu-iversary to celebrate today!
Peace & Love,