Wednesday, April 1, 2009


NOT BY HIS CHOICE..story later..I am about to pass out from exhaustion!! Thank you for all of your thoughts!!!


Artsnark said...

glad to hear it!

Every Photo Tells A Story said...

I guess Petey was having too much fun,eh:) I'm glad to read that he was found, Suzan.

Cotton Picker said...

So glad your doggie is back. I know what it's like. Years ago my chihuahua ran away in the dead of winter and I was sure she had frozen to death. A neighbour had rescued her and went around that evening door to door searching for the owner. Imagine my gratitude and joy!

Anonymous said...

Just saw all of this. Thank goodness all is well and Petey has returned to his senses.........
Take care,

Bonny said...

That's really good news!! I'm happy for both you nd petey. Now have some hot tea and get some sleep!

Willnnabel said...

Hmm, I am glad he is home. Does this mean he is going to be a "father"? Did he knock-up, Ms. Hottie-pants? I guess you will know in a couple months. Ha ha.

I can relate, I have Mr. Boo Bailey here and he is going in for the "Snip-snip" this month also.

Becky Bunn said...

So glad Petey is home safe after that "bitch" lured him into her lair. Maybe cletus is gay. That's why she went after Petey "the Stud"
gets some rest

BlueRidgeLady said...

Well what an adventure for Petey!! So glad you both found him and rescued him from ruin! He is so precious!!!


Joy Logan said...

Think I see a jesus face in your photo above...HURRY call ebay! lol