Whew..This is last week's stuff..about 9 of them, or things that I don't think that I have shown you. I am so far behind in blogging, and posting on FLICKR...I need to get my butt in gear... THIS WEEK, I have completed SIX paintings thus far..so, I am busy..I am just holding my breath until the first week of December is over, and I can have a breather, and not have to keep up with my sales at the Chattanooga Market. It amazes me that I have done 27 "shows" this year..and I can't wait for next year!! On top of the Market though next year, I hope to add about 30+ art shows...it should be interesting!Ok..back to painting..It's 1:36 AM, and I am sure that I can finish another painting if I hurry. Live Artfully!
Very nice! Your faces have a unique look to them and it's fun to be able to spot a Buckner painting now!
Are U going to be doing the show in Chattanooga Thanksgiving weekend? Will there be a show that weekend? Love your Stuff!
I was missing seeing your work!!!
Your rate of production leaves me breathless! Fine work!
Fabulous!!! Boy! Now I feel like I better get the lead out!!! Thanks for the inspiration!
Nice, all good stuff. You make the market a happier place, Oh wait, maybe it's nature boy?
I love all of these paintings they are wonderful - Happy Halloween !!!
Wow, you are one busy lady!!! Love your faces (I'm on a face kick right now). I grew up in Chattanooga, so I couldn't help getting nostalgic when reading your comments about the Chattanooga market. Keep up the great (and fun) work.
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