1. This dog carries around a dead opossum carcass as a toy. It's been dead long enough to be petrified, and Nature Boy has buried/thrown it away 3 times. It always shows up. It was encased in ice on Friday, so..the dog carried it around. It looked like a large chunk of ice with a opossum's head poking out. (This could be because THIS IS WHAT IT WAS).
2. This dog can eat an entire leg from a deer. From the hip joint all the way to the foot. Bones, flesh, skin, etc...the dog ate it. He did share a morsel (and I am being generous here) with the neighbor hood dog that got out the other day. I don't know where the leg came from...I imagine the dog just ran a deer down, and ripped it's one leg off...so, come spring..I won't be surprised to see a 3 legged deer hobbling around...LOL.
3. The dog goes into his house on our porch at approximately 8pm EVERY NIGHT, and sleeps like the dead, until approximately 5 am. He doesn't come out or wake up for ANYTHING. You can call him, conjole him, tantalize him..NOTHING. His eyes don't open, and he never moves. Weird, if you ask me.
4.He is not an Alpha dog. The dog down the street (HERSHEY) was loose, and treated the dog that has adopted us, like a sissy girl. The dog that has adopted us, let him. (Petey used to tear into HERSHEY, even though Hershey was twice his size).
5. The dog that adopted us is obviously a puppy. He's already as big as Petey was. This is kinda scary. One or two growth spurts will turn the dog that adopted us into A BIG DOG THAT ADOPTED US.
6. He is HIGHLY intelligent. I have already taught him to speak, and the meaning of no...I think he knows how to sit, but is stubborn and WON'T...hehehe..he waits until I turn my back, then sits. Nature Boy suggested obedience training today...I told Nature Boy that at 62, he was too old to be trained..OH!! You mean you were talking about for the dog???? (Honey, you have to clarify these things for me)...hehhe.
Well..that's about it. The jury is still out about me keeping him. I am not running him off, but I am also not letting him in my house. I keep thinking of Jack London's, THE CALL OF THE WILD...and am thinking one day, he'll run off..and we'll never see him again...which is ok with me...A three legged deer is one thing--a one legged Nature Boy or Suzan is not.
Live Artfully!
I am enjoying your stories about your stray dog so much - it's like an exciting serial which leaves the reader hanging on impatiently to see what happens next. I want a happy ending with him being invited into the house and becoming part of your family!! He obviously has brains, attitude, a good appetite, common sense (to keep out of trouble) and a way to wheedle his way into your hearts. Goooo onnnnnnnn! Invite him in.
He's beautiful...looks a smidge 'wolfish' to me. ;)
He's a handsome dog. Glad he's found a safe place to rest for now
If the stories weren't so amusing, it would be scary!! LOL!! Definitely a wild dog for sure. A whole deer leg?? Wowzers!
Good luck
That is so funny about him going in the dog house and sleeping like a stone...I think the new Adventure is just beginning.
Yes, he is quite different! I wonder what his story is but apparently he likes his house. Keep us informed!
LOL - Now I like this pup even more :) Great post! You really got me giggling this morning. Thanks. Yup, 62 might be too old for obedience training and aren't we all a little quirky?
Love following this dog story...
And your ART!! I love your ART!!! heehee
Oh I so enjoyed that, I read it out loud to my family!!! :)
Suzan you just crack me up!!!!
So, when are you going to name "the dog that adopted you??????" :)
Sweetie, the dog wants you. He has decided you two are his humans.
thanks for sharing...seems to me that your new puppy friend appreciates your kindness and feels safe with you & will in turn protect you & yours. i have a male cat that showed up & is the same way...i've never touched him, he won't allow it but he does watch out for my 4 other cats and has protected my property from other roaming cats & foxes & raccoons...enjoy him! :)
Yup! DEFINITELY a 'wild child' for sure! Yup! DEFINITELY there's a bit (OK - maybe MORE than a bit) of wolf in there somewhere! LOL! Hugs, Terri xoxo
OMG ... I just NEEDED that laugh today. Nature Boy is so like my own DH...but we do our adopting in much smaller doses. One 5 lb. chihuahua (which could chew your ankle off if he could reach it) and five cats ranging from 5 lbs. to 11 lbs. I don't think I could bear to have a dog that comes and goes...it would break my heart if he never came back again. As far as that three legged deer...will you please keep us posted on its whereabouts??? lol
He's beautiful and his coat is shiny. I have a feral cat hanging around, un-altered and howls all night long for my babies to come out and play. I'm torn about trapping him, altering him and releasing or just bring him to the shelter. He's keeping my up all night. :o(
What an absolutely gorgeous animal Susan!!! I hope he stays. ; ) Oh and Happy New Year!!!
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