Showing posts with label Suzan Buckner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Suzan Buckner. Show all posts

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Well..the dog is still around. He isn't living in our house, and probably won't. He likes the outdoors, the freedom, and the cold. Also, he has a few quirks....
1. This dog carries around a dead opossum carcass as a toy. It's been dead long enough to be petrified, and Nature Boy has buried/thrown it away 3 times. It always shows up. It was encased in ice on Friday, so..the dog carried it around. It looked like a large chunk of ice with a opossum's head poking out. (This could be because THIS IS WHAT IT WAS).
2. This dog can eat an entire leg from a deer. From the hip joint all the way to the foot. Bones, flesh, skin, etc...the dog ate it. He did share a morsel (and I am being generous here) with the neighbor hood dog that got out the other day. I don't know where the leg came from...I imagine the dog just ran a deer down, and ripped it's one leg, come spring..I won't be surprised to see a 3 legged deer hobbling around...LOL.
3. The dog goes into his house on our porch at approximately 8pm EVERY NIGHT, and sleeps like the dead, until approximately 5 am. He doesn't come out or wake up for ANYTHING. You can call him, conjole him, tantalize him..NOTHING. His eyes don't open, and he never moves. Weird, if you ask me.
4.He is not an Alpha dog. The dog down the street (HERSHEY) was loose, and treated the dog that has adopted us, like a sissy girl. The dog that has adopted us, let him. (Petey used to tear into HERSHEY, even though Hershey was twice his size).
5. The dog that adopted us is obviously a puppy. He's already as big as Petey was. This is kinda scary. One or two growth spurts will turn the dog that adopted us into A BIG DOG THAT ADOPTED US.
6. He is HIGHLY intelligent. I have already taught him to speak, and the meaning of no...I think he knows how to sit, but is stubborn and WON'T...hehehe..he waits until I turn my back, then sits. Nature Boy suggested obedience training today...I told Nature Boy that at 62, he was too old to be trained..OH!! You mean you were talking about for the dog???? (Honey, you have to clarify these things for me)...hehhe.

Well..that's about it. The jury is still out about me keeping him. I am not running him off, but I am also not letting him in my house. I keep thinking of Jack London's, THE CALL OF THE WILD...and am thinking one day, he'll run off..and we'll never see him again...which is ok with me...A three legged deer is one thing--a one legged Nature Boy or Suzan is not.
Live Artfully!

Friday, January 8, 2010


Good Morning--It is COLD. Bitter, icy, snowy, stick-my-head-under-the-covers, hibernating COLD. I am miserable..LOL..I am FROZEN....I am also whiny, and a cry-baby...LOL...But, anyway-- Good Morning!

Last night, I was playing with watercolor pencils and crayons while watching the National Championship football game..(Yea!! for Nature Boy!!! His team took the National Championship title--happy for him!!!) I was saying..I was playing, and this was the end result! I think I love watercolors!! They are so easy to work with, and I love the look. This is done on a scrap piece of cheap paper, and I used acrylics for some of it. It was quick, easy, and fun!

I am compiling my list of things that you all asked for me to show you. I will be doing a couple of tutorials starting next week, and I hope that they help you. A lot of you wanted "how to do faces". I probably am not the one to show you this--because most of my faces are kinda wonky looking, but I will give it a shot. Ok..going back under the covers. I wish I could stay there until March. (WHY didn't God grant humans the ability to hibernate?????) Live Artfully!

Monday, January 4, 2010


Hello!! I have been thinking..I run to the blog...say.."woohhoooo..I did this, I did that...blah, blah, blah...and..." then I'm gone. It's been this way since last April or so, and it's just simply because I have been so busy. I am sorry!

I would like to do some new tutorials...but, really don't know what to tell you all...SO..HELP ME. If you would like a tutorial on something..just leave a comment on this post. If you can think of anything...please tell me. I am willing to "give back" to the blogging community while I your thinking beanies on.....(PS..I can't tell you how to spackle the Empire State Building...or anything like, let's keep it REAL..hehehe)

Live Artfully!!

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I have started to put Nature Boy's art in my Etsy shop, and have listed one of his assemblage art dolls (they are so cute!)..also..I made revisions to this painting, and it's now listed. I am going to try to list a few things please keep checking back!


Good Morning!! I really have debated showing these pictures. They may disturb you, and give you warm, uncontrollable fuzzies..causing shortness of breath, and heart pitter patterings....but, this little fellow showed up about 6 days ago. I tried to ignore him, but had to feed him..tried not to let him get friendly, but put down blankets in Petey's house on the porch, so he wouldn't get cold....I personally think he's a young wolf pup..Nature Boy says I am crazy..we'll see. (Let's just hope he eats the one that didn't KNOW what he was -- when he huffs and puffs and blows our house down..heheh). We are thinking of naming him ELI..or Sirius (from Sirius Black on Harry Potter). Let's NOT get attached to him..and let's NOT let him in the house........:::SIGH:::::...we'll see...
Live Artfully!


15 x 18 acrylics on wood, mixed media..not sure if I like it yet or not..hehehe.

Friday, January 1, 2010


2010 we are. 2010. A new year, a new chance to make things fresh and new again. I didn't do art journaling much this year, didn't do much online, but all in was a great year. I had some wonderful opportunities, and basically worked my fingers to the bone to sell at the Chattanooga Market. Nature Boy became an artist this year!! That was exciting.

I have to get busy. The market starts again at the end of April. I want to do shows this year, and lots of them. I have to get some inventory built up, and I want to continue offering paintings and art online. I miss my online communities, and friendships, and can't believe 2009 is gone and done with, and so much time has pasted.

Some of the wonderful highlights in 2009...
1. Having the opportunity to sell every week at the wonderful Chattanooga Market. I met so many FANTASTIC people, whom I came to love as dear friends.
2. Meeting one of my online friends--Mary Freeman. Such a beautiful person--inside and out!
3. Being able to be part of the Slotin Folk Fest in Atlanta. (Such a mind-blowing experience!).
4. Watching from afar as SHE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING knocked out almost all of her time through nursing school. I cannot believe my daughter is going to be an RN..I am proud of her, though I don't think it's really sunk in yet. She will always scare me, if she has a needle in her hand..hehehe.
5.Nature Boy got news that his daughter will give birth to his 5 grandchild in April.
6.I was published for my first time.
7. I had many offers --some of them I took seriously, others (you know who you are)..I simply laughed in their face. (A MAJOR company, I am talking about here).
8. I sold a great deal of my art this year. That makes me happy.
9. We purchased a NICE vehicle..and gave my car to SHE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING. (I hope it last her for at least another year!)
10. Thanked God every day for the blessings in my life.

I guess the only real bad thing that happened this year was the passing away of Petey the Wonderdog. I still miss him everyday....but if that is all the bad that I had to deal with (not counting the flu that lasted 3 weeks)...I consider myself content, and blessed.

I don't know what I want yet out of the new year. I haven't really thought about "resolutions", or what I need to do. I will get it all straightened out in my crowded head soon. But, whatever it is--I hope you'll join me...and take the ride with me. I appreciate ALL of you so much!! Thank you!! Love, and Live Artfully! ~~Suzan~~

Thursday, December 31, 2009



I hope you all have a HAPPY, SAFE, and WONDERFUL NEW YEAR!!!HERE'S TO 2010~

Friday, December 25, 2009


DECEMBER 25, 2009!~ Merry Christmas Everyone!! It has been a LONGGGG time since I have blogged anything--and for that I am sorry! I hope this season is finding you all happy and full of the real meaning of Christmas!

I FINALLY felt like going into the art room at the beginning of this week! The flu that I had was a toughie. I think I made it worse because of some CVS Theraflu stuff that reacted very badly with me...but, it seemed like I was sick for a long time, and couldn't shake it. Then I was just TIRED. I probably needed to go to a doctor, but I am stubborn, and REALLY hate I just toughed it out. I learned a valuable lesson though. Do not procrastinate getting ready for shows until the last minute..hahahahha..I really messed up the Christmas Market by not having stuff ready because I had gotten sick...I am going to work on Christmas stuff throughout the year in 201o, and at least if I get it done, then I will have it on hand.

Anyway--I have been busy this week. I even did a couple of Mixed Media pieces...The one with the large butterfly is my absolute favorite, and I love it.

The piece below is 12 x 12 on wood. Mixed media collage. It was fun glueing again..

This is 7 x 12 (or close)..and it's the one that I like so much.
And of course--I painted. This little beauty is probably my second favorite, and I really like how it came out. She's on wood, and 8 x 10.

This one was fun...(like the way her hair came out--I have the hardest time with hair)...

and my little "plumpkin"...hehehee..

Not a great pic of this one...much better in real...this one is small..about 4 x 6...

Another small also looks better in real..
This one was fun, and reminded me when I use to make mixed media pieces all the time.. it's about 9 x 12...
Well, that's it...I have felt like I am still "behind", and like I have to "produce"..even though, the shows are done for the year, and I can rest..I would love to get about 200 pieces ready before April...but, as you all know--I always set my goals WAYYYYYYYY out there, and never get as much done as I would like!
Well..It's almost 2am on Christmas morning, and I better get some sleep. We've had 2 days of Christmas parties with our children, and tomorrow we have to travel to Nature Boy's sister's for dinner with the family. I hope this year has been full of love, joy and happiness for all of you!!
Merry Christmas!!
Live Artfully!!

Friday, December 11, 2009


Just a hit and run post for a potential buyer of Nature Boy's doll. I will be back on Monday. Every thing is good..and I am almost completely well..just tired. Hugs!! Live Artfully!

Monday, November 30, 2009


Sorry to worry you all, and thank you if you have emailed me, asking if I was alright. I have had to flu. Not the sniffly, sneezy kind--the lay on the couch and hope you don't die kind. I am on the mend, and almost feeling alive again. I will return very soon. I just have to hold on for one more weekend at the Chattanooga Market, and one more art show on Dec. 13th, then I promise, I will be blogging like crazy again. Thank you again. I love and miss all of my bloggy buddies!!! Live Artfully!

Friday, November 13, 2009


Good Happy Morning!! I woke up thinking of my mornings as a child, spent with my grandparents. They raised me, and every morning of my young life, my grandfather would get up, and cook bacon, eggs, toast and grits for my grandmother and me. Every day! Can you imagine? I can barely get the coffee pot to cooperate most mornings, as I struggle to pry my eyes open. It was a sweet memory...just thought I would share. It's funny that now, I won't eat eggs, bacon(or any pork), or grits. Goodness--I bet I was 14 or 15 before I ate cereal...(which I DO eat now, but only the yucky high-fiber, cardboard with cinnamon type)....

I found some great pictures last night of Cirque Du Soleil, and sketched 3 of them out. They have inspired me, and I want to paint some of the characters, or at least use them as a basis for some paintings. I was going through my paper stash, and throwing things out. It amazes me that I have so much, and use to feel like I needed every tiny scrap, and now (a year later), I don't see any need for keeping it all around. I have to downsize. I have to clean the crap out of my life. I have always been a hoarder/purger. It is time to purge. To get rid of clutter, and to start fresh...I am afraid that the TV show--"HOARDERS"--is going to come and get me....and take me where they send bad hoarders...(I can't watch that show, it makes me ill--but, I did glimpse at it). If you have a problem holding onto things, and too many things--you may want to watch it...realize that mixed media collage art has made you a sick individual and do something about it....OR..HECK, HOARD some more...hahahha..Have a wonderful day and ...
Live Artfully!!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


An 8 x 8 that I just painted while watching the Gilmore Girls..LOL..YES! I still watch it every day!!LOL...Live Artfully!


Inspired by a painting of 3 white flowers....on an orange background. I changed it around a bit, and took the orange for the girl's hair. Busy, busy. Just recieved a phone call with an invite to do a show/market for Christmas. I think only 20 people were asked. Excited, but must work like crazy. This makes the 2nd show that wasn't expected that I have to have inventory for...Thank Goodness that Nature Boy is helping make stuff too..He made a wonderful bird out of found objects this morning, and I went nuts over it!! (I will show pics in the next post)....well..back to work. The days are moving fast...Live Artfully!!!


The above painting is called "BROKEN DOLL". It was literally painted in less than 15 minutes last night. I am trying something new--I set a timer for 15 minutes, and I paint. It isn't important WHAT I paint, just that I finish a painting in 15 minutes. It makes you stop thinking, and makes you just re-act. It also warms you up. Most people that do this excercise probably does it with drawing or sketching..but I decided to use a brush. She's not meant to be beautiful..just an excercise for my tired, worn-out, brain..hehehheeh. I kinda of like her.

I hope you all have a wonderful, happy day!
Live Artfully!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


Tomorrow..I have some exciting news..tonight..I am in painting mode. Hugs to All!
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


The painting above is now my newest favorite painting. I loved the way it turned out, and the ease in which it came to be. :::Smile:::::

All of these are medium sized paintings...not small..not large. I think I forgot to show you last week's..I am missing some on here, I know. Live Artfully!