Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This dollie was made with a vintage green glass (glows under a black light!), a vintage "made in Japan" little ceramic doll, some vintage goggles, an antique key, and other things. The little girl under the glass is holding a key that has the definition of key on it. (She isn't warpy --that's the glass) The base is covered in old print, and aged. Stands about 11 inches tall.
Live Artfully!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I have been SO busy!! I completed this doll last night. She's made from an old medicine bottle, bullet casings, and a metal round part from a very, very old cash register.
The words on her are "Artistry" and then the definition of ART.
On the home front--well, I have been working night and day to get ready for opening day of the new Market that I am going to. I had to tag everything, make sure it was all signed, finish bottoms of things. I have been working on Paper Clay, Art Dolls, Paintings, etc. I am aiming for about 125 pieces to take with me, plus 100 prints, plus 200 dominoes. I have 100 dominoes done, but have to hand draw on about a hundred before the 26th. I am swamped (with utter happiness and bliss), and hope to get all done. I have 11 days to go.
Last night--I started 4 art dolls, and finished this one..One of the art dolls is going to be awesome. I used a vintage green vaseline ice-cream glass as it's dress. Wait until you see it!!
Well..gotta get busy--time's a'wastin.
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


OOOhhh...boy!! I can see you all running pell mell to see what my challenge is..hehehehe. I put my new favorite song over there in the left hand column..and the challenge is---listen to the song, and sit perfectly still. DO NOT MOVE. No head-swaying, NO hand tapping, NO living room pole dancing...LOL..just sit perfectly still. I don't think it can be done (unless of course, if you are in complete shock that I have a rap song playing on my blog--hehehe..). I love this song!! It's by a man/group named FLO RIDA...and he is from FLORIDA..Yeah!! FLORidA!!(where I am originally from)...Heard this on American Idol tonight--Hope you like it!
Live Artfully!


Wow!! This whole entire week has been one cyclonic blur!! Did you miss me? Besides having to keep Petey the Wonderdog inside all week-and listening to his constant whining (which has driven me to the brink of murderous insanity), we have been on the road.

Friday night I did an out of town show. It was FABULOUS!! Very short, and VERY financially SWEET!! We drove 3 hours to get there, set up, sold for 4 hours, and drove 3 hours home. The show was GREAT!! I loved the people, and one woman actually SQUEALED when I told her that I was published in ART JOURNALING..LOL..that was quite funny, in a cute way!! We had a blast! I also booked a class for May to teach art journaling. That was cool! We did run into a little problem--they placed me in a regular's spot, and when the regular showed up--well..he pitched a little fit. Little fits don't bother me..I had an email on hand stating where I was suppose to set up, so -- not my problem! I cannot wait to go back there though!! The dominoes actually sold like hotcakes, so..I do have to restock those this week!!

Then on Saturday morning, after about 4 hours sleep, we went to our local town's little trade day/flea market--but after trying to function for about an hour--we closed up shop and went home. I didn't even want to deal with it.

Sunday morning, we had to go back out of town to a NEW VENDOR meeting. The art market that I had applied for--is HUGE. It's held every Sunday, and they said that a bad day is 5,000 people. Can you Imagine??? OMG..It's going to ROCK!! I cannot wait until it starts. I didn't know if I had been juried in or not, but we were required to go to the meeting "just in case"..while I was there, the woman told me that I had been approved!! WHOOOHOOOOO!! I am so, so, so excited!!!

Monday morning, I got up and hit the road again..this time only to buy groceries, and things we will need for the artist market. I am having to do a full display tent, even though the market is indoors, they will still let us put our tent inside--so, I have been working out a very colorful, very appealing decor for it. It's going to look great (hopefully!!). This meant buying new display stands, sides for the tent (I got the most beautiful gauzy curtains--in hot pink, turquoise, yellow and lime green for the sides), new tablecloths,, I am having to make tags to hang on everything..I will take a ton of pics at the first show!!

Then yesterday--I left the house in search of a new vehicle..LOL..I am thinking either a Honda Element, or a Ford Flex..but the Flex's are so new, that there are no "previously owned" ones yet. I am absolutely IN LOVE with them though..(not too keen on owning a FORD, but Nature Boy seems excited about it..LOL), my other option will be a van (yuck!), but we have to have a practical vehicle if we are going to be lugging tents, metal walls, and artwork all over the place.

Today, I am going to sit down, and figure out what shows I want to do. I can do that now, that I am committed to the artist market, and know what days are free this year..and then, I am going to work. I need to stay in the studio all week...LOL..that's about it...Live Artfully!! ~~Suzan~~

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Pushmi-pullyu (adopted character from Dr. Doolittle books)
List of Characters:
1. Nature Boy
2. Me
3. Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog
4. Pushmi-pullyu (see picture above)
5. Cletus (the younger stupid bystander dog)
6. Miss Harlot Hottie Pants (the female dog--the SAME female dog that stole the little toy from our yard and ran so happily down the street with Nature Boy chasing her a few weeks ago..)
Ok..Last night I went to bed at 8:30- 9pm..and around 11, I thought that I heard Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog outside, and went running to see if it was him. It was not. So, I couldn't go back to sleep..and sat up all night long, worrying about him. At 7 AM this morning, I finally drifted off to sleep. Around 10-ish..Nature Boy woke me up. I was tired, stressed, and Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog had not yet come home. I started crying. Nature Boy jumped into action--the man cannot stand to see me cry....and OFF he went..jumping on his magnificent white stead, and riding away into the sunset ( a little creative embellishment here--it was actually a Nature Boy All Terrain Vehicle in hunter green.) A few minutes went by, and Nature Boy returned, saying that he had found Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog, and he was in Miss Harlot Hottie Pant's yard, behind a fence. "Did you bring him home?" I asked him. I was told that he had tried to open the gate, but that Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog had GROWLED at him. I then told Nature Boy that I would go get him, and we jumped into the car and drove down there. I took a very large mallet with me--NOW knowing that Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog was ALIVE and WELL, I was just plain MAD! I get there, and there's Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog and Miss Harlot HOTTIE PANTS, but they are trying to FOOL me, and are dressed in the disguise of the evil Pushmi-Pullyu (pronounced push me pull you). (Trying to be very nice here--about the state that my dog was in )..Anyway--that just made me madder. The Harlot Hottie Pants had turned my dog into a crazed maniac..and wouldn't let him, I decided--FINE..She can have him!! Let him STAY there, and I went home. A little later, after many diabolical thoughts, I decided to go get him AGAIN. Even if I had to bring them home in the Pushmi-Pullyu disguise--that dog was coming home. So, Nature Boy and I jumped in the car again, and sped off......(crazy driving music inserted here)...and we drove about a block and a half, and there was MISS HARLOT HOTTIE PANTS and CLETUS. Cletus has confused me through this whole week..because CLETUS is always with Miss Harlot Hottie Pants, but he's like her brother, or best friend..but he is a male dog too. Maybe he's young, and doesn't know WHAT TO DO, but he has been by her side all week. They are strolling down the road, just smelling the flowers, and going here, and going there...but NO Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha husband just happened to glance over..and there is Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog behind ANOTHER fence, in a DIFFERENT yard..looking like a very happy drunken idiot. He's just sitting in the he can't get out.. IT's a country fence with post, and wire stapled to it..and you can just pull it loose. So, Nature Boy grabs the leash and hooks ole Petey the Whooped Wonderdog on it, and goes to pull the fence loose, and it isn't even attached to the post. It is just sitting there...LOL..the silly dog could have just walked out, but because Miss Harlot Hottie Pants took his brains earlier..he thought he was penned in..LOL LOL..anyway..Nature Boy had to drag Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog home. I mean drag him..FINALLY..we got him into the house, and he starts his crazy whining, and crying, and rolling on the floor..(thinking this will drive me insane as usual, and I will put him OUTSIDE, where he can escape AGAIN. NOT. This isn't going to happen until Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog becomes the feminine, not so male doggie at Dr. Dog's Snipping the Thing Off Clinic on Tuesday.. LOL..but, the whining and crying is DRIVING me INSANE. It's a high pitched manic whine..and I HATE IT...So.. I fix his little world. Yes, Necessity is the Mother of INVENTION..uh huh..I take the Extra Strength Febreeze Pet and Carpet deodorizer in the 20 gallon spray bottle, and I start spraying. I sprayed Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog's corner, his bed, the kitchen floor (which I had just mopped--so, now I have to do it AGAIN)..I sprayed the living room floor, the porch, the outside doggie bedding, the steps...and the whole time, I am on the phone with the vet, trying to get some serious doggies tranquilizers for him until Tuesday...and a miracle happens...Petey quiets down, and becomes very relaxed..and in less than 5 minutes--he's sound asleep. It's working..YEAH FEBREEZE!!!GO!! So, all night when there is an utterance of a whine, I re-spray, and my perfect, wonderful dog is back home..and he's quiet..and sweet..and Miss Harlot Hottie Pants is a distant, happy memory of his reckless past.
Live Artfully!
(this post is further evidence that I REALLY NEED TO GET A LIFE..hehehe)


NOT BY HIS CHOICE..story later..I am about to pass out from exhaustion!! Thank you for all of your thoughts!!!


He's been gone at least 11 hours..he left us for a little girl doggie in heat. Please pray for his safe, healthy, and HAPPY return. Thank you--Suzan

Monday, March 30, 2009


Two 8 x 8 x 1 1/2 on canvas and Two 9 x 12 x 7/8 on canvas. The tree one is so much prettier in real. That's about it. We have had a longgg, tiresome weekend (thanks to Petey the Wonderdog)..and it's late..more tomorrow..(Petey is fine--he's just not a good dog..LOL)..
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This is one fabulous zine, professionally printed and put out by Heather and Joleen. In this issue--HOME, and there are many, many great artist in it this month!! So go HERE, and pre-order your copy! I was VERY impressed by the last issue!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

GOOD MORNING!! ANOTHER PAINTING! AND Elizabeth Gilbert: A different way to think about creative genius!!

Well, this weekend absolutely flew by!! I can't believe that March is almost over, and April is right around the corner!! I have to get busy. I have a notebook of shows to apply for the year, and have to send in my forms and money. I am also trying to get into a weekly thingie, which should be very, very productive!! Cross your fingers!!

I have to go switch out my display at the retail store -- TALK OF THE TOWN -- today also. I am going to take some more paintings and things in. I want to keep the display fresh, and not keep trying to sell the same old things month after month...LOL..(I know it's only been 2 WEEKS). Also--if you love candles--you can order some of the owner's special ones--they smell FABULOUS!! He has designed the scents himself, and they are just MAGICAL!! They are called Heirloom .... total YUM!!

Petey woke me up at an ungodly hour this morning, and as my eyes FLEW open, and I realized that he was SOUND ASLEEP, I couldn't help but to laugh at him. He was howling like a his lol..We are a month away from having him 2 years now, wow--how times flies--and I can't help to think fondly of the changes that have occurred in him since that time. He went from being a scared, abused puppy that wouldn't even stick his nose in the front door to pratically living in the house. Now, he DEMANDS that we let him in, and gets pouty when we don't. He stays in every night, and has adopted a corner as his domain. The only downside to this--other than his DREAMING that he's a coyote, is HE SNORES. Good Gosh!! I mean like a freight train!! Luckily, he's like a man and if you tell him to hush, he rolls over and the snoring ceases..LOL.

Well, that's about it -- nothing new on the homefront..

Live Artfully!!

Also--if you have a minute--check this out!! (Hope this works--I have never put a video on here..and I am not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to videos..

Or here's the link--THIS IS WELL WORTH WATCHING!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

TWO 9 x 12 PAINTINGS....

Well, I finally am doing something. It seems maybe that my muse is back!! I have had the hardest time lately doing art. It just wouldn't come to me, but today it was easy, and came out nicely! So..happy..happy!!!
Live Artfully!

Monday, March 9, 2009


GOOD HAPPY MORNING!!!!(YES!! I AM SCREAMING AT YOU!!)..WAKE UP!! I hopped out of bed at 6am this morning, got my coffee and WENT OUTSIDE!! I didn't have to bundle up, stand in front of a heater, my feetsies didn't get so cold that my toes were threatening to fall off and move to Florida (without me!)... I DID..hear birds chirping, played with Petey, and felt the early morning WARMTH ............OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! I feel like a butterfly coming out of an over wrapped cocoon. I WORE SHORTS yesterday!! We dug up some trees and moved them to the front yard yesterday! Ok..let's be honest here--Nature Boy went into the woods, Nature Boy dug up the trees, Nature Boy planted them in the front yard...BUT..I DID walk out into the yard and inspect the finished product of "OUR" venture...LOL..I waited until he re-planted them too, just so that I would have the OPPORTUNITY of being MEAN and telling him that I wanted them "over there" instead..LOL LOL...One of the great things about being married is that you get to take credit for what your spouse I can say WE planted trees....when actually, I didn't touch a tree..LOL. Oh, how I feel like dancing today. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee warm weather. (Please remind me of this when I am whining about the heat in about 3 months--praying for cold weather!!)..I hope you have an absolutely beautiful, happy day!
Live Artfully!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Last night, I reworked an older painting. I was really happy with the results!!
Live Artfully!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


OMG!! It is such a beautiful, glorious day today. I feel like a new person!! I didn't have anything new to show you--so, I found a picture that Nature Boy took last Spring.

The high school visit went wonderfully!! I gave a speech on Internet Marketing, and then on Collage to them. They asked questions, and I answered them. Then I gave them all a free domino pendant. They seemed very happy!!

The teacher wrote me and said that I had inspired them into their collage unit, so, I guess I did ok. I was really a nervous wreck--having never done anything like that before.

Sorry that I haven't been around. I have been in a mental collapse state of mind, and can't seem to function very well...COLD WEATHER does that to me. I can't stand it. I need to move to Tampa or Key West...or at least buy a winter home there...LOL.

I have been busy though. Setting up all the shows for this upcoming year, making decisions on which ones to try for, and finding a larger art market than the one that I was previously going to. The Artist Market (the one on Saturdays) was a nice enough place, but really the money wasn't there. It's like--"it was nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there", and at times it left me feeling uncomfortable, there was a lot of "family" drama going on, and who needs that? I am in Art to make a living, not walk around on eggshells, so that no one feels bad. I needed to find a large market with a lot of people (shoppers), and I did just that. Cross your fingers that I get in!!! I had to really sit, and focus on what shows I wanted to do this year also. I was thinking one a week!! (OMG--that is total insanity)..I always want to bite off a bit more than I can realistically chew, and I had to backtrack. I have to slow down, and FOCUS. I had to write my goals down, I think that I will start small on the shows, but I do have down to do some serious big ones in 2010. That will give me time to build a business, and build my stock up. Anyway..I am going back to creating, and probably with a vengence..LOL..I feel like my arms have been cut off..and feel SO out of the loop. NOT CREATING does that.

Live Artfully!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Of going back to High School?? WELL..TODAY..I am. I have been asked to be a visiting artist in an area high school, so I am packing my art up, and going back..hehehe..I am very excited and nervous!! Must run..lots to do before I get to leave. Will tell all when I get home!
Live Artfully!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Here's my latest, and last for a while..(or so I say..heheh)
Live Artfully!!

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Here's my latest art doll. Technique learned in JoAnna Peirotti's doll class! Someone give me a name for her!!
Live Artfully!


HELLO!!!!! I haven't forgotten about you--I have been on mental hiatus from blogging, and have been praticing becoming a human vegetable, playing games all week on the computer. It's been a year and half of blogging, and almost every day I have posted, and sometimes more than I took a much deserved break!! But, I am back now!!

This is my latest find. This old doll head was given to me yesterday!! I literally squealed with joy. LOL..the man looked at me like I had cut my own head off...but, I was beyond excited!! I can make this beautiful with the info that I learned in JoAnna Peirotti's class!! The hair on this doll is MAGNIFICENT. It's a beautiful deep red, and in excellent condition!! Just remember this scary creature--and in a couple of days, I will show you her "make-over"...LOL..

Now..onto ROBOTS...Nature Boy has been creating again--I told him he was going to have to get his own blog, and that I wasn't MARKETING him too...LOL..(Though, he has an appointment to take his Folk Art Canes to a GALLERY on Friday..hhahaha). I haven't showed you the canes and walking sticks that he has been making, but he's sold two of them so far, for decent money, so...while I was talking to a gallery owner about MY art, I threw Nature Boy's art in there, the man is excited about our little husband and wife team..hehee.

This are assemblage robots. Very cool! He's not completely done with them, so I didn't take very good pics, but they are AWESOME!! I am going to hang them on our wall...until someone wants to buy them..LOL.
Well, it's nasty and rainy, so I am going to go hide in the studio, and try to play catch up today. Monday morning, I go to install my first retail store display of my art. I am very excited!! I have been making appointments, applying for art shows, and all kinds of stuff this week...I'll tell you more as it comes up!
Live Artfully!

Monday, February 23, 2009


I have added a few new freebies for you to use in your art. Please don't copy, and resell in a collection. Click the DAILY FREEBIE button on the left hand side. Thank you!!



For a short time, I will be offering prints of previous paintings and art journal pages in my Etsy shop.

Thank you!!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


The above picture is an old image that I either have, or have picked up somewhere. I have tried to paint it twice. I was going to use a paint-over technique that I read in Stampington. It was going to be fast and easy, and I would be able to have a cute painting...Well..the portrait (which surprised me, the way it came out) in my last post, and the moon man (work-in-progress) BOTH started out as this picture of two little girls. I lightened it in Photoshop, I tore around it, I glued it to my canvas...LOL..I didn't know what to say about the portrait in the last post. Technically, I used this technique..but, I ended up painting something different, and you see..the moon man doesn't look anything like what I started with either..LOL...I also tried this technique on the two blue men painting that I showed a week or so ago. I get frustrated that the painting isn't looking like I want it to, and take a brayer, and roll white paint over the entire thing, and's like POOF..I can paint. The other two paintings just flew out of me..this one is causing me distress..LOL...I see a blue naked lady under the watchful moon, but will not allow myself to paint a nude. (I personally don't like nudes). Sigh..the troubles of an artist..LOL...

Tonight, SHE WHO KNOWS EVERYTHING and I went to see CORALINE in 3-D. The movie was good, and it was fun to spend time with SWKE..but, the seats in the theatre leaned back, and put me in a slouchy position, which drives me completely insane. It's one thing that I can't deal with. I want to sit straight up, shoulders against the back of the chair. I am the same way in a car. I want my seat, straight up, or I will be miserable. A tad bit of "too much information about my obsessiveness" for ya...LOL. On the other note, the movie was cool, and inspiring..I think I am going to make me some dragonflies, and attach them with string and clothespins around the studio--because I really liked them in the movie. SWKE was a joy! I miss her a lot!

Well, I am off to finish the painting, and make some clay something or another...I guess I will be up for a while, since I have already went to bed, and woke up (all before midnight)...

Live Artfully!

Saturday, February 21, 2009


I have been working on this for a few days, tonight--I finished it. I covered my canvas first in old music paper, then painted on top of that.

Live Artfully!

Friday, February 20, 2009


Just crawling out of bed, and having coffee this morning--thought I would show you my huge pile of old watch parts, and my little tins. This seriously had to be a mistake. The booth that they came from -- the guy pieces everything out individually--and for me to get a case, and all of this, had to be an oversight on his part. It was sitting on the floor--LOL--BUT--it had a sticker on it..LOL..oh well...I am excited though!! The possibilities are ENDLESS!!
Here's the latest edition of the art doll family--Her name is Griselda, and she has a blue stone bird on her head!! to work now. I hope you all have a wonderful happy day!!

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I KNOW you are sick of me talking about these dolls--but, I have to add a note. If you want to buy one, and need to split the payment into 2 parts, or you want to buy one, and need up to 30 days to pay me.... Just email me, or let me know. I am more than willing to work with you on the payments. Thank you!! ~~Suzan~~


Live Artfully!!


I have finally filled my Etsy shop--all of the dolls will be available there, and they are cheaper, because I didn't have to include shipping. Thank you!!

Note--WOOHOOO--Two have sold already! Thank you!!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Hello!! What a day!! I will tell you about it, as soon as I introduce you to my new "friends". This is FiFi--She's from Paris, and loves anything having to do with the Eiffel Tower, and vintage buttons. Even her little "french" hat is a vintage button. She measures almost 12 inches tall, and is made out of parts from an old tin toy, a handpainted Paper Clay face, wire, buttons, and other stuff. She's $40 (that includes her shipping).


Next, we have AQUA..our pretty little mermaid princess. She hoards a great many treasures on her, and though she looks as sweet as can be--watch your sparklies when she's around. She's a sneaky one. AQUA measures 12 inches long, is made of old, rusty tin, a handpainted Paper Clay face, and many, many little sparkling jewels. She is $40 (includes her shipping).

Next, we have FLORA--she's a gardener, who gathers her flowers daily--while singing along with the birds. She lives with her thoughts in the clouds, and is generally a very sweet, happy soul. Flora is made of old rusty tin, a handpainted Paper Clay face, a vintage crocheted hankie, paper flowers, and more. She measures approx. 11 inches long. Flora is $40 (this includes her shipping).

Next we have BOB. Bob is generally a good guy, but sometimes tells stories with some holes in them. Love him, but don't believe everything he tells you. Bob is made from a vintage tin toy, old rusty tin, a handpainted Paper Clay face, and more. He measures approx. 10 inches long. Bob is only $35 ( that includes his shipping).

Now, to introduce you to "friends" that I met through Nature Boy. Nature Boy made these two. This one is Earth. Nature Boy constructed her out of black loctus wood, handcarving her hair. She has attached tiny earrings, and some serious body parts. Her face is made of handpainted Paper Clay, and she measures 8 inches long. Earth is $40 (this includes her shipping).

Nature Boy's next "friend" is FIRE. She is carved from a cedar post, with a handpainted Paper Clay face, and body parts from an antique cash register. FIRE measures approx. 10 inches long, and is $40 (includes her shipping).

Hope you all enjoyed meeting our newest "friends"...

Now, on to today!! Whew!! I had a blast! I drove Nature Boy to college, and when I dropped him off, I went thrifting....The first place that I stopped didn't have much, but I bought an old fire screen for near to nothing, then I hit the second place--and wwwwwwwooohooooo...JACKPOT #1!! I found an old Bauer Pottery Ringware Bowl in green, a vaseline glass soda fountain glass, and LOTS of metal old typewriter, some bottles, and MORE METAL STUFF..(I loveee the metal STUFF..hehehe)...I got all of this, and there was a PILE for a mere $20...Then I went down the street, and stopped at an antique store...there I found some old tins, and a metal cabinet (the kind that has plastic drawers--for nails and stuff), and inside it was a gazillion tiny metal tins, and all of them were FULL of old watch parts. Faces, cogs, etc...JEWELRY making HEAVEN!! (Now, all I have to do is learn how to make jewelry..LOL) I have enough watch parts to last me a longggg, I pay for my purchases at the antique store, and then pipe up and ask them if they would like to buy my bowl...and they DID!!! LOL..So, all in all it was a great thrifting day! (Also picked up some old lace, and more dolls for heads, and some other little stuff)..but, that stuff was found before I dropped Nature Boy off for his test. Ahh..time for bed..Everyone have a great night, and sweet dreams!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


On my way to bed--I was busy, busy, busy today--I handpainted 20 Paper Clay faces. Finished 2 of Nature Boy's pieces, made 4 of my own assemblage dolls (another mermaid is included in those), and got about half way done with 3 paintings (Two 9 x 12's and an 8 x 8)...took a nap, cooked dinner, and watched WAY TOO MANY episodes of NCIS. Tomorrow--Nature Boy has to go to the college for one of his test, but I will show pics of everything then. Live Artfully!

Monday, February 16, 2009


Here's my fifth doll from JoAnna's workshop. I have learned many lessons with these last two. One is WORK SMALL. JoAnna's dolls are about 8 inches tall, this one is about 16 inches. Whew..I am tired. These are very labor-intensive!!! But, I had fun..
Live Artfully!


Here's the fourth doll (I made 6). She's at least 15" tall. She's a biggie!! LOL.


This one is probably my favorite!! I loved doing her. I used JoAnna's techniques on the head.
THIS one is done by NATURE BOY. No help from me. I think he has wonderful potential!! (It's gonna be funny when HE becomes famous before me....heheheh).

Live Artfully!!


Here's the second one--