Monday, May 4, 2009


I have a question--HOW DOES ONE CREATE IN THIS MESS?? This is the area right in front of my chair, at my art table. If I move the remote--I MAY have room to do a small 3 x 3 painting..LOL..guessing I might need to clean my room, before I go to work today..heheheh. This should make all of you messy people feel special.

We did the art market in Chattanooga yesterday--and we had another GREAT day!! I love that place. It's a good thing that I have done so well, because sometime today, I have to go buy a new refrigerator...mine died. :::sigh::: it's always something.. But, the market is wonderful!! So happy that I left the one I was going to, and found this one. The people are wonderful, the atmosphere is friendly..and the FUDGE LADY is within 10 feet of me. What have I done for God to bless me so?? The only thing is..that fudge is like a drug..and it makes me much sugar can a person consume before falling into a sugar-induced coma or something??? LOL

Well, I have some serious stuff that I have to create, I am in trouble as far as stock to sell goes, so it's going to be from sun up to midnight in the art room this week!!

Have a wonderful day!
Live Arfully!!


I will try this post again. I put it on here a few days ago, and blogger went nuts, and ate it or something.

Welcome to the third diary project
You want to participate? here are the informations and the rules:
Each page of this diary is designed by a different artist/crafter around the world. To design a page you need to have a web space from where you sell or promote your art (personal website, personal blog, Etsy, Flickr, MySpace, etc.) The diary have a total of 392 pages, so, I need 392 participants.

Basically, you design a page, you send it in, and it's published on the date you choose. Click the Diary 2010 button on the right, if you want to join in. It has all the information you need.
Live Artfully!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009


This is Huntsville's Art Magazine/Newspaper! I made the cover this month!! Thank you so much Jill!! You can see it at

Some of you may or may not know that my husband, Nature Boy is an aspiring author. We have self-published a couple of his books through (Chuck Buckner). This is his latest short story--it hit the #1 spot on his writing site that he hangs out on.

Flight of the Dying Monkey
A Short Story
By Chuck Buckner

—Lies are given substance, not by the liar, but by listeners who believe them. The liar is aware of the untruth, but a listener who believes them and accepts them at face value gives them life.

—Flight, in search of the truth, is a short journey. Question what you don’t know to be fact and disbelieve those who are distorters, false praetors and skilled demons. Listen for the monkey, it screams in silence and dies at the feet of inequities.

An old woman was talking to herself and anyone else within hearing distance. They said she was crazy. Some said she was lonely. Others thought she was dying. She wasn’t any of these. She was just an old woman who knew more than either you or me. She has seen the monkey, heard his scream, watched him die and did nothing. One day she may tell you the story, but I doubt it. Even if she did, you wouldn’t be listening.


I saw her one time walking along a stream in Fateful woods. She was singing. Her voice reflected the mood of the forest. Not dark, but not quite light enough to see far ahead.

I was a young lad at the time and lost. I had wondered for an hour or so trying to find the path. When I saw the stream I intended to follow it. I’d either go deeper into the woods or come out at the village. I knew it lay in a low valley and the stream meandered down to the mill at its southern end. When I saw the old woman, I followed her. I knew she stayed in the village most of the time and was likely headed back there. Besides, I liked her singing.

—“Oh, forest spirits and trees of green,
lead me to the primate queen.
She is born and I must be,
nearer to her and see,
The only one who will set us free.
Oh, forest spirits and trees of green.”

She stopped singing.

“Who follows along the road to nowhere?” she asked. “It’s strange to be here.”

I waited beside a tall tree. I knew that she couldn’t see me. The darkness was closing its tight fist on the forest.

“Who is there? Only enemies of the light dwell in the darkness. Come near.”

I was afraid to move. I could just make her out, standing in the path. I remained silent.

An owl hoot from a high limb almost directly above shattered the silence.

A hand grabbed my arm and tightened like a bony clamp.

“Why are you here, lad and why are you hiding? Are you lost?”

I couldn’t answer for a minute.

“You have no reason to fear me, boy. I can lead you home or I can leave you here. There are reasons to fear the latter. Creatures dwell in these woods that I fear. You should fear them doubly. Now tell me why you are here, alone.”

“I . . . I was in the woods searching for something. I stayed too late and become lost. I thought the stream would lead me home, but then I heard you singing.”

“This stream will lead you away into a life of disorder. I know what lies at its end, death. Do you want to die?” Her voice started out high pitched and grew higher and louder. She was almost screaming.

The woods were silent again and the darkness was suffocating. Then the sound of wings beating and slapping against tree branches high above us was heard.

“Answer me.”

“N. . .No ma’am.”

“The monkey flies from our presence. Shiver in fear if you ever hear that sound drawing near instead of moving away. Now tell me. What is it you seek in these woods?”

“I. . .I.”

“Tell me and we both can search. Or, I might already know its location.”

“I was searching for a stone, the truth stone.”

“You mean this one? She held her hand out palm up. A small stone that was beginning to glow lie there.

After only a few seconds, I turned my eyes away. The light had grown so intense that it hurt to gaze on it. The entire area of the forest was illuminated in bright colors that seemed to change and blend with each other. The living darkness was driven back momentarily. After a moment the colors began to fade and blackness crept in again.

“You can turn around. I’ve put it away.”

I turned and for a brief moment in the dying light I saw her face. It was the face of a young woman. Her eyes sparkled like bits of multi-colored glass, lying underneath a bright sun. Her skin looked soft and there were no wrinkles. As the light faded, I still saw those eyes for a few more seconds then they too were gone.

“Take this stone,” she said, “but take comfort in knowing it’s not what you seek.”

I took it. It felt warm. I carried it in my hand for a while then placed it in my pocket.


I have carried the stone and the memory of that face since. They have traveled with me on long journeys in searches for truth, meandering streams that lead to nowhere and for tall trees where dying monkeys slap their wings against limbs high overhead. The stone she showed me wasn’t the truth stone. She told me so. She told me I could search these woods forever and not find it, but she didn’t deny its existence.


I could not see her face. The darkness had reclaimed it. Her voice sounded old and brittle.

“Come with me and I’ll lead you home.”

I followed her and she talked. She rambled on and on, speaking in riddles. Much of it she sang in a low voice. I understood some of what she said, but not much. Some of it I remembered for years and it has never made any sense to me.

—“Everyone seeks the truth, but it’s not buried.
It is there for all to see.
Close your eyes and walk unhurried.
You will see it very near.
Open your eyes and blindness will hide it.
And your heart will fill—with fear.

I became frightened because I didn’t know where we were going. It was not hard to follow the path we were on, but I didn’t know if we were going toward the village or away.

“When is a stone not a stone? When it’s dead. But the truth doesn’t die. It’s only hidden. Close your eyes and listen. You’ll see it.”

I didn’t know if she was talking to me or just mumbling nonsense. That was so many years ago. It seems like yesterday.
We had walked a good distance. I was growing tired. I saw lights and knew the village was there ahead of us. She changed the direction we were walking slightly to the left and away from the stream. There was a narrow path that I hadn’t known about. As we neared the village, she stopped.

“You must fly on your own now, lad. The winds are favorable for me to go elsewhere.”

“Thank you, for bringing me back here,” I replied.

I heard a noise behind me. I glanced and then looked back and the woman was gone. It was very dark. The light from the village seemed to intensify the darkness here, as if it was pulling all the light to it and leaving the surrounding area darker.

I took the stone she had given me and held it out in my palm. It felt warm but glowed only slightly.


Many years later I stood, as a grown man, near the same spot. My arm and hand extended with palm up. The stone glowed brilliantly. I had stood here a few other times since that day long ago, but this was the first in several years. I had returned with thoughts of staying.

I willed the light to dim. It still glowed softly in my palm. I chanted softly.

—“Oh, forest spirits and trees of green,
lead me to the primate queen.
She is born and I must be,
nearer to her and see,
The only one who will set us free.
Oh, forest spirits and trees of green.”

Something rustled in the brush nearby. A young girl emerged from the thick foliage and stepped toward me.

“Why I am summoned here?” she asked.

I was startled, but captivated by her eyes. They carried me away through time and space to places that don’t exist except in the minds of curious lads. These were the same eyes that I had lived to view again. Now, they were there before me.

I heard wings hitting tree branches. They sounded as loud as a waterfall. I didn’t understand. I recalled words from a long time ago —Shiver in fear if you ever hear that sound drawing near instead of moving away.

I wasn’t shivering. I wasn’t even afraid. I looked at the girl. Her eyes were young and the thought occurred to me that she was reborn. These eyes were not the same as I had gazed on so long ago. Yet, they were the same.

“Look to the sky,” she said. It was a command.

I raised my head and looked toward the towering trees above us. They were filled with a million pairs of diamond like stars. The eyes of the monkeys filled the forest top. Still, I wasn’t afraid. I could hear the sound of other wings beating in the distance, drawing nearer.

“You have returned home?”

“I have.”

“And your search is over?”

“I believe my search has come full circle, back to its beginning.”

“I have gained rule in your absence. My regal ancestors have departed for the starlight and I must join them. I am the last.”

“I don’t understand.”

“You hold in your hand the answers you seek, the answers that you have sought for so long. The stone you looked for in these woods so long ago is found.”

“The truth stone.”

“This stone doesn’t exist now nor has it ever existed. Was it what you searched for?”

“I searched for truth, but I wanted to find the stone and truth would be confirmed.”

“Truth has been found.”

There was an instant noise that sounded as if a million set of wings were slapping against tree limbs. I looked up and a million stars were falling from the trees. I was overwhelmed, buried in a mass of coldness. The world had gone dark and silent and it stayed this way for minutes. Then I heard the beating of a solitary set of wings flying down out of the night straight at me. Again, I looked up and I saw the monkey as it descended toward me. I was alone in the woods as I had been when I saw the old woman.

Her haunting words frightened me again as I watched the Monkey falling. I raised my hand skyward and held my palm open. The stone glowed as the monkey neared. The light illuminated the creature as he swooped and snatched the stone from my palm. It glowed brilliantly and as it sped away become a shooting star blazing through the tree tops headed back to the heavens.

I heard a voice as soft as a baby’s first breath, or, as loud.

—Lies are given substance, not by the liar, but by listeners who believe them. The liar is aware of the untruth, but a listener who believes them and accepts them at face value gives them life.

—Flight, in search of the truth, is a short journey. Question what you don’t know to be fact and disbelieve those who are distorters, false praetors and skilled demons. Listen for the monkey, it screams in silence and dies at the feet of inequities.

I knew that a magical stone that indicated when a truth or a lie was told did not exist. I had probably known for a very long time. I know that the search for truth can lead you on a long journey, but most times it will end where you started. Lies, like dying monkeys, are born out of belief when disbelief is the proper emotion.
I have heard a single whisper multiply into a sound like unending thunder. When the monkey dies the sound is louder than silence. There is truth and there is no echo but a sound heard once and gone.

I walked from the woods and into the village. I live there still.


Copyright: Chuck Buckner 2009

Also!! Nature Boy is now finished with his last two years of college, and will be graduating soon! He finished the last two years with ALL A's!!!!!! Way to go Nature Boy!!!!
I love you!

Live Artfully!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


I am soooooo loving this wood. This is 12 x 12 x 3/4 inches on birch plywood. Acrylics--Golden's, tissue paper glued down for texture, black gesso. It's perfectly square--just took a crooked picture.

Live Artfully!!


Tuesday, April 28, 2009


SOLD! Thank you!!

WOOOHOOOO!!!!! This is my latest painting. Yesterday, I decided that I wanted some wood to paint on, and so off to Home Depot, I went. I bought a 4 foot x 8 foot sheet of birch plywood (3/4"), and they cut it for me in 12"x12" panels. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! I LOVE PAINTING ON IT!!!! I may never paint on canvas again! The wood is so strong, and textural, and smooth all at the same time. I painted it on both sides and around the edges with a black gesso, and then just started painting. It's great, great, great!!!! LOVEEEE IT!!! We also went to the back, and dug through their scrap pile, and got a TON of little pieces (approx. 4 x 4) for FREE. My little paintings sold like hotcakes Saturday, so I need to do about 20 of them a week!

The Chattanooga Market has really gotten me excited about art again! The artist market that I was previously going to was NOTHING like this wonderful new place. I never made the kind of money that I made on Saturday, the people are nicer, and generally it's a better atmosphere! Also, it's harder to leave your booth, so I am not off wasting my money buying someone else's stuff.

On the blog-front--Nancy at CREATED BY HAND was wonderful and featured me on her blog!! Thank you so much Nancy!!! Hop over there, and check out her blog, she has some really good artist on there!!

Well..back to the art room. Got an outdoor sidewalk art sale on Friday night to get ready for..(and Saturday down on our town square, and back to the Art Market on Sunday)..

Live Artfully!!

Monday, April 27, 2009


This is Nature Boy--he put on his "mean redneck face" for you all..LOL..he's so silly!!
My all know what everything looks like!

HELLO!! WOW!! Yesterday was a blast! The Chattanooga Market is so cool!! We set up, and I remembered to take some pictures before the crowds came in, but then completely forgot about the these are all pre-opening.

Just my typical stuff..I sold a lot!! I was extremely happy with how it went, and had fun in the process. Across from us was this old truck that made Kettle Corn, and omgggg --IT WAS DELICIOUS!! We had access to fudge, ice-cream, and kettle corn within a few steps of our booth. It was pure heaven!! There were a lot of artist there, everything from blown glass to handmade furniture, food vendors, and fresh produce everywhere!

I cannot wait to return next weekend!

Live Artfully!

Saturday, April 25, 2009


The one above is my favorite so far. She is Crystal. The Ice Princess.
Bad picture--that is a black crow on her dress. Her name is Lucy.

Can't remember this one's name.

Nor this one's.

I named this one (above) Elisa..after my childhood/life-long friend. The one that recently contacted me. The one that became an art teacher!!! WWOOOHOOOO!!

I can't remember this one's name either. They are all packed up, or I would go look. But, that's what I have been doing for the last couple of days.

I had a long-time friend contact me recently, and she had me thinking about my childhood, and the art that I use to create--(which was a gazillion times better than the stuff I do now, in my humble opinion)...and I thought back to when I was about 8 years old. I may have been younger, but I know it was during the "horrible salad bowl hair-do" stage of my life, and thankfully, by the time I was 9 or so, my hair had grown out, and my grandmother (who raised me), had stopped her revengeful chasing of my head with that damn salad bowl. (I think to this day, this woman had it out for me...). Anyhow--I specifically remember a picture of a horse. This picture stays in my mind, because upon burying my wonderful grandfather 25 years later.. we found this picture amongst a ton of others that I had previously drawn, glued or colored. This horse was top quality hand drawn, perfectly shaded, meticulous in every way. It was a perfect rendition of a beautiful animal. My family thought that I was a savant, I'm sure!! They must have KNOWN that I was magically gifted beyond anything that was ever imagined. The other part of this memory is that my then "partner-in-crime" (my grandfather) had bought me a HUGE pack of tracing paper one of our trips to the store. I could trace like no other. Then a teacher at school (I carried my tracing paper everywhere, it never left my side) showed me that if I scribbled on the back of the tracing paper, that I could Trace, Scribble and TRANSFER...and POOF!! I would have a perfect drawing on paper..LOL...silly family..they never knew.

Ok..enough of my childhood mentally deranged memories...I have exactly 11 hours and 45 minutes until my alarm clock goes off, and I shower, and go to the BIG SHOW. I am surprisingly very, very calm. I am still painting, and working on stuff, getting ready. Though --FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY ENTIRE LIFE--I DID NOT procrastinate myself into a TIZZY...I have slowly, but surely doing bit by bit, and now really all that is left is minor, insignificant stuff. So..I am ON MY WAY!!

Live Artfully!


Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Here's 2 more--I revised the little girl. I am not extremely happy with her, but I do see middle one isn't all that great--blame Simon Baker for it..because I was watching him, and not really painting..just kind of doodling with paint. The first one is one of my faves..I just like his drab expression. He looks better in real life.

I am getting nervous. The "show"..or Art Market is Sunday..and I have never done anything so big..on top of husband is being a naysayer about the amount of stuff that I expect to put in the car. I am fully sure that we can carry it all--he wants to take the big truck. I hate the big bounces, and jars you around, and you feel like you are on an African Safari. It's too manly man for me. (No CD player--and I can't drive for 2 hours and depend on the radio, I would lose all sanity!!) I say tie the crap to the roof, and let's travel!

Also, one of my high school friends contacted me through Facebook--I am so excited and want to call her. But, she has a job, and would probably not appreciate being woke up at 1:30 am to talk about our past..LOL..She has become not only an artist, but also an art, I am very excited to talk to her.

Well...I am going to force myself to go to sleep..even though I could probably just stay awake until Sunday..LOL..I hope I have enough stuff, and we will do a trial run on the set up before we go (I will take pictures, and get your opinions beforehand)...

That's all for now!
Live Artfully!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009


Busy, busy--Another little painting this morning..just working away as fast as possible!!


Well..this is what I did yesterday. They are small..and have 3 nails each sticking out of them..I am truely loving painting on wood. It's wonderful!! I had never done a lot of painting on wood, but now, I may give up canvas all together..hehehe.

Ok..gotta get to work!
Live Artfully!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009


These are so much fun to make!! I love making them!! Live Artfully!! ~~Suzan~~
Please take a moment and remember JoAnna and her husband!! Every little bit helps! Thank you!!

Saturday, April 18, 2009


I just couldn't make this girl pretty...LOL..the background is an old newpaper picture, and a sewing pattern. She has a collaged dress, hand-painted face, and the numbers are metal (painted black)...they kind of stand out a bit from the canvas).

Please don't forget to scroll down, and DONATE. Thank you!! Hugs to you all!


This is something totally new to me, but I have been wanting to make an angel for a long time. It's all hand-painted. I wasn't completely happy with the face, but I will work on them. Live Artfully! ~~Suzan~~


I really liked the way this painting turned out. The dog was FUN to paint..heheheh.
Live Artfully!

Friday, April 17, 2009


This is a 9 x 12 inch painting on stretched canvas. I literally struggled with this all day, but did manage to finish it, and 2 other backgrounds...
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


This dollie was made with a vintage green glass (glows under a black light!), a vintage "made in Japan" little ceramic doll, some vintage goggles, an antique key, and other things. The little girl under the glass is holding a key that has the definition of key on it. (She isn't warpy --that's the glass) The base is covered in old print, and aged. Stands about 11 inches tall.
Live Artfully!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


I have been SO busy!! I completed this doll last night. She's made from an old medicine bottle, bullet casings, and a metal round part from a very, very old cash register.
The words on her are "Artistry" and then the definition of ART.
On the home front--well, I have been working night and day to get ready for opening day of the new Market that I am going to. I had to tag everything, make sure it was all signed, finish bottoms of things. I have been working on Paper Clay, Art Dolls, Paintings, etc. I am aiming for about 125 pieces to take with me, plus 100 prints, plus 200 dominoes. I have 100 dominoes done, but have to hand draw on about a hundred before the 26th. I am swamped (with utter happiness and bliss), and hope to get all done. I have 11 days to go.
Last night--I started 4 art dolls, and finished this one..One of the art dolls is going to be awesome. I used a vintage green vaseline ice-cream glass as it's dress. Wait until you see it!!
Well..gotta get busy--time's a'wastin.
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


OOOhhh...boy!! I can see you all running pell mell to see what my challenge is..hehehehe. I put my new favorite song over there in the left hand column..and the challenge is---listen to the song, and sit perfectly still. DO NOT MOVE. No head-swaying, NO hand tapping, NO living room pole dancing...LOL..just sit perfectly still. I don't think it can be done (unless of course, if you are in complete shock that I have a rap song playing on my blog--hehehe..). I love this song!! It's by a man/group named FLO RIDA...and he is from FLORIDA..Yeah!! FLORidA!!(where I am originally from)...Heard this on American Idol tonight--Hope you like it!
Live Artfully!


Wow!! This whole entire week has been one cyclonic blur!! Did you miss me? Besides having to keep Petey the Wonderdog inside all week-and listening to his constant whining (which has driven me to the brink of murderous insanity), we have been on the road.

Friday night I did an out of town show. It was FABULOUS!! Very short, and VERY financially SWEET!! We drove 3 hours to get there, set up, sold for 4 hours, and drove 3 hours home. The show was GREAT!! I loved the people, and one woman actually SQUEALED when I told her that I was published in ART JOURNALING..LOL..that was quite funny, in a cute way!! We had a blast! I also booked a class for May to teach art journaling. That was cool! We did run into a little problem--they placed me in a regular's spot, and when the regular showed up--well..he pitched a little fit. Little fits don't bother me..I had an email on hand stating where I was suppose to set up, so -- not my problem! I cannot wait to go back there though!! The dominoes actually sold like hotcakes, so..I do have to restock those this week!!

Then on Saturday morning, after about 4 hours sleep, we went to our local town's little trade day/flea market--but after trying to function for about an hour--we closed up shop and went home. I didn't even want to deal with it.

Sunday morning, we had to go back out of town to a NEW VENDOR meeting. The art market that I had applied for--is HUGE. It's held every Sunday, and they said that a bad day is 5,000 people. Can you Imagine??? OMG..It's going to ROCK!! I cannot wait until it starts. I didn't know if I had been juried in or not, but we were required to go to the meeting "just in case"..while I was there, the woman told me that I had been approved!! WHOOOHOOOOO!! I am so, so, so excited!!!

Monday morning, I got up and hit the road again..this time only to buy groceries, and things we will need for the artist market. I am having to do a full display tent, even though the market is indoors, they will still let us put our tent inside--so, I have been working out a very colorful, very appealing decor for it. It's going to look great (hopefully!!). This meant buying new display stands, sides for the tent (I got the most beautiful gauzy curtains--in hot pink, turquoise, yellow and lime green for the sides), new tablecloths,, I am having to make tags to hang on everything..I will take a ton of pics at the first show!!

Then yesterday--I left the house in search of a new vehicle..LOL..I am thinking either a Honda Element, or a Ford Flex..but the Flex's are so new, that there are no "previously owned" ones yet. I am absolutely IN LOVE with them though..(not too keen on owning a FORD, but Nature Boy seems excited about it..LOL), my other option will be a van (yuck!), but we have to have a practical vehicle if we are going to be lugging tents, metal walls, and artwork all over the place.

Today, I am going to sit down, and figure out what shows I want to do. I can do that now, that I am committed to the artist market, and know what days are free this year..and then, I am going to work. I need to stay in the studio all week...LOL..that's about it...Live Artfully!! ~~Suzan~~

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


Pushmi-pullyu (adopted character from Dr. Doolittle books)
List of Characters:
1. Nature Boy
2. Me
3. Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog
4. Pushmi-pullyu (see picture above)
5. Cletus (the younger stupid bystander dog)
6. Miss Harlot Hottie Pants (the female dog--the SAME female dog that stole the little toy from our yard and ran so happily down the street with Nature Boy chasing her a few weeks ago..)
Ok..Last night I went to bed at 8:30- 9pm..and around 11, I thought that I heard Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog outside, and went running to see if it was him. It was not. So, I couldn't go back to sleep..and sat up all night long, worrying about him. At 7 AM this morning, I finally drifted off to sleep. Around 10-ish..Nature Boy woke me up. I was tired, stressed, and Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog had not yet come home. I started crying. Nature Boy jumped into action--the man cannot stand to see me cry....and OFF he went..jumping on his magnificent white stead, and riding away into the sunset ( a little creative embellishment here--it was actually a Nature Boy All Terrain Vehicle in hunter green.) A few minutes went by, and Nature Boy returned, saying that he had found Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog, and he was in Miss Harlot Hottie Pant's yard, behind a fence. "Did you bring him home?" I asked him. I was told that he had tried to open the gate, but that Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog had GROWLED at him. I then told Nature Boy that I would go get him, and we jumped into the car and drove down there. I took a very large mallet with me--NOW knowing that Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog was ALIVE and WELL, I was just plain MAD! I get there, and there's Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog and Miss Harlot HOTTIE PANTS, but they are trying to FOOL me, and are dressed in the disguise of the evil Pushmi-Pullyu (pronounced push me pull you). (Trying to be very nice here--about the state that my dog was in )..Anyway--that just made me madder. The Harlot Hottie Pants had turned my dog into a crazed maniac..and wouldn't let him, I decided--FINE..She can have him!! Let him STAY there, and I went home. A little later, after many diabolical thoughts, I decided to go get him AGAIN. Even if I had to bring them home in the Pushmi-Pullyu disguise--that dog was coming home. So, Nature Boy and I jumped in the car again, and sped off......(crazy driving music inserted here)...and we drove about a block and a half, and there was MISS HARLOT HOTTIE PANTS and CLETUS. Cletus has confused me through this whole week..because CLETUS is always with Miss Harlot Hottie Pants, but he's like her brother, or best friend..but he is a male dog too. Maybe he's young, and doesn't know WHAT TO DO, but he has been by her side all week. They are strolling down the road, just smelling the flowers, and going here, and going there...but NO Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha husband just happened to glance over..and there is Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog behind ANOTHER fence, in a DIFFERENT yard..looking like a very happy drunken idiot. He's just sitting in the he can't get out.. IT's a country fence with post, and wire stapled to it..and you can just pull it loose. So, Nature Boy grabs the leash and hooks ole Petey the Whooped Wonderdog on it, and goes to pull the fence loose, and it isn't even attached to the post. It is just sitting there...LOL..the silly dog could have just walked out, but because Miss Harlot Hottie Pants took his brains earlier..he thought he was penned in..LOL LOL..anyway..Nature Boy had to drag Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog home. I mean drag him..FINALLY..we got him into the house, and he starts his crazy whining, and crying, and rolling on the floor..(thinking this will drive me insane as usual, and I will put him OUTSIDE, where he can escape AGAIN. NOT. This isn't going to happen until Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog becomes the feminine, not so male doggie at Dr. Dog's Snipping the Thing Off Clinic on Tuesday.. LOL..but, the whining and crying is DRIVING me INSANE. It's a high pitched manic whine..and I HATE IT...So.. I fix his little world. Yes, Necessity is the Mother of INVENTION..uh huh..I take the Extra Strength Febreeze Pet and Carpet deodorizer in the 20 gallon spray bottle, and I start spraying. I sprayed Petey the Big Boy on the Block Alpha Wonderdog's corner, his bed, the kitchen floor (which I had just mopped--so, now I have to do it AGAIN)..I sprayed the living room floor, the porch, the outside doggie bedding, the steps...and the whole time, I am on the phone with the vet, trying to get some serious doggies tranquilizers for him until Tuesday...and a miracle happens...Petey quiets down, and becomes very relaxed..and in less than 5 minutes--he's sound asleep. It's working..YEAH FEBREEZE!!!GO!! So, all night when there is an utterance of a whine, I re-spray, and my perfect, wonderful dog is back home..and he's quiet..and sweet..and Miss Harlot Hottie Pants is a distant, happy memory of his reckless past.
Live Artfully!
(this post is further evidence that I REALLY NEED TO GET A LIFE..hehehe)


NOT BY HIS CHOICE..story later..I am about to pass out from exhaustion!! Thank you for all of your thoughts!!!


He's been gone at least 11 hours..he left us for a little girl doggie in heat. Please pray for his safe, healthy, and HAPPY return. Thank you--Suzan

Monday, March 30, 2009


Two 8 x 8 x 1 1/2 on canvas and Two 9 x 12 x 7/8 on canvas. The tree one is so much prettier in real. That's about it. We have had a longgg, tiresome weekend (thanks to Petey the Wonderdog)..and it's late..more tomorrow..(Petey is fine--he's just not a good dog..LOL)..
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


This is one fabulous zine, professionally printed and put out by Heather and Joleen. In this issue--HOME, and there are many, many great artist in it this month!! So go HERE, and pre-order your copy! I was VERY impressed by the last issue!!

Monday, March 23, 2009

GOOD MORNING!! ANOTHER PAINTING! AND Elizabeth Gilbert: A different way to think about creative genius!!

Well, this weekend absolutely flew by!! I can't believe that March is almost over, and April is right around the corner!! I have to get busy. I have a notebook of shows to apply for the year, and have to send in my forms and money. I am also trying to get into a weekly thingie, which should be very, very productive!! Cross your fingers!!

I have to go switch out my display at the retail store -- TALK OF THE TOWN -- today also. I am going to take some more paintings and things in. I want to keep the display fresh, and not keep trying to sell the same old things month after month...LOL..(I know it's only been 2 WEEKS). Also--if you love candles--you can order some of the owner's special ones--they smell FABULOUS!! He has designed the scents himself, and they are just MAGICAL!! They are called Heirloom .... total YUM!!

Petey woke me up at an ungodly hour this morning, and as my eyes FLEW open, and I realized that he was SOUND ASLEEP, I couldn't help but to laugh at him. He was howling like a his lol..We are a month away from having him 2 years now, wow--how times flies--and I can't help to think fondly of the changes that have occurred in him since that time. He went from being a scared, abused puppy that wouldn't even stick his nose in the front door to pratically living in the house. Now, he DEMANDS that we let him in, and gets pouty when we don't. He stays in every night, and has adopted a corner as his domain. The only downside to this--other than his DREAMING that he's a coyote, is HE SNORES. Good Gosh!! I mean like a freight train!! Luckily, he's like a man and if you tell him to hush, he rolls over and the snoring ceases..LOL.

Well, that's about it -- nothing new on the homefront..

Live Artfully!!

Also--if you have a minute--check this out!! (Hope this works--I have never put a video on here..and I am not the brightest crayon in the box when it comes to videos..

Or here's the link--THIS IS WELL WORTH WATCHING!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Saturday, March 14, 2009

TWO 9 x 12 PAINTINGS....

Well, I finally am doing something. It seems maybe that my muse is back!! I have had the hardest time lately doing art. It just wouldn't come to me, but today it was easy, and came out nicely! So..happy..happy!!!
Live Artfully!

Monday, March 9, 2009


GOOD HAPPY MORNING!!!!(YES!! I AM SCREAMING AT YOU!!)..WAKE UP!! I hopped out of bed at 6am this morning, got my coffee and WENT OUTSIDE!! I didn't have to bundle up, stand in front of a heater, my feetsies didn't get so cold that my toes were threatening to fall off and move to Florida (without me!)... I DID..hear birds chirping, played with Petey, and felt the early morning WARMTH ............OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! I feel like a butterfly coming out of an over wrapped cocoon. I WORE SHORTS yesterday!! We dug up some trees and moved them to the front yard yesterday! Ok..let's be honest here--Nature Boy went into the woods, Nature Boy dug up the trees, Nature Boy planted them in the front yard...BUT..I DID walk out into the yard and inspect the finished product of "OUR" venture...LOL..I waited until he re-planted them too, just so that I would have the OPPORTUNITY of being MEAN and telling him that I wanted them "over there" instead..LOL LOL...One of the great things about being married is that you get to take credit for what your spouse I can say WE planted trees....when actually, I didn't touch a tree..LOL. Oh, how I feel like dancing today. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee warm weather. (Please remind me of this when I am whining about the heat in about 3 months--praying for cold weather!!)..I hope you have an absolutely beautiful, happy day!
Live Artfully!

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Last night, I reworked an older painting. I was really happy with the results!!
Live Artfully!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


OMG!! It is such a beautiful, glorious day today. I feel like a new person!! I didn't have anything new to show you--so, I found a picture that Nature Boy took last Spring.

The high school visit went wonderfully!! I gave a speech on Internet Marketing, and then on Collage to them. They asked questions, and I answered them. Then I gave them all a free domino pendant. They seemed very happy!!

The teacher wrote me and said that I had inspired them into their collage unit, so, I guess I did ok. I was really a nervous wreck--having never done anything like that before.

Sorry that I haven't been around. I have been in a mental collapse state of mind, and can't seem to function very well...COLD WEATHER does that to me. I can't stand it. I need to move to Tampa or Key West...or at least buy a winter home there...LOL.

I have been busy though. Setting up all the shows for this upcoming year, making decisions on which ones to try for, and finding a larger art market than the one that I was previously going to. The Artist Market (the one on Saturdays) was a nice enough place, but really the money wasn't there. It's like--"it was nice to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there", and at times it left me feeling uncomfortable, there was a lot of "family" drama going on, and who needs that? I am in Art to make a living, not walk around on eggshells, so that no one feels bad. I needed to find a large market with a lot of people (shoppers), and I did just that. Cross your fingers that I get in!!! I had to really sit, and focus on what shows I wanted to do this year also. I was thinking one a week!! (OMG--that is total insanity)..I always want to bite off a bit more than I can realistically chew, and I had to backtrack. I have to slow down, and FOCUS. I had to write my goals down, I think that I will start small on the shows, but I do have down to do some serious big ones in 2010. That will give me time to build a business, and build my stock up. Anyway..I am going back to creating, and probably with a vengence..LOL..I feel like my arms have been cut off..and feel SO out of the loop. NOT CREATING does that.

Live Artfully!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Of going back to High School?? WELL..TODAY..I am. I have been asked to be a visiting artist in an area high school, so I am packing my art up, and going back..hehehe..I am very excited and nervous!! Must run..lots to do before I get to leave. Will tell all when I get home!
Live Artfully!!

Monday, March 2, 2009


Here's my latest, and last for a while..(or so I say..heheh)
Live Artfully!!