Thursday, April 15, 2010


Lalalalalaalal.........WOOHOOOO. Nature Boy and I have a two-day show this upcoming weekend. We will be at the FAUX BRIDGES ART SHOW in Chattanooga Tennessee on Frasier Ave. (in the parking lot, adjacent to Winder Binder Folk Art Gallery).

These are some fast 8 x 8's that I am doing for my booth. They are all on re-purposed wood, and done in acrylics.
I have to be honest. Today, I did  A LOT. I still managed to take a two hour nap, and fix dinner. I am now puffy, and tired from sitting all day long. But, I am closer to having a ton of these finished. I had decided not to do this show, then decided to do this show....blah, blah, blah...NOW, I am excited to do it, and my outlook is very positive!!
Live Artfully!!

Monday, April 12, 2010


 HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIMBERLY GRACE!!!! I LOVE YOU. THANK YOU for being such a wonderful child!!

Whew...LONGGG week! I have been restless, not sleeping, indecisive...(SORRY DAVID!)..LOL..David is the owner of the art gallery that shows my paintings, and he runs the Saturday Art Till Dark thingie on Saturdays. The week before last I called him, and said we were coming--could NOT get to sleep, and emailed him to tell him we weren't coming...The next Saturday, I called him and said we weren't coming, and then called him to tell him that I WAS coming. I told him also that I would do a show this upcoming weekend, and told him if I called him to tell that I wasn't coming to just hang up on me. LOL. My mind has never been this scattered. I think it's all the healthy changes I am making in my's got my hibernating winter body in a whirlwind.

I have started taking vitamins, and eating better, and am slowly giving up my life long substance---sugar. It's a slow, hard process since I have basically lived on it for years. I loveeeeeeeeeeeee sweets. I have an abnormal love of sweets.I am a sugar junkie. I have a problem...LOL.

Anyway--I have been watching the DR. OZ SHOW , and it's really pushing me to improve my living habits. I love, love, love this show. He is so damn adorable (so it certainly doesn't hurt my eyes..hehehe). I already do many of the things..but, I can do more by giving up sugar. I have already given up 90% of white things (rice, potatoes,etc)..and I already eat enough fiber, and use salt substitute, and I don't eat anything fried..etc..blah, blah..blah...he does really cool experiments, and always blows things's quite look it up if you are at home in the afternoon. It comes on here (Central time) at 3, so it should be around there somewhere. I thank God every day that I am super healthy...but, I want to be MORE SO..

Sunday, Nature Boy and I went to the Chattanooga Market Pre-Season meeting, and saw all of our old friends from last year. It was cool..after this long, cold winter to see everyone, and sit outside and get fresh air. We are extremely excited about the Market starting up, and are working to make some new things to test people's response on...

anyway..Live Artfully!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Painted this last night while watching TV..It came out fairly easily. I painted it from a picture of one of the members of Cirque Du Soleil, and his face is wonky on the picture....His light bulb was actually on top of his head in the picture, but I ran out of room at the top.
Live Artfully!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010


This is a re-do of a painting that I did late last year. I had decided that I hated it, and was going to paint over it. I put the black over it, and THEN decided that I LIKED IT after, I tried to wash the black off...this is what happened. NOW--I LOVE IT!! May even keep it for myself. It has so much depth, and interest now.

Not much has been happening here. I am bored out of my ever loving mind.
Live Artfully!

Sunday, April 4, 2010


Happy Easter!
I have a very early memory of my grandmother laying me down to take an afternoon nap, and she opened the window to give me some fresh air (I don't think we had an air conditioner)..I was very young..maybe under two years of age.There was a balloon tied to my bedpost...and it went out the window. I remember watching it float off into the, I painted it today (it's not the best picture in the world, but I'll take better ones later), while watching "The First Five People That You Meet in Heaven"..I thought it was an awesome movie.

I hope you all have a very peaceful Easter.
Live Artfully!

Friday, April 2, 2010


A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And no one can talk to a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the famous Mister Ed.

Go right to the source and ask the horse
He'll give you the answer that you'll endorse.
He's always on a steady course.
Talk to Mister Ed.

People yakkity yak a streak and waste your time of day
But Mr. Ed will never speak unless he has something to say
A horse is a horse, of course, of course,
And this one'll talk 'til his voice is hoarse.

You never heard of a talking horse?
Well listen to this: "I'm Mister Ed." takes so little to make me laugh at myself....
Live Artfully!!

Monday, March 29, 2010


Hello!! Yesterday, I must be fighting a cold, or something because I slept about 20 hours..but today, I managed to get up and paint. I did four paintings..all about 12 x 18 inches/acrylic on wood. 

We sold at the Art Til Dark all day on Saturday, and I guess it just wore me out...that's about all that I have to say. I am going through something (concerning my father) that is really bad right now, but I don't want to drag it through the blog--it's all in God's will just be happy and thankful with being productive today.
Live Artfully!

Thursday, March 25, 2010


 12 x 18 acrylic on wood
Finished this painting tonight. It made me want to sing "Old McDonald"...I am happy with it, and after I finished it, I drew a tiny spider web on his hat, complete with a dangling spider...

It's been a long to bed.
Live Artfully!!

 Well..I didn't go to bed. An hour ago, I posted the redneck man painting on Facebook. Then I went in my art room, and painted this. It is also 12 x 18 acrylic on wood. I don't know what has gotten into me. Four paintings in a day is a lot, even for me.  This one just came out. Earlier today, I was looking at journal blogs, and I saw a woman very similar to this one--I wish I could tell you whose blog it was. Hers was so serene and beautiful, and she stuck in my head...but, this is how mine came out..

I also revised the other two today..I wasn't happy with them, and changed them around a bit. Ok..NOW, I am going to bed.
Live Artfully!!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Both paintings are 12 x 18 inches.
Good Happy Morning Everyone!! The day is beautiful. I got up before noon today, and painted these two paintings during the Gilmore Girls (I am telling you--It's been what?--3 years of watching the Gilmore Girls almost EVERY day, and I am just so free when they are on.) I literally painted these two paintings in ONE HOUR. Sure, they are not great, but, I was just doing warm-ups to loosen up, since I haven't painted in a week. I took time out early this week to read the last book of the Harry Potter series. I think I am going to reread them all...and then I want to go to Orlando, and go to the Hogwarts thing that they are opening up down there. I am such a child at heart.

A word of advice...Don't let your husband near your art with a had Nature Boy sand this painting that I had messed up on, and it came back looking very lovely and enticing to I gave him another..except this one had already been varnished...WELL...can we spell D-E-S-T-R-O-Y??? mutilated it..and he's asking..."ummm..can you FIX this?"...LOL ... oh well..

On April 17-18, There are two art shows in Chattanooga Tennessee coming on the weekend of April 17-18. There's this huge fine art show called Four Bridges, and a better, smaller show called Faux Bridges. I am doing the Faux Bridges show. It's on Frasier Avenue at Winder Binder gallery, in case any of you that are nearby want to come and see us there!

Anyway..Need to to go "to town"..
Live Artfully!

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I was watching Harry Potter (which I seem to do at least once a week), and painted this lady on an dictionary page, which was mounted on wood (6 x 6 inches). (I had glued the paper to the wood some time last week). I painted her using ONLY two colors plus white. I used Burnt Sienna, and Prussian Blue and white. I  did it using my simple face technique..which I am going to do in a tutorial for you all.
I am passing away at the boredom here. If any of you are out there, and having fun, please think of me.
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


In case you don't know, Michael W. Smith is a contemporary gospel singer. He's amazing..LOL..quite a difference from the Bollywood belly-dancing that I showed you last.
Live Artfully!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010


Something else that I have started this week. I have started to fill my little Moleskine journal this week. Drawing is something that I haven't done much of this past year, and it felt good to do some fast sketches. I hope to continue this little book every day. It's small enough to fit in my purse, so maybe I can think to take it with me, and sketch things I see.
Live Artfully!


I had a BLAST doing these! I choose a book, started gluing random stuff, then just painted, and peeled, and scribbled my little heart out..It was fun, and relaxing....though I will have to admit, that I did stare at the book for about an hour, before I did anything. I am really going for a ballistic/devil-may-care abstract, it's working a bit. Just praticing loosening up. On the second picture..see the blue face? I painted kinda amazed me..because I REALLY like the one eye..heheheh. VERY PROUD of that one eye. If you want to print these pages out..cut them up, keep them, line your birdcages with them..whatever..feel free to take them.

Monday, March 15, 2010


I won Mixed Media Dollhouses from the Mixed Media Dollhouses Facebook Fanpage. Julie from the Mad Hat Blog pulled my name out of the magical hat! I am so excited!! I won!! So many good artist, mixed with a love of mine. I adore doll houses!! (Get ready Nature's time to build me some dollhouses!!LOL)

You can buy this book HERE on Amazon!

Also, My art journal tutorial has been reprinted in The Art Journal Journey 16 published by Artella‏. Check out Artella if you get the chance. It's a wonderful place for Mixed Media Collage Artists! Thank you Cheryl!!

Lisa of  THE REST IS STILL UNWRITTEN blog awarded me with the Kreative Blogger Award
Thank you Lisa!! That was so sweet of you!!

OH! Did I tell you? The Saturday and Sunday that we did Art Till Dark in Chattanooga, Nature Boy and I went early on Sunday morning, and the place was locked we went down the road to get a cup of coffee, and I bought a lottery scratchie-ticket. WOOOOHOOO...I won $25!!!hehehee..I love winning on scratchies..we never play them anymore...Oh well..I was just sharing..
Live Artfully!!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Hello!! Today has been one of those dreary days, just struggling to stay warm..The weather has been weird this year. I was watching RuPaul's Drag favorite reality show, and I painted this. I guess it's a man /woman..LOL ..

Nothing going on here. Ready for this long boring winter to be O-V-E-R!!
Live Artfully!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


The first picture is the REVISION--why don't I wait 24 hours before posting a painting, then I would not have to constantly bore you all with my revisions. They are inevitable. I always do, why not wait..LOL. The second one is just a quick painting...Both are 12 x 18 inches/ acrylics on wood.

Didn't do anything exciting today. I feel like I am in a painting slump, so I am just painting through it.
Anyway..Live Artfully!


OMG! LOOK at the little ticker tape counter thingie on the side---->. It says 1 MONTH 4 WEEKS!!!WOHOOOHOOO..that's when my wonderful daughter will graduate from nursing school!!! I am SO PROUD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GO KIM! GO KIM!!

Painted this morning for a bit. This is 12 x 18 acrylic on wood.
Live Artfully!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


WoW!! It feels weird painting, after being away from it for 3 days! This weekend went well, it was a lot of fun, made some money, got some sun, saw some friends...what else could you ask for? Yesterday, we went to lunch, and went to buy some wood. I decided to work on 12 x 18. It's a good size. Not too big, not too small.

We went to Lowe's, and they did a miserable job of cutting wood for me. So bad, that I spoke to a manager, who did nothing. So needless to say, I didn't spend my money there, left the wood, and a pile of stuff in my cart, and left. It took us 4 hours to eat lunch, and get a stack of wood. Geesh..the customer service in this area (I hope it's not ALL OVER) just plainly stinks!! But, anyway..all is good. I would have ranted like a mad person if I had posted yesterday--but really seems insignificant.

Anyway...blah, blah, blah...
Live Artfully!!

Sunday, March 7, 2010


We did Art Till Dark in Chattanooga, Tennessee yesterday. It's an all day bi-weekly show that this Folk Art Gallery called Winder Binder puts on. It was so much FUN!!! A lot of my friends from the Chattanooga Market were there, and some customers from the market came by. We were directly across from this artist, who I first met at Folk Fest this past summer. His name is R. Michael Wimmer. He's an amazing artist, and a super-nice person. His work just makes me swoon.  It's probably some of the best assemblage art that I have EVER seen. He loves my work, and to have an artist of that calliber love my work, just blows mind! But, was all good fun!! We are going back today..hence, the 4am post on

The owner of the gallery asked me again to put work in his gallery. This man is so nice. Last year, when I started selling at the market, and was still very insecure about my work, he asked me to do this large art show. I remember being like a deer caught by headlights. That feeling of oh my god..I am SO NOT READY for this...Now, a year later, many shows under my belt, and a more comfortable feeling with myself as an artist..I think I am ready to embrace all that is offered to me. I have (I think) agreed to put some of my pieces in his gallery. I hope also to be able to do the large show this year! I may have to step up to the plate, give up Facebook games, and actually paint for 8-10 hours a day...LOL..

So, yesterday..the day went on, and we had a lot of lookers...we sat there all day, and walked around..Nature Boy went on two adventures and walked for MILES..he found a real carousel in a park..which was quite fascinating! Anyway..the day went on..and no sales..THEN at 5:00, one hour before we were to pack up and go home..this woman came by and saved the day!!!  She bought my 2 largest, most expensive pieces!!!! WOOHOOOO..jump for joy..happy dancing!!! I even threw in a free 12 x 12 painting, just because she liked it too...LOL..(customers LIKE little gifts for spending their money!).

But, like I said, we are on our way back to Chattanooga. Tired, but excited for another BEAUTIFUL day!! The sun FELT like GOLD yesterday. I kept thanking God for warmth and sunshine!! hehehe.
I hope you ALL have a beautiful day!
Live Artfully!!

Thursday, March 4, 2010


I changed my blogs (all 3 of them actually) today. I think I like this better. I actually deleted about 400 post..all of 2007, anything that had to do with mixed media collages that I had done..(except journal pages), I want to forget them I got rid of them. I kept the tutorials and the FREEBIES..but, got rid of 2007. Next, I am going through 2008, and disposing of them too..LOL

I was sitting at the art table and this is what I "doodled"..The background (the colored part) was already done, and I just started painting a face on it...just kind of doodling with my paint brush as I was watching tv.. It's small..8 x 10 --acrylic on canvas.
I don't have much more to say tonight..I have hurt my calf muscle, and can't walk without, I am not in the best moods.(Of course..this proves that even pain won't keep me from Thinking of going to bed early..
Live Artfully.


16 x 20 mixed media/acrylics on canvas

The background is done with old letters, pattern tissue paper, and book pages...Then I painted on top of that. It really intense in real. I really like the way it turned out. I tried to do an antique-looking typical piece, but got bored, and went nutso on the canvas..LOL.

This weekend will be our first "set-up the tent, throw out the tables, and sell art (hopefully) event". I am participating in  "ART TILL DARK" in Chattanooga, Tennessee. It's in the parking lot of  Winder Binder Folk Art Gallery, and since I am literally biting at the bit to get out and about again...we decided to do it. I hope it's great fun!!! I love setting up and selling that way. It's so much more fun than just sending your art work off to hang on wall..(no offense to galleries)! It's suppose to be beautiful weather, and HOPEFULLY it will be warm by then. I have been frozen on this mountain for the last two days..and it's killing me!! Well...time for bed!! Live Artfully!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


16 x 20 acrylic on canvas.Available on Etsy.
Well, I suppose that I should tell you what the heck I am doing with these bird paintings. I have decided that I need to push myself to learn how to paint better. This is going to be a  longggggggg process...but, I feel like it's my next step. I won't stop painting like I normally do..because it's fun..but I have to learn, and the best way to do that is to DO. I had to do this with mixed media collage..and then with painting, then with faces, now it's going to be with an occasional realistic attempt. I guess my next thing to conquer will be (hopefully) the fine art route. I have a long way to go...don't know if I'll even make it..because this kind of painting stifles me...smothers me..and is painful. It's too ...BORING..LOL..anyway...

Live Artfully!


Here is to eliminating toxic people! Focus is everything. Goals are met by work and determination. People who still have a high school mentality need to grow up, get a clue, and realize they are acting like idiots or get GONE! We have too much to accomplish to deal with losers who resent people achieving because we don't live in a bottle and aren't afraid to work hard and take on responsibility!---Elisa Mason

My friend Elisa from early childhood on..just posted this on her Facebook page..I don't know what or who she is referring to..she's such a wonderful little firecracker of a person. She's amazing. Has shown her art in the White House, is a wonderful artist (don't know how that happened, since she didn't paint or draw when I knew her), and is now a high school art teacher...(Maybe she can teach me to paint seagulls--hehehe) Anyway--this is how I feel exactly about an online person (just ONE of you..not everyone..and you know who you are)'s funny that Elisa summed it up to question her about who she is talking about...LOL

Live Artfully!!